
Archive for “Level 1” Tag

Your Missing Strategy for Young Athlete Success


One word for you and your young athlete:




Are you communicating properly with your young athlete?


If you aren’t, will it impact the potential success for the young athlete?


Watch this:



The Art of Coaching is One of the Biggest Aspects of the IYCA ‘Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1’ Certification…


Click Here to See What I Mean —> https://iyca.org/products/yfs1



Youth Fitness Matrix



The Youth Fitness and Sport Training market has officially exploded.


Trainers, Coaches, Facilities and Health Clubs worldwide have all jumped at this new opportunity to provide quality service to the demographic most in need.


And the market has responded.


More than 1 million kids and teenagers hired a Personal Trainer last year in the United States alone and as much as $4 billion are spent every year in this country on training and coaching for kids.


But as with any new marketplace, the professionals who can claim ‘Specialist’ status will eventually become the go-to-experts for consumers at large.



Teaching Olympic Lifts – Video


Olympic Lifts Coaching


The Olympic Lifts are a great tool to use when developing young athletes…


… And Coach Wil Fleming is one of the best at teaching them properly.


Watch this:




Youth Fitness Specialist: How Do I Train Junior Golfers?

Youth Fitness Specialist

Good Afternoon Brian,


I am a PGA golf professional and do a lot of teaching, including junior clinics. I am looking to include physical fitness into my junior golf program and get away from having the kids just hitting golf balls for the hour lesson. What information do you have to offer that might specifically address what programs to design for different age groups and child development stages in general?


I look forward to hearing from you



Joe, PGA



Children’s Health & Lucky Charms – Is This Good or Bad?




Children’s Health

Children’s Health, a new magazine as part of the "Men’s Health" brand,
will be released soon.


I’m interested.






A new and improved trend or more of the same fluff?


It’s very easy to throw stones.


In fact, one of the biggest lessons my Dad ever taught me was about
that particular issue.


"It’s easier to throw a brick at a house than it is to build one yourself"


Dad’s words have always been a staple in my professional life.


So, without opinion, criticism or negative talk, I offer you this one


It appeared in an article about the impending Children’s Healthrelease.


"… 15 pages of advertisements in the first 112-page issue. Seven
of those came from General Mills, selling children’s cereals like Lucky
Charms, with 11 grams of sugar per serving…"


So, what say you?


Respond from the gut.


Yes…. Of course I have my thoughts on the matter.


But I truly want to hear what you think.


Click below and tell me…


Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1 Certification Course
Click Here to See to Hear What Our Graduates Have To Say

Coaching Kids: My Memories – Part 4




Coaching Kids part 4

Hotel hallways are all I had.


26 figure skaters.


No equipment.


No facility.


I had to learn quickly how to create effective training programs
that kept National Team athletes fit and injury free while we toured
throughout Europe.


Now, you may be conjuring up the image of a group of supreme,
specimen-like athletes when you hear the words "National Team".


Well, let me assure you, in most sports, "National Team" athletes
are great at what they do to be sure, but are not always as gifted
athletically as you may think and certainly are just regular people
in every aspect of the word.


Much of the touring I did through Europe and North
America was spent on the team bus helping 14, 15 and 16 year
old "National Team" athletes with their grade 11 math homework!


Having said that, most nights I found myself in small hotels in
places like Sweden, Italy or the Czech Republic with 26 young
athletes to train and not so much as a dumbbell in site.


I learned to get creative quick.


Use what I had.


Most importantly, configure the athletes in a way that allowed me
to be coaching kids and council each and every one of them as individuals.


It’s called the "Block Strategy" and I outline it in a detailed manner
within the Youth Fitness Specialist certification – Level 1.


I guess at the time I didn’t know how powerful this method was,
but I certainly have come to realize it over the past few years.


Young athletes like Jodi Martin, who is now Dr. Jodi Martin, have
visited me or composed letters explaining just how much I meant
to them as a Coach.


How much I inspired.


How much I created self-belief.


How much I instilled a strong work ethic.


Now, I’m not telling you that to sound impressive.


I’m hoping to relay to you just how much influence you have and
will continue to have on your young athletes throughout their life.


They’ll always remember you.


Good or Bad… they’ll never forget you as their Coach.


So I guess this memory of mine is related to how much I’ve come
to realize just how many memories I’ve created for the thousands
of young athletes I’ve worked with over the years.


Kinda humbling.


The Youth Fitness Specialist certification will go a long way in
showing you all the tricks and specific features I used over the
years to ensure that I was reaching all of my young athletes
and guaranteeing that their memories would be good ones.


