
Archive for “Rigsby” Tag

Your Youth Fitness Business Operating System


Youth Fitness Business Systems


By Pat Rigsby

To run a youth fitness business that functions at a very high level you need the following Business Operating System components in place:

An Overall Business Growth Plan – Most fitness businesses approach growth very arbitrarily. They randomly try to do things and don’t really have a plan. It’s very much like the difference between designing a program based on a client’s assessment and goals versus just giving them random workouts.

It might work out ok – but the odds of it doing as well as the planned approach aren’t very good.

This plan should include:
Knowing who you want to serve
How you intend to reach those people and get them to become clients
A Marketing Calendar to put this into action

Specific Business Targets – You need to have targets for the number of leads that you need each month, the closing percentage for those leads actually becoming clients, specific revenue targets and specific profit targets at minimum. There are any number of other target metrics that you can (and should) track, but those are the basics.

Trackable Lead Generation System – For you to grow a successful and sustainable business you need to have several lead generation strategies that you can consistently execute and track for effectiveness. You need to be able to know that:
You’re getting enough quality leads per month.
Where those leads are coming from.
The cost of getting those leads, both from a money perspective and a time perspective
This way you can focus on what’s working and improve or replace what is not.

Trackable Lead Conversion System – You must know how effective you are at turning prospects into clients. You should know which prospects are higher quality (convert better and stay longer) and which aren’t.

Client Value Maximization System – You can call this what you want, but you must have a systematic way to:
Retain clients
Maximize their value to your business
Provide them the most complete solution for their goals possible
Most fitness professionals do not have this System in place and leave up to half of their potential revenue on the table.

Business Operations Systems – The systems for what go on ‘behind the scenes’ in your business, from how you answer the phone or respond to emails to how you clean your facility. A business might get away without these when it’s a one person operation, but they’re critical if you have a staff or want to.

Finance Systems – You must have systems to address:
Automated billing
Taxes & Payroll (if you have staff)
Financial systems routinely either get overlooked by fitness business owners or are handled in a way that eventually costs the business a lot of revenue. Remember, it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep.

Hiring & Staff Training Systems – Almost every business owner aspires to have staff, whether it’s adding more trainers or coaches or it’s hiring someone to handle some of the administrative tasks that go into running the business.

If your going to have staff, then you need to have systems in place to hire the right people and develop them to do the job that you need done at the highest level possible.

Hopefully this gives you some more clear insight into the components of the Business Operating System you need to have in place to run your business at the highest possible level.

Obviously, there is far more to it than what I can address in an email, but these components should be present in your Youth Fitness Business. If not, you should immediately start working to build each of these systems.

They’re that important.

If you’d like to discuss how we can help you with your Business Operating System and in providing you all of those components, click on the link below and let me know. That’s exactly what Athletic Revolution was built to do:

Help great coaches build great businesses.

You can learn more about Athletic Revolution here:

Youth Fitness Business http://www.myathleticrevolution.com/more/

Also – with Athletic Revolution you can maintain your own brand while leveraging the best business systems in the industry. A true WIN/ WIN.


Becoming A Better Youth Fitness Coach


Youth Fitness Coaching Tips From Dave Jack

Youth fitness Coach IYCA


By Pat Rigsby


It gets tough to access the credibility of coaches in this internet age. Many people that call themselves ‘coaches’ who haven’t actually coached anyone and there are many giving fitness advice that really shouldn’t.


So who do you trust?


That’s where the IYCA is here to help.


We constantly research and make sure to listen to coaches that are in-the-trenches getting great results. We know there is a lot of noise out there on the internet, so when we actually find quality information from a top-notch coach, we like to pass that info on.


I wanted to share a video with you from one of the best youth fitness coaches I know – IYCA Expert Dave Jack.


If you’ve never seen Dave present – it’s one of the most inspiring things you’ll ever see. The best part is, he not only talks the talk, he walks the walk.


Here is the link to the video -> http://youth-fitness- specialist.com


I know it’s a bold statement, but this one presentation will make you a better youth fitness coach.


Dave’s passion is contagious and this video will help you continue your mission on changing your client’s lives.


So, forget all of the internet ‘guru’ hype out there of pseudo coaches trying to sell you the next SECRET and checkout this powerful (and free) video and discover what a real elite coach does to become an even better coach.


Get the video here –> http://youth-fitness-specialist.com


Dedicated to Your Success,


PS – If you want to raise your level of coaching, I highly recommend you check this free video out by IYCA Youth Fitness Expert Dave Jack – http://youth fitness-specialist.com

High School Certification: Available Now!


