
Archive for “Blueprint” Tag

Blueprint to Building Your Ideal Youth Fitness Business Video


Youth Fitness Business Building Success


Do you wake up each day excited to go to work?


I’m sure you are passionate about helping your clients or athletes achieve their goals but are you doing EXACTLY what you want to be doing?


Well, if your answer isn’t an enthusiastic YES, then I have something special for you.


IYCA Expert Dave Gleason did a presentation where he shares the exact plan he used to dump an unfulfilling career as an In Home Trainer to open his dream facility and build an ultra-successful business serving the hottest market in the industry: Youth Fitness & Sports Performance.




In this Free Video you will discover the secrets to never having to work with another single client you don’t love again while building the business or career of your dreams!


I wish most fitness pros would enjoy what they do half as much as Dave enjoys what he does… and in this video he’s going to share exactly how he turned his passion into a thriving youth fitness business.


Remember why you got into this industry and start loving your career again. Here is a blueprint to how Dave made that happen for him and how you can do it too.


Turn your fitness passion into profits starting with this video ->




Dedicated to Your Success,




P.S. – Check out Dave Gleason’s youth fitness business presentation where he shares his story on how he went from an In Home Trainer who didn’t really enjoy what he was doing to building one of the top youth fitness businesstraining facilities in the U.S. while loving every minute of it.





Three Quick Ways To Become a Better Coach


Become a Better Coach

Become a better coach with young athletes


By Wil Fleming


In the network of coaches that I have met, the most passionate always are other coaches at AR. Every one of the coaches that I have met wants to do the best they can FOR their athletes. As a franchise this sets AR apart from any other that I have ever witnessed (outside of maybe Fitness Revolution!).


The franchisee at the local Starbucks isn’t trying to become better at brewing coffee, the local owner of Chipotle isn’t trying to build a better burrito, but each and everyday the owners of AR’s are trying to be better at developing young athletes.


It is a pretty cool thought when you get down to it.


In light of this, and of a conversation that I had with one of my coaches recently I wanted to talk about my 3 ways to INSTANTLY become a better coach. We can all dive into more continuing education products, and attend live events, but those things take time and it is all about being a better coach today than you were yesterday!


    1. Attend your athletes’ sporting events


We typically see our athletes in the bubble that is our AR, we even evaluate them through the lens of an assessment, but the ultimate assessment is how they perform on the field (or court, or track). See your athletes compete and you will be able to pick out exactly what it is that is holding them back.


In their lateral movement are they applying the principles of deceleration? Are they reacting quickly enough to the visual cues of the game played? Right there you have a blueprint for their next phase of speed training.


Do your athletes start to tire later in the match or game? How exactly is their game paced? If you didn’t already know you know now and you hae a blueprint for designing the conditioning protocols they will use in training.


Lastly, and it has been said 100’s of times, being a presence at sporting events is one of the single greatest marketing tools you have in your toolbox.


    1. Use film to breakdown lifts


This is so simple but sometimes we forget it. Our eyes can only capture so much, and with limited repetitions per training session there are so few opportunities to see your athletes in action while training.


Using film can help you spot errors when you believe that everything is going perfectly. Recently with one of my athletes I was able to spot that the athlete was lacking in complete extension of their hips while doing Olympic lifts, even though it seemed they were reaching this point while in full speed. I was able to notice this by breaking down the lift on film and correct this error for the next lift.


Taking a look at film will sharpen your ability to see things going forward and improve your ability to correlate results (missed lifts, slowing down in acceleration, etc) with particular errors.


For the best breakdown of movements I use the iSwing app available for iPhone and Android (it costs $2.99).


    1. Spend 1 day observing other coaches


This is almost immediate, but just arranging to spend 1 day while around other coaches can help you become a better coach and improve your abilities as well. I am fortunate that at AR Bloomington we have some tremendous coaches that I can turn to so that I can bounce ideas off of them, but even if you are not in this situation find someone in driving distance and go learn from them.


They don’t have to be household names or even strength coaches. Just last week I was able to observe a 2x state champion basketball coach take his team through some off-season basketball workouts. His command and presence resonated with me to be a better leader on the floor of our gym.


The desire to become a better coach is the reason that the members of the AR family are among the best in the world.