If that’s not a reason to check it out, I don’t know what
would be.


Here’s your exclusive link –





‘Til next time,




The Growth & Pride of the IYCA



"I would suggest that one of the greatest decisions that I have made in my life was to take the IYCA Youth Fitness Certification course that you offer"


– Bob Acton


Become a IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1 today and join the movement!



Youth Speed Certification – Only 50 Spots Available






Youth Speed Certification

Details first –


:: Saturday July 18, "Speed & Agility Certification – Level 1" taught by Lee Taft
and myself


:: Sunday July 19, "Youth Nutrition Certification" taught by Dr. Chris Mohr


:: A free 3-hour informal ‘master mind’ with me on Sunday morning


I really don’t think there is much else to say.


The link to register and secure your spot is below.


The emails, phone calls and Face Book messages have been coming in by
the droves.


Your colleagues and competitors want this information and are excited to
obtain these youth speed certification credentials.


And you should be, too.


I can’t wait to see you in July!!


Act quickly and decisively…


… Success waits for no one.


Here’s your exclusive link to the youth speed certification





– Brian



Youth Speed & Youth Nutrition Certification Information




Youth Speed Certification

Okay, the questions have been flooding in and the hype around
the industry is absolutely huge.


People want to know!


So here’s your inside track information for the Speed & Agility Specialit certification event-


Location: Prairie Stone Sports & Wellness Center, Hoffman Estates Illinois


Dates: Saturday July 18 and Sunday July 19


Times: 1 – 5pm (CST) both days


Seats Available: 50


Instructors: Lee Taft & Brian Grasso


Credentials: Speed & Agility Specialist – Level 1


Recommended Hotel: Marriott Chicago Northwest


Special Bonuses & Surprises: This is more than a one-liner….


On Saturday July 18, Lee and myself will be teaching you our brand-new
4-hour Speed & Agility Specialist Certification – Level 1.


That you already knew.


But here are the special bonuses and surprises….


What I haven’t told you yet is that you will actually be receiving TWO certifications
during our exclusive weekend.


On Sunday July 19, Dr. Chris Mohr will be offering you the newest IYCA credential –


Youth Nutrition Specialist


Two certifications, one price!



Youth Speed Training Exposed




Youth Speed Training Mistakes

Everyone claims to be an ‘expert’ don’t they?


It’s the one title that I truly can’t stand.


And I say that because there are very few real experts in the industry of
fitness and sports training.


Gray Cook comes to mind as one of them.


So to does Alwyn Cosgrove, Al Vermeil and Carlo Alvarez.


Experts all.


Easy to spot on expert, too. They’re the ones who have a major track record
of success when it comes to training athletes, but are also ALWAYS on the
lookout for stuff they don’t know.


Lifelong learners.


That to me is what defines an ‘expert’.


The greatest expert I know in terms of youth speed training and agility training is a man that
I am 100% sure you know.


Lee Taft.



This is Why He’s Successful In Youth Training

Aaron Larmore gets youth training.


That’s why he’s experiencing the success he is.


:: Current IYCA Member of the Week


:: Owner of the amazing, massive and successful ‘Fit 2 Live’ gym in Iowa


:: Profiled in the Iowa City newspapers virtually every week


:: Has a WAITING LIST for his summer sports youth training program



Did I mention that Aaron is only 26 years old?


Pretty impressive, isn’t it?


I suppose you could argue that some people just have ‘it’, you know.


Success is something they are.


Whatever they touch just works.


Well, at the risk of sounding mean, that isn’t at all true for Aaron.


Yes, he is a very capable Coach.


Yes, he’s smart and intuitive with his business.


Yes, he is an incredibly hard working man.


But do you know why Aaron has experienced such amazing success?


Because he never, EVER stops learning or spending money on information.



Youth Fitness Industry Pride…




Youth Fitness Industry

So tomorrow I’m off to Providence Rhode Island.


For three years now, I’ve been honored to have a place on the
esteemed ‘Speakers Panel’ for Perform Better.


In my mind, one of the preeminent organizations in our youth fitness industry,
it has been a sincere pleasure to share the stage with such
industry icons as Juan Carlos Santana, Mike Boyle, Gray Cook,
Alwyn Cosgrove and Al Vermeil.


But something is very different about this years Perform Better


I’m still speaking at all the events.


Rhode Island this month.


Chicago next.


Long Beach in July.


But this year, I’m traveling to each of those locations one day
early in order to present a private Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist
certification to attendees.


Perform Better decided a few months ago that the IYCA and its
message to the youth fitness industry, is worth that much.