IYCA High School certification Strength & Conditioning Coach Certification


The “High School Certification is NOW AVAILBLE:


Click Here Right Now ––> https://iyca.org/highschool/


** Important Notice **


The High School Certification for Strength & Conditioning will retail for $297 starting Saturday January 29….


Enjoy a full $100 discount right now


—> Click Here for ‘$100 Off’ the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” Certification: (more…)

High School Strength Certification


IYCA High School Strength Certification


High School Strength Certification will be released tomorrow.

And today, I wanted to hit you with a few key points for your consideration…


Barrington High School

Timothy Christian

Prairie Ridge


3 of the numerous high schools I either worked at or consulted for from 2001 – 2009.


Without question the most fulfilling time of my career.


In those 8 years and with those 6,000+ high school athletes, I experienced more in the way of learning than at any other point in my 15 years inside this industry.


I learned that the situation (for multiple reasons) was never going to be ideal and that a practical system was necessary to optimally train these teenagers.



New: High School Strength Coach Certification

High School Strength Coach Certification

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Get the entire audio event I recorded with Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson and Wil Fleming:


“The High School Training Manifesto”


Everything you need to know about training high school champions!


Click Here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


  • Eric Cressey
  • Wil Fleming
  • Dr. Toby Brooks
  • Pat Rigsby
  • Brian Grasso
  • Mike Robertson


Last Chance for a Successful 2011


Today is the last day that Pat Rigsby’s blueprint for success is available.


Your last opportunity to guarantee a profitable 2011.


There are 14 days left in this calendar year.


And then, the next 365 will be yours to do with whatever you choose.


Another year lost to ‘wanting more’?


Or, a guaranteed roadmap that will show you exactly how to get what you want?


Click Here Right Now —> http://fitnessprofitformula.com/



Your Success Blueprint for 2011


Pat Rigsby is an icon.


I don’t use that term lightly and no part of me is creating hype.


Since becoming a part owner in the IYCA, our organization has blown up worldwide and created opportunities for Fitness Professionals that most had never dreamed possible.


Athletic Revolution (another ‘baby’ co-founded by Pat and myself) has 20 locations throughout the United States (already) and is poised to become the largest and most influential franchise of training centers this industry has ever seen.


And these are just two of his incredible success stories.


So when I mentioned the idea of using a ‘Proven Formula’ to get exactly what you want in 2011 yesterday, Pat Rigsby is the kind of guy I was STRONGLY suggesting you listen to.



Athletic Revolution


Athletic Revolution is absolutely exploding nationwide.


A 100% done-for-you Youth Fitness & Sport Training facility or program that is just waiting for you…


… Waiting for you to join the AR Family and share in the joy of owning a business of your own that has proven effective, successful and fulfilling.


Every week, I adore the time I spend chatting with new and soon-to-be-new franchisees – their excitement, passion and care is positively contagious!


As a means of making the decision to become an AR Family Member and business owner even easier for you, Pat Rigsby and I have decided to put together an incredibly special offer (that expires December 31 of this year… That’s only 25 days or so from right now).



Youth Fitness Business Insider [audio]


youth fitness business

I start this 60-minute audio interview with the business genius Pat Rigsby by saying:


“You’re not going to get this information out of any books and you won’t hear this any other place”


This is one of the key elements to how Pat and myself have both built successful Youth Fitness business and Sport Training businesses.



Pro Athletes & Youth Conditioning


Here are your updates to www.IYCAMembers.com for the week of August 30, 2010





Our newest IYCAMembers.com Columnist is the incredible, Sue Falsone.


Sue is the Head Physical Therapist for Athletes Performance, a Speaker on the Perform Better Tour and the PT for Major League Baseball’s, Los Angeles Dodgers.


Quite the pedigree!


In this interview, Sue explains the role of Youth Athlete Development Training and its impact she sees everyday with elite, professional athletes.


Quality training at the youth level is necessary… And Sue is going to tell you why:
youth conditioning



Youth Fitness: Inventory


Youth Fitness: Find out how to get ahead of the competition


youth fitness

Okay, the inventory is set and ready to move!


And here’s what I’ve got for you:


1) Closed-Door: How to Create Profitable & Effective Speed Camps


On the Sunday of the 2009 IYCA International Summit, I did a 4-hour closed-door presentation along with Pat Rigsby:


:: How to Teach Deceleration & Acceleration (6-Step Sequence)


:: How to Prepare Athletes for Speed Combine Camps


:: How to Create Programs that Are Effective in 1, 2 or 7 Day Speed Camps


:: How to Write & Send Press Releases So You Get in the Paper & on TV


:: How to Create Free Community Events that Lead to BIG BUCKS


This seminar was wildly successful and became an international smash hit.  Not just because of what I taught about effective Speed & Agility Training, but because I revealed my own formula for creating weekend Speed Camps that routinely generated as much as $10,000!!