Try out these 3 quick tips and see your coaching improve overnight!




Youth Fitness: Summer Camps Success


Use as a template for the Youth Fitness Summer Camps you’re hosting this year:



News Release
For Immediate Release
Contact – YOUR NAME


NAME OF BUSINESS Hosts Summer Speed Program for Local Young Athletes Training System Consider One of the Best in the World


DATE – Young athletes in the NAME YOUR LOCATION area will receive a very special treat this summer.



Youth Soccer Training: Part 1


Youth Soccer Training Success

For Soccer Coaches and Youth Fitness Specialists:


Watch This:





Soccer Speed Training ==> http://CompleteAtheteDeveopment.com


… Actually, This Works for ALL Youth Sports not just youth soccer training:


A Step-By-Step Blueprint for Making Young Athletes Faster


==> http://CompleteAtheteDeveopment.com



The Youth Speed Training System


Youth Speed Training

How much would you pay for a blueprint youth training system that included:


  1. 5 Hours of Video Instruction
  2. 2.5 Hours of Audio Education
  3. 30+ Sample Programs

Now, how much would you pay when you found out it was created by some of the very best Youth Speed Training Coaches in the world:



Youth Speed Training Mistakes


Youth Speed Training

Youth Speed Training Expert Opinions

Coach Robert Dos Remedios is considered one of the best Strength Coaches in College sports.


And he agrees.


So does Sue Falsone.


Sue is the former Head Physical Therapist for the Los Angeles Dodgers and current Director of Physical Therapy for the vaunted ‘Athletes Performance’ facility in Arizona.


The ability of an athlete to become ‘elite’, ‘professional’ or ‘world-class’ is based almost entirely on what kind of development happened when they were young.


Coach Dos explained to me how puzzled and frustrated his is year-in and year-out to have all-state high school athletes come in as freshmen to his program…


… Only to be lacking in the BASICS of speed, agility and strength.


As far as he’s concerned the ‘Mistakes’ we make at the youth level from a Speed & Agility Training perspective are:



233 Young Athletes By Summer?


 How would you enjoy participant numbers like this for your young athletes Fitness & Sport Camps next summer? 

young athletes


I did 4 Camps last summer:


Camp 1 – 135 High School Boys

Camp 2 – 40 Middle School Boys & Girls

Camp 3 – 40 High School Female young Athletes

Camp 4 – 18 Elite College Athletes


That’s 233 athletes in total!!! In ONE (more…)

Last Chance for a Successful 2011


Today is the last day that Pat Rigsby’s blueprint for success is available.


Your last opportunity to guarantee a profitable 2011.


There are 14 days left in this calendar year.


And then, the next 365 will be yours to do with whatever you choose.


Another year lost to ‘wanting more’?


Or, a guaranteed roadmap that will show you exactly how to get what you want?


Click Here Right Now —> http://fitnessprofitformula.com/



3-Part Goals for 2011



"What’s the main goal I should concentrate on in the New Year, Brian?"


A question I get routinely asked between the beginning of October and the end of December every single year.


The turning of the calendar to a blank slate and brand new 12-months is a source of enthusiasm for most people.


New goals.


New directions.


Same old dreams… But THIS year, I’ll make them happen.


Do you play that annual game yourself?


The undeniable (and unfortunate) reality is that most people do in fact create new agendas for themselves as the New Year approaches.


I say ‘unfortunate’ simply because statistics show us clearly and definably that end-of-year goals and ambitions almost always fall flat by February (somewhere in the neighborhood of 80% of New Year’s goals are vacated and forgotten by February 28th… Every year).


So when asked about what goals I think you should concentrate on as 2011 approaches, my answer is a very simple one (with a 3-part plan):



Training Young Athletes and The Ultimate Blueprint



Training Young Athletes Resource

I’ll be blunt with a message heading into your weekend:


If Complete Athlete Development is not in your library of educational resources, you are sorely missing out.

  • DVD Collection of Coaching Cues, Training Programs & Exercise Selections
  • Manual with Specifics on Speed, Agility, Coaching, Philosophy of Training
  • Audio CD’s on Nutrition and Strength Development
  • Sample Programs for Training Young Athletes 6 – 18
  • Mix & Match Training Templates
  • 100+ Exercise Photographs


Proper Technique for Youth Sports Training: How Important Is It?