IYCA Specialist: Is Your OB-GYN Also A Dentist?




IYCA is about creating specialists

There are a lot of reasons someone may feel proud of themselves.


But I’m not going to bother listing them all right now.


I want to cut right to the chase.


I did it.


You did it.


We did it together.


We’re making ‘them’ stand up and take notice.


We’re forcing them to respond to us and what we have to say.


We didn’t ask for their input, but we forced them into taking action.


The fitness world is about to embark on something very interesting.


The ‘youth fitness’ craze is about to take over and organizations are
going to start having a ‘mission statement’ and ‘solutions’ approach
to the matter.




It’s about time.


,h3>But there’s two things you have to remember about the IYCA –


1) Youth is our ONLY concern. We’re not a buffet. We don’t offer all
things to all people. You wouldn’t go to the OB-GYN if they also
happened to be a Dentist. Specializing means you know that topics
better than anybody else and can provide the correct kind of information
to actually get things done.


2) We’re you-centered and Member-driven. Family first. We care about
your successes and achievements more than anyone else. If you don’t
feel that, odds are you’re not paying attention.


Case in point….



Youth Fitness Specialist From The IYCA




Become a Youth Fitness Specialist


A 3-tiered Youth Fitness Specialist system that is guaranteed to boost your career
forever and completely recession-proof your business.




Here’s your direct link-


Become a Youth Fitness Specialist Today


We are facing some very difficult and scary economic times.


But your career doesn’t have to be effected at all if you plan wisely.


The youth market of the industry continues to surge with record-breaking
revenues being seen throughout the world.


I want you to quickly read IYCA Member, David Gleason’s story –


"From a pure financial perspective the IYCA has been an incredible catalyst
for my career. Supporting a wife and two kids with a single income (me)
these days is not an easy task no matter what the industry. With the economic
environment such as it is, my personal training business has taken a
substantial hit even though I work with in a fairly affluent area. With the
knowledge and insight I have gained from the YFS Level 1 certification,
IYCA continuing ed, and the IYCA members website – my business is
growing at a mind boggling pace.


To be completely transparent… I lost 9 sessions per week at $80 per
session. Simply, $2880 per month. Before I even had time to hit the
panic button I found out I passed my Level 1 exam and started my first
class for 6-9 year olds. I quickly surpassed that mark with just two
classes per week and I am now being requested for other age groups
and by organizations like the local PTO, Education Foundation, and
even pre-schools as well as moms and dads I have never met"



This is the kind of "beat the economy" story I see all the time
throughout Membership in the IYCA.



Youth Obesity Solution: A Success BluePrint For You




Do You want to be part of the Youth Obesity Solution?

"I’ve grabbed my copy of Youth Obesity Solution and I hope
everyone on your list does too. No Fitness Professional bent
on improving the health of their community can ignore the dire
plight of the children around them."


I received that email from King Hoover roughly 10 minutes after
sending out my announcement about releasing Youth Obesity Solution yesterday morning.


10 minutes.


He read my newsletter, made the purchase and wrote me that email.


In 10 minutes.


Now, let me paint a picture here for you.


King Hoover attended the first ever Level 1 certification seminar
that I hosted in Chicago this past February.


He has gone on to become Level 2 certified through the IYCA.


He owns my Complete Athlete Development system.


He will be purchasing my ‘Secrets of Program Design’ course next


Now here’s what you may by thinking –


"Of course Brian’s going to talk about this guy. He’s bought every
single product Brian has ever produced"


Fair point.


But you want to know the real reason I’m talking to you about
King Hoover?


Because he has the kind of successful career that virtually every
single Fitness Professional on the planet wants.


A lucrative private training business.


His own radio show.


Investors that believe in him and fund his projects.


He’s a local celebrity in Texas.


He’s ‘made it’ in every way imaginable.


Dare I say…


… He’s got the career you want.


So that’s why I bring him up.


For a guy whose success speaks for itself, he was THE FIRST person
to get their hands on the Youth Obesity Solution program


The very first.


I can tell you this without one shred of indecision, too –


King Hoover will be standing beside me when I change the world of
youth fitness forever.


In fact, we’ll be changing it together.


Because, like me, he knows that a successful career and the ability
to change the world is based on one thing and one thing only…


… Taking action.


Have a look at the Youth Obesity Solution website and tell me sincerely that
the world doesn’t need your help.


After that, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself why you’re
not taking the action necessary to both build the kind of career you’ve
always wanted and change the course of humanity in the meantime.


Here’s your exclusive link –






World Changers and Success-Minded Professionals only please…






What Are You Missing?

"I can’t get over how much you offer your Members"


That’s what Robert Belley said to me yesterday.


Robert was one of 300 paid attendees who came to the
Ryan Lee Boot Camp this past weekend in Stamford.


He was also one of 35 IYCA Members who came to my 3 hour
seminar as a special ‘complimentary’ closed door session
I offered exclusively to IYCA Members.


Other organizations charge you upwards of $600 for their


The IYCA Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist is priced at
barely over $200.


Other organizations charge you more than $200 a year just
to renew your membership.


We offer a full 4-week complimentary trail to our Gold
Membership (www.IYCAMembers.com) for all new IYCA


Other organizations charge an arm and leg for CEU courses
that they require you to obtain in order to stay in good


We offer low cost and free CEU courses that are both
in-depth and practical in their application so that our


Members stay on the cutting-edge without having to fork
over a half months paycheck.


Most of all…


… We offer you access.


I have successfully coached more young athletes than
anyone on the planet.


Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry have created more successful
businesses than anyone else in our industry.


And we don’t hide ourselves from IYCA Members or put up
any sort of ‘velvet rope’ that keeps us ‘exclusive’ from


We actually CREATE live events so that our Members can
sit with us for hours – free of charge – and ask us
anything they want pertaining to training, business
development or marketing.


"I can’t get over how much you offer your Members"


Robert was right.


We offer more in the way of practical education and
business success than any other certification organization
in existence today.


And we’re proud of that.


It’s a tireless effort and labor of love.


But we believe that the success of our Members is WHY we
are in business.


The ‘youth’ market is the fastest growing and most lucrative
in the entire fitness industry.


We know that to be true.


But providing you with ‘credentials’ that may or may not
help you find success in that market is not even close to
where we stop our efforts.


Showing you the path and guaranteeing your success is our
primary objective.


Become an IYCA certified professional today and see how
serious we are about that goal.


Here’s your exclusive link –




On Wednesday October 15, myself Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry
will be available to answer all your questions once again.
Club Industry is having their annual conference at the
McCormick Center in downtown Chicago…


… And all IYCA Members are invited to come out for free
to chat with us and ask any questions they want about
the Youth Fitness Specialist cert, training or business success.


Here’s that link one more time and I hope to see you
in Chicago –


www.IYCA.org/fitspecialist1 Youth Fitness Specialist



‘Till next time,


Youth Fitness: Are You Making a Huge Mistake?




Youth Fitness Industry Is Booming

Sometimes the signs all lead in the same direction –
Does that make sense?


The Youth Fitness and Sport Training niche is the fastest
growing in our entire industry.


Entrepreneur Magazine has cited this specific demographic
to be one of the most lucrative and expanding markets in the


From private practice and franchising to government agencies
and consulting, the opportunities within this niche are
absolutely endless.


Very few professionals actually specialize in the area of
Youth Fitness or Sport Training making your ability to
become a local or worldwide leader all-but guaranteed.


That takes care of the whole ‘supply and demand’ equation
related to business success.


But there are ‘X Factors’.


Other realities that make taking the ‘Level 1 – Youth
Specialist’ certification more than worthwhile
for you.


Any educational pursuit you take should have cross-over.


Even if the course is ‘niche-specific’, it should still
carry with it valuable information that you can use in
all facets of your business and career.


Check out this email I received earlier today from a
newly certified Youth Fitness Specialist –


"I loved your course. My whole training staff has gone
through the program and I can say unequivocally that
this is the best training tool we have EVER used – and
we don’t even focus on youth"


They don’t even focus on youth.


And still say it was the best course they ever experienced.


How many other certification courses offer that kind
of educational cross-over?


‘Coordination Development’ and the functionality of
training balance, kinesthetic differentiation and
movement adequacy has application with kids, young athletes,
senior citizens and everyone in between.


Our ‘Coaching and Communication’ material is absolutely
indispensible for understanding how to best inspire and
teach clients of any age or ability.


Our ‘Programming’ portion shows you how to create
progressive training routines that cycle through intensity
and loading parameters guaranteed to keep your clients
ascending without concern of over-training or burnout.


Who isn’t that applicable to?


And as you found out yesterday, the Level 1 course
is soon to be re-priced in order to betterreflect the high
quality of information it provides.


And your reasons for not thinking the youth fitness course worthwhile
are starting to seriously dwindle.


Here’s your exclusive link –




‘Till next time,



The Youth Fitness Certification Revolution Has Started…




Youth fitness certification Breakthrough.