—> Click Here Right Now for 83% Savings



IYCA: Thank You and A Gift From Me

IYCA Provides…

by Wil Fleming – www.beforcefit.com


It is the week of Thanksgiving and I wanted to share with you why I am thankful for the IYCA.


Certainly I am thankful for the knowledge I gain from attending live events and the continuing education certification courses but that only touches the surface.  The IYCA gives away, literally gives away, so much valuable information. All of it for free.   The IYCA treats its members like family.  I am thankful for being a part of an organization that wants me to be able to do what I love better than any other professional around.


As members of the IYCA we are all passionate about the training of our youth.  Some are passionate about reducing the prevalence of obesity in our youth, others want to help athletes succeed to their highest levels.  Wherever you fall on this spectrum there is one thing that will determine your success.


Your ability to reach as many young people as possible. 



Want To Attend The 2010 IYCA Summit For Free?


IYCA Summit


I decided to give away two free tickets to the 2010 IYCA Summit


All I need you to do is tell me why you want the free admission.


Just a brief sentence or two that illustrates your passion, speaks to your own altruistic intentions and reveals why the IYCA means something to you.


On Thursday November 19 at 7:00pm (EST) I’m hosting a Teleseminar with Pat Rigsby where we’re going to discuss youth training and answer all your Summit-related questions.


During that Teleseminar, I’m going to announce who gets to come to our 2010 Summit for free… You better be there! You can register for the Teleseminar here


—-> http://www.instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=9990318


Let me know what why want to come to our Summit & be on the call on Thursday, November 23 at 7pm EST to find out if you’ve won these free tickets to the IYCA summit.


– Brian


IYCA Summit – FAQ’s

>IYCA Summit

Whether you were at last year’s

or not, you’re bound to have some questions about our 2010 event.

     Why should you attend?

      Will you obtain CEU’s?

      Why is it less expensive than last year?

      Will you become certified through the IYCA for attend?

I’ve got all your answers here!

1) Why should I attend the IYCA International Summit in 2010?

Honestly, I could spend all day answering this one.

Let me list some bullet points for you –

The Speakers & Education:

  •       Carlo Alvarez is a former Major League Baseball Coach and considered
          the very best high school Strength Coach in the country.

  •      David Jack received a standing ovation at last year’s IYCA Summit because his
          seminar on ‘Mentoring Young Athletes’ was so cutting and innovative.
  •       Nick Berry has created multiple businesses in the fitness industry and
          developed systems to see them ALL become profitable and revenue-rich.
  •       Pat Rigsby is considered the finest and most knowledgeable marketing
          guru in the fitness industry today.
  •       Dr. Kwame Brown has created a pre-adolescent fitness program called
          ‘FUNction’ which is currently the most on-demand and successful
          fitness initiative in the entire country.

Think any of these experts can help with your training and business
issues or questions?

Think you could learn some stuff from them that will make you a better
Coach and more money literally overnight?


3 Keys to Successful Speed Camps




Speed Camps Revenue

Before I get into the 3 Keys to successful speed camps, I wanted to tell you that after much deliberation we’ve decided to give you access the online version of the closed door Workshop that Pat Rigsby and I did on running Profitable Speed Camps & Clinics when you order the Youth Speed Specialist Certification before tomorrow at 3pm.


This was previously only available to people who attended the webinar this past Monday, but we’ve decided that this information is too powerful to exclude those that couldn’t attend the webinar.


So you can grab the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification *and* online access to the Running Profitable Speed Camps & Clinics Workshop here:


—-> www.YouthSpeedSpecialist.com


In the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification, Lee Taft and I give you a lot  more than just information on training athletes to be faster.


We also reveal our complete system for running successful and profitable Speed Camps.


Something we have both had tremendous success with over the years.


So, here are our Top 3 Keys that will help you understand how to make  your Speed Camps the most on-demand program in your area:



Coaching Young Athletes Too Much or Not Enough?



Coaching Young Athletes

I have long contended that too much coaching when it comes to working
with very young athletes is far worse than not enough instruction.


Give them ideas of what it is you want.


Offer more instruction if they need it.


And then let them play.


Allow them to figure it out.


This process builds Athletic Intelligence and gives very young athletes the
ability to warehouse knowledge through a trial and error sort of way.


Do you agree?


Disagree and want to explain why?


