
Your Success Blueprint for 2011


Pat Rigsby is an icon.


I don’t use that term lightly and no part of me is creating hype.


Since becoming a part owner in the IYCA, our organization has blown up worldwide and created opportunities for Fitness Professionals that most had never dreamed possible.


Athletic Revolution (another ‘baby’ co-founded by Pat and myself) has 20 locations throughout the United States (already) and is poised to become the largest and most influential franchise of training centers this industry has ever seen.


And these are just two of his incredible success stories.


So when I mentioned the idea of using a ‘Proven Formula’ to get exactly what you want in 2011 yesterday, Pat Rigsby is the kind of guy I was STRONGLY suggesting you listen to.


He has a system.


A proven formula.


A guaranteed blueprint.


All you have to do is follow along and execute what he says.


I can tell you firsthand what Pat Rigsby is capable of with respect to ‘getting what he wants’.


That’s why, if you’re serious about making 2011 YOUR YEAR, you’d be best served to click below and see what he has to say:


Your 2011 Proven Formula for Success —> http://fitnessprofitformula.com/


17 days left until 2011 is upon you…


… Don’t wait until it gets here to decide to do something…






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