
Archive for “School Champions” Tag

New: High School Strength Coach Certification

High School Strength Coach Certification

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Get the entire audio event I recorded with Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson and Wil Fleming:


“The High School Training Manifesto”


Everything you need to know about training high school champions!


Click Here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/


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  • Eric Cressey
  • Wil Fleming
  • Dr. Toby Brooks
  • Pat Rigsby
  • Brian Grasso
  • Mike Robertson


Youth Fitness: Inventory


Youth Fitness: Find out how to get ahead of the competition


youth fitness

Okay, the inventory is set and ready to move!


And here’s what I’ve got for you:


1) Closed-Door: How to Create Profitable & Effective Speed Camps


On the Sunday of the 2009 IYCA International Summit, I did a 4-hour closed-door presentation along with Pat Rigsby:


:: How to Teach Deceleration & Acceleration (6-Step Sequence)


:: How to Prepare Athletes for Speed Combine Camps


:: How to Create Programs that Are Effective in 1, 2 or 7 Day Speed Camps


:: How to Write & Send Press Releases So You Get in the Paper & on TV


:: How to Create Free Community Events that Lead to BIG BUCKS


This seminar was wildly successful and became an international smash hit.  Not just because of what I taught about effective Speed & Agility Training, but because I revealed my own formula for creating weekend Speed Camps that routinely generated as much as $10,000!!


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