Please watch this two minute video during which I explain how to correctly be
Coaching Young Athletes the process of deceleration.


Give it a watch and leave your comments below. I really want to know your
thoughts on the matter.



At this past February’s International Summit, I, along with ten of the most
well-known and gifted Youth Fitness Specialists in the world, offered information
about training, nutrition and business during a 3-day event that has been called
"One of the Best Fitness Events Ever"


::Dr. Kwame Brown – The Art of Play
:: Pat Rigsby – Marketing for a Youth Fitness Business
:: Nick Berry – Business Systems for Youth Fitness
:: Carlo Alvarez – Creating Championship High School Programs
:: Dr. Chris Mohr – Nutrition for the Young Athlete
:: Lee Taft – Speed & Agility Training


Click Here Now to witness this landmark event for yourself


Youth Speed Training in New Jersey



Youth Speed Training and Business


So I’m just back from a wonderful weekend in New Jersey at the Fast Track
to Fitness Millions conference.


The conference was hosted by my two favorite guys – Pat Rigsby and Nick


The speaking line-up was an unbelievable ‘whose who’ of fitness industry
Coaches and Business Leaders –


BJ Gaddour
Zach Even Esh
Mike Boyle
Chris McCombs
Jim Labadie
Jason C Brown
Pamela Macelree


But in my opinion, the show was stolen by a man who has absolutely changed
everything about the way speed and agility is taught and trained.


My very good friend, Lee Taft.


As usual, Lee lit up the crowd with his no-nonsense, easy-to-understand and
cutting edge youth speed training system.



IYCA Summit: My Own Personal Top 2




** If you’ve already registered to attend the IYCA International Summit in
February than I need you to leave a comment on this blog. Read below
to find out why **



Of course I’m going to the IYCA International Summit in February.


But let me tell you something…


… Even if I wasn’t the Founder of this organization, I’d STILL be going.


And here’s why:


Reason #1


Two words: Pat Rigsby.


This guy is for real.


At the beginning of the year, Pat came on board as a partner in the IYCA.


And this company hasn’t been the same ever since.


Prior to knowing Pat, I enjoyed an extremely successful career.


By anyone’s standards.


:: 2 published books

:: 50+ published articles

:: 20+ international speaking engagements

:: 10,000+ trained young athletes

:: Curriculum Director – Men’s Health Fit Schools

:: Appeared in Newsweek, the New York Times and ABC News


I was and continue to be, considered the best Youth Fitness Specialist in
the world.


But in just 8 months, here’s what Pat’s direction has done for the IYCA –


:: Our Membership has increased by more than 600%

:: Our gross revenue has increased by more than 300%

:: We have added three new levels to the IYCA certification process

:: We have established www.IYCAMembers.com

:: We have written and released the Youth Obesity Solution program


Now, in addition to these ‘tangible’ items, Pat has also single-handedly
created a new and fully integrated management system into our company
that has lead to an unbelievable increase in the efficiency and productivity
of our organization.


His impact on this company is almost entirely beyond words.


I have had tremendous success.


Lots of it.


And if Pat Rigsby managed to do all this for me, just imagine what kind
of impact he’s capable of having on your business.



Reason # 2


I’ll keep this one brief, but hope that the message resonates with you
in a very big way.


It’s nearly impossible to leave a legacy by yourself.


It’s virtually unheard of to make a real, lasting change in the world
on your own.


But never doubt that a GROUP of dedicated people can alter the
course of history forever.




Because that’s all that ever has.


The IYCA is not like other fitness organization.


We are an international family of passionate professionals dedicated to the
task of reforming the youth fitness and sport training industry.


Being part of something so majestic has been the single greatest experience
of my life.


And I absolutely promise and guarantee that when I step on stage in
February at the International Summit, I will be moved to tears.


To see the faces of the people who have opted to become part of
my extended family and co-agents for change will be an overwhelmingly
emotional experience.


Why would you want to miss that?


Why would you ever consider not becoming a key member and critical
cog in the most important fitness-related movement this industry has
ever seen?


We all want to leave a legacy.


We all want to be part of something special.


We all want to be an important member of a world transforming movement.


And this is your chance.


Are you already registered to attend my International Summit?


If so, I need to hear from you. (If not, click here)


Leave a comment on this blog and tell me EXACTLY why you opted
to come.


I want to thank you for being part of this IYCA event.


And I really need to know why you decided to join us in February.


Leave your comment below….



Youth Training Business Message From Tampa




Youth Training Education Is a Must



So here I am in Tampa, Florida.


A special guest of Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry for their
Ultimate Business Solutions master mind meeting.