This is your chance to revive your career.


Re-focus your life’s mission.


Gain full access to the largest market surge this industry has
seen in decades.


Become part of an international mission and worthwhile cause.


I am officially offering you my brand new ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness certification
Specialist’ today.


And giving you the distinct opportunity of becoming part of
something very special.


That statement is truly at the core of my thoughts today.


"Being part of something special"


As Trainers and Coaches, we are used to the basic realities of
life in our industry.


College Degree




Long Hours


Unstable Financial Future


Day Off or Vacation = No Income


And while we all gain degrees of satisfaction when helping
clients succeed, we tend to be a little empty inside.


How do we take our careers to the next level?


How do we positively impact the lives of more people without
having to work even more hours?


How do we really become the ‘go to’ expert we’ve always wanted
to be?


Countless resources have shown two things about the world of
fitness and sport training:


1. It is consistently considered one of the most expanding
industry’s on the planet


2. It has one of the highest attrition rates in any industry


Don’t those seem like contradictory terms?


They are.


But that’s because most people don’t understand how to read
between the lines.


Yes… This is a $100 billion a year market in the United
States alone.


So opportunity really is everywhere.


But how do you go about creating a career in such a vast
marketplace when trading your time for an hourly rate is about
all you are positioned to do?


You charge $60 an hour.


And if you’re lucky, you have a daily client load that looks
something like this:

5:00 – 6:00am = Client 1

6:00 – 7:00am = Client 2

7:00 – 8:00am = Client 3

12:00 – 1:00pm = Client 4

3:00 – 4:00pm = Client 5

5:00 – 6:00pm = Client 6

6:00 – 7:00pm = Client 7


7 clients a day at $60 per session isn’t bad, right?


That’s roughly $100,000 a year.


Now here’s the thing…


… Do you really make $100,000 a year?


I don’t know many Trainers who do.


And even if you do, that’s based on:


:: A 14 hour day

:: No days off

:: No vacations


How do you live a healthy and full life outside of your work


When do you have time to learn more?


When do you have time to create a business plan that allows you
to gain leverage and take control of your schedule?


When do you have time to create a marketing platform on which to
become that ‘go to’ expert you know you can be?


The reality is you can’t.


Now, I say all that to illustrate a point.


Smart professionals in every field know how to look objectively
at the industry within which they work and consider the future.


Where the market is going.


And when you take the time to assess that information, you can
take advantage of a market shift at the beginning of its change.


Those smart and fortunate few become ‘The First’.


And with anything else in life, being ‘The First’ comes with a
staggering list of benefits and opportunities.


This is YOUR opportunity.


It is no secret and I have made no bones about the fact that the
Youth Fitness and Youth Sports Training niches are THE next big
thing in this industry.


:: More than $4 billion are spent annually in the U.S. alone

:: ‘Opportunity-oriented industry’ according to Entrepreneur

:: Over 1 million youths hired a Trainer last year alone


Through the IYCA, I have opened the door to this market surge
for you.


A new ‘Gold Standard’ of credentials that is already branded.


Free 1-month access to a wealth of business information
guaranteed to enhance the success of your career.


An international network and family of professionals working
towards a common goal.


An organization who has high profile partners and endorsers the
world over.


This is your opportunity to become ‘part’ of something special.


But you need to be one of the ‘First 500’ to do it.


Somewhere around 1 million fitness professionals worldwide will
be exposed to this opportunity this month.


But only 500 will be allowed access.


At 501, I close the doors.


Below is the link I want you to click on.


And even if you don’t want to read the website, do me one favor.


Watch the short videos and listen to the audio I’ve placed there
just for you.


These are real fitness professionals just like you.


They also worked long hours and lived the very difficult life of
a fitness professional.


Watch and listen to what they say on our youth fitness certification.


Hear the passion in their voices.


Understand what becoming part of my mission has done for their
careers and their lives.


And then decide if you want to be part of my exclusive
‘First 500’.


Here’s that link –


Become Part of the Revolution – Click Here Now


One more thing…


Read this quote from Donovan Owens, a recent new member of the


* * * * * * *

"The content contained within the IYCA certification materials
provides the most technical, practical and applicable
education that I have EVER experienced. The IYCA is REAL PEOPLE
taking EXTRAORDINARY actions to change the face of youth fitness certification
and sport training around the world. I couldn’t be more
honored to be involved in spreading that vision"

* * * * * * *


Here’s your link one more time –


Click Here Immediately and Become Part of the ‘youth fitness certification’



It’s time to take action.

