
Archive for “Columnist” Tag

Deliver Your Best Youth Training Session Ever

Youth Athletic Development: Deliver Your Best Youth Training Session Ever

In this video, IYCA expert Dave Gleason reminds us to meet our young athletes where they are to develop a physical culture and encourage youth athletic development.

Find out how Dave facilitated one of his best youth training sessions ever.



Pro Athletes & Youth Conditioning


Here are your updates to www.IYCAMembers.com for the week of August 30, 2010





Our newest IYCAMembers.com Columnist is the incredible, Sue Falsone.


Sue is the Head Physical Therapist for Athletes Performance, a Speaker on the Perform Better Tour and the PT for Major League Baseball’s, Los Angeles Dodgers.


Quite the pedigree!


In this interview, Sue explains the role of Youth Athlete Development Training and its impact she sees everyday with elite, professional athletes.


Quality training at the youth level is necessary… And Sue is going to tell you why:
youth conditioning



Youth Fitness: The Missing Ingredient

[wpfblike] Missing Ingredient in Youth Fitness

youth fitness

From IYCA Columnist and internationally-acclaimed Coach, Wil Fleming:


“If you truly want your athletes to succeed, the IYCA nutrition certification is an absolute must! The IYCA Nutrition Certification is just one more thing in a long line that the IYCA has produced to help those in the youth fitness industry become more complete professionals. The information contained in the certification is practical, and easy to implement to give your athletes the best tools to succeed.


“Dr. Chris Mohr presents the information in an easy to understand and straightforward manner, it does not need to be ‘dumbed down’ upon delivering it to your athletes, it is ready to go right then.”