The weather’s nice and I’m certainly happy not to be in
my winter-filled home of Chicago right now.


But the past couple of days have been a lot more than a
nice break from the cold weather.


In fact, it’s been as big an eye opening experience as I’ve
had in a long time.


And here’s why…


I’ve listened to fellow fitness professionals discussing
their youth training businesses, roadblocks they’re facing and ideas
they’ve implemented that have become widely successful.


I’ve contributed my thoughts and opinions as well as offered
any advice I could based on my 13 year track record of success
in this industry.


But the true ‘hidden gem’ of the past couple of days have
been in noticing the people in the room.


Jason Brown


David Whitley


Donovan Owens


Jim Labadie



Do any of those names sound familiar to you?


Jason Brown is the KING of martial arts conditioning.


David Whitley just got back from Tokyo as a guest
lecturer on kettlebell training.


Donovan Owens is the #1 Trainer in Austin, Texas and
just recently was offered a regular column in the largest
newspaper in that area.


Jim Labadie, a one-time Personal Trainer, is now recognized
as the best and most successful ‘business coach’ in the industry
and is on demand literally all over the world.


So how does that translate into an ‘eye opening’ experience?




The best of the BEST are here.




Getting better.


Pushing themselves to be even more successful.


And this is something I talk about all the time.


The best are the best because they are constantly learning.


The best get better because they never stop wanting more.


So let me cut to the chase on this…


My new ‘Secrets of Program Design’ CEU course is
what you need.


It is the best and most convenient means by which to become
better, learn more and enhance your youth training success.


It’s a never-before-seen look inside my brain.


How I construct youth training programs.


How I get results regardless of the situation.


How I coach and program for teams and individual athletes.


How I became the most successful Youth Fitness Specialist
in the world.


And isn’t learning from and patterning success the best and
most efficient way of becoming successful yourself?


I’m sitting in a conference room at the Intercontinental Hotel
in Tampa right now listening to David Whitley talk about how
he makes more than $5,000 A DAY as a guest speaker.


And here he is.




Investing in his career.


Because he knows that’s what it takes to be successful.


When are you going to realize that?


Here’s your exclusive link to the youth training ‘Secrets of Program Design’ course –







From Tampa….






What Are You Missing?

"I can’t get over how much you offer your Members"


That’s what Robert Belley said to me yesterday.


Robert was one of 300 paid attendees who came to the
Ryan Lee Boot Camp this past weekend in Stamford.


He was also one of 35 IYCA Members who came to my 3 hour
seminar as a special ‘complimentary’ closed door session
I offered exclusively to IYCA Members.


Other organizations charge you upwards of $600 for their


The IYCA Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist is priced at
barely over $200.


Other organizations charge you more than $200 a year just
to renew your membership.


We offer a full 4-week complimentary trail to our Gold
Membership (www.IYCAMembers.com) for all new IYCA


Other organizations charge an arm and leg for CEU courses
that they require you to obtain in order to stay in good


We offer low cost and free CEU courses that are both
in-depth and practical in their application so that our


Members stay on the cutting-edge without having to fork
over a half months paycheck.


Most of all…


… We offer you access.


I have successfully coached more young athletes than
anyone on the planet.


Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry have created more successful
businesses than anyone else in our industry.


And we don’t hide ourselves from IYCA Members or put up
any sort of ‘velvet rope’ that keeps us ‘exclusive’ from


We actually CREATE live events so that our Members can
sit with us for hours – free of charge – and ask us
anything they want pertaining to training, business
development or marketing.


"I can’t get over how much you offer your Members"


Robert was right.


We offer more in the way of practical education and
business success than any other certification organization
in existence today.


And we’re proud of that.


It’s a tireless effort and labor of love.


But we believe that the success of our Members is WHY we
are in business.


The ‘youth’ market is the fastest growing and most lucrative
in the entire fitness industry.


We know that to be true.


But providing you with ‘credentials’ that may or may not
help you find success in that market is not even close to
where we stop our efforts.


Showing you the path and guaranteeing your success is our
primary objective.


Become an IYCA certified professional today and see how
serious we are about that goal.


Here’s your exclusive link –




On Wednesday October 15, myself Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry
will be available to answer all your questions once again.
Club Industry is having their annual conference at the
McCormick Center in downtown Chicago…


… And all IYCA Members are invited to come out for free
to chat with us and ask any questions they want about
the Youth Fitness Specialist cert, training or business success.


Here’s that link one more time and I hope to see you
in Chicago –


www.IYCA.org/fitspecialist1 Youth Fitness Specialist



‘Till next time,
