
Archive for “Video Fitness” Tag

Blueprint to Building Your Ideal Youth Fitness Business Video


Youth Fitness Business Building Success


Do you wake up each day excited to go to work?


I’m sure you are passionate about helping your clients or athletes achieve their goals but are you doing EXACTLY what you want to be doing?


Well, if your answer isn’t an enthusiastic YES, then I have something special for you.


IYCA Expert Dave Gleason did a presentation where he shares the exact plan he used to dump an unfulfilling career as an In Home Trainer to open his dream facility and build an ultra-successful business serving the hottest market in the industry: Youth Fitness & Sports Performance.




In this Free Video you will discover the secrets to never having to work with another single client you don’t love again while building the business or career of your dreams!


I wish most fitness pros would enjoy what they do half as much as Dave enjoys what he does… and in this video he’s going to share exactly how he turned his passion into a thriving youth fitness business.


Remember why you got into this industry and start loving your career again. Here is a blueprint to how Dave made that happen for him and how you can do it too.


Turn your fitness passion into profits starting with this video ->




Dedicated to Your Success,




P.S. – Check out Dave Gleason’s youth fitness business presentation where he shares his story on how he went from an In Home Trainer who didn’t really enjoy what he was doing to building one of the top youth fitness businesstraining facilities in the U.S. while loving every minute of it.





Becoming A Better Youth Fitness Coach


Youth Fitness Coaching Tips From Dave Jack

Youth fitness Coach IYCA


By Pat Rigsby


It gets tough to access the credibility of coaches in this internet age. Many people that call themselves ‘coaches’ who haven’t actually coached anyone and there are many giving fitness advice that really shouldn’t.


So who do you trust?


That’s where the IYCA is here to help.


We constantly research and make sure to listen to coaches that are in-the-trenches getting great results. We know there is a lot of noise out there on the internet, so when we actually find quality information from a top-notch coach, we like to pass that info on.


I wanted to share a video with you from one of the best youth fitness coaches I know – IYCA Expert Dave Jack.


If you’ve never seen Dave present – it’s one of the most inspiring things you’ll ever see. The best part is, he not only talks the talk, he walks the walk.


Here is the link to the video -> http://youth-fitness- specialist.com


I know it’s a bold statement, but this one presentation will make you a better youth fitness coach.


Dave’s passion is contagious and this video will help you continue your mission on changing your client’s lives.


So, forget all of the internet ‘guru’ hype out there of pseudo coaches trying to sell you the next SECRET and checkout this powerful (and free) video and discover what a real elite coach does to become an even better coach.


Get the video here –> http://youth-fitness-specialist.com


Dedicated to Your Success,


PS – If you want to raise your level of coaching, I highly recommend you check this free video out by IYCA Youth Fitness Expert Dave Jack – http://youth fitness-specialist.com

Youth Fitness Equipment – Video

Youth Fitness Tools

What do you REALLY need to train young athletes properly?


What if I gave you an exact template to spend no more than $50, but with that small investment, could stock your entire Youth Fitness & Sport Training business with exactly what you needed to both:


Get started now…


And, be fully equipped to ‘do it right’?


Think I’m crazy?


Then watch this short video:


