
Archive for “Programming Speed” Tag

High School Strength Certification


IYCA High School Strength Certification


High School Strength Certification will be released tomorrow.

And today, I wanted to hit you with a few key points for your consideration…


Barrington High School

Timothy Christian

Prairie Ridge


3 of the numerous high schools I either worked at or consulted for from 2001 – 2009.


Without question the most fulfilling time of my career.


In those 8 years and with those 6,000+ high school athletes, I experienced more in the way of learning than at any other point in my 15 years inside this industry.


I learned that the situation (for multiple reasons) was never going to be ideal and that a practical system was necessary to optimally train these teenagers.



Speed Training That Works



Speed Training with young athletes



The DVD’s from my first annual International Summit will be released
in just a few short days.


The amount of information you will receive on strength training, programming,
speed training and agility development AS WELL as guaranteed business strategies
that work will absolutely stagger you…


… Stay tuned!


– Brian

You’re Destroying Young Athletes

Young Athletes Programming

One of my favorite things to do is chat with the ‘big name’ trainers in our industry about programming, speed training, strength development or flexibility for young athletes.


Sometimes, in the middle of a casual conversation about nothing at all related to conditioning, I will switch gears in an instant and turn the discussion to something related to training.


And that’s just what I did with superstar trainer, Alwyn Cosgrove this past weekend.


Alwyn and I are good friends, so it’s not really unusual for us to be chatting about sports or family late in the afternoon on Saturday.


“Ya, baseball doesn’t really do it for me – after all, I’m  Scottish!” Alwyn was telling me.


“Uh huh” I replied, not really listening… I was planning my big move.


“It’s kinda like Cricket I guess, except for a smaller field, smaller bat, different throwing motion, different scoring system… actually, it’s not really like Cricket at all is it?” Alwyn continued on.


“I guess not,” I countered… about ready to evoke my patented conversation-switching technique.


“Ya, and besides, Cricket games can go on for like 4,000 years or something like that.  Rugby, now there’s a game. I remember…” Alwyn stopped mid-sentence – I had finally sprung into action.


“What’s the biggest mistake trainers are making with young athletes in this industry, Al?” I finally asked.