How Important is Proper Technique For Youth Sports Training?

The IYCA forces you to think about your answer!


Watch this video to learn how to get the most out of your youth sports training programs and ensure that your young athletes are able to reach their full potential.



If you want to learn more about training young athletes and improving your youth sports training programs make sure you check out the IYCA’s Youth Fitness Specialist Certification.



Youth Fitness Training



IYCA: Thank You and A Gift From Me

IYCA Provides…

by Wil Fleming – www.beforcefit.com


It is the week of Thanksgiving and I wanted to share with you why I am thankful for the IYCA.


Certainly I am thankful for the knowledge I gain from attending live events and the continuing education certification courses but that only touches the surface.  The IYCA gives away, literally gives away, so much valuable information. All of it for free.   The IYCA treats its members like family.  I am thankful for being a part of an organization that wants me to be able to do what I love better than any other professional around.


As members of the IYCA we are all passionate about the training of our youth.  Some are passionate about reducing the prevalence of obesity in our youth, others want to help athletes succeed to their highest levels.  Wherever you fall on this spectrum there is one thing that will determine your success.


Your ability to reach as many young people as possible. 



3 Tips to Becoming a World-Class Athlete Development Coach

Athlete Development Coaching Tips

Read carefully.


But don’t forget…. I want to hear what you have to say.


Be sure to leave your comments…..


1) Read, Listen and Watch


Read books.


Listen to CD’s and audio’s.


Watch great athlete development Coaches do what they do best.


But here’s the key (and it’s something I very seldom hear anyone else mention)…


Don’t just learn from the stuff or professionals you agree with.


We all like to be validated and stay in a relative comfort zone in terms of our knowledge
base, but this industry is chalk full of professionals who cast negative opinions about certain
training methodologies without truly understanding them.


Spend 75% of your time on learning from resources you enjoy and agree with. 15% of
your time on resources you COMPLETELY disagree with and the remaining 10% on
resources you have never heard of and are not at all familiar with.


A well-rounded education is predicated on knowing parts of it all.



Youth Fitness Training and Business Thoughts: Day 1 Was a Success…




Youth Fitness Training lessons from Obama

Yesterday I wrote about the ‘winds of change’ as Barack
Obama took office as President of the United States.


Did you catch any of the headlines or stories about what
he did in his first day on the job?


Without going into any details, simply put, he made changes.


And whether you like his politics or not, he promised change
and on Day 1, certainly delivered.


Now, here’s what I like about that….


He sent a clear and defining message that he intends to
take action.


It would be very easy to blame the economic crisis on the
past administration.


Simple to throws his hands up and say ‘well what am I
supposed to do’ with the war in Irag.


Or easier yet to cry innocent on the obvious dislike that
occurs between political parties in this country rather than
try to build bridges and close gaps.


But instead, he’s opted to take action.


And while the history books have yet to reveal the scope
of his Presidency’s success, I can assure you that the
only people who ever become successful in this world
are the one’s who don’t point fingers, created excuses
or blame circumstances for their plight in life.


They take responsibility for it all, understand that they
are in charge of their own destiny’s and act on what
they know will serve them.


The IYCA International Summit will be a landmark event.


Cutting edge information related to youth fitness training and youth fitness business


Sure fire strategies to increased profits and career


Better yet, a comprehensive manual that we are quietly
calling the ‘Blueprint for Success Book’ – a literal step-
by-step manual for what you do the second you walk out
the door from the Youth Fitness Training Summit in order to put what you
learned into action.


In short, a weekend full of guarantees.




Why aren’t you coming?


Success only comes to those youth fitness training business owners who take action.


Period.  End of story.


Register now by clicking on the link below –








Networking and Youth Fitness Business Success




Youth Fitness Business Success

In 2005 I met Bob Piane of Vortex at a conference.


Early in 2009, Vortex will be releasing a new line of
fitness equipment for kids based on a blueprint I


In 2006, Chris Poirier of Perform Better heard me
speak at a conference.


2009 will mark my third year as a Special Guest
Presenter on the highly acclaimed Perform Better


In 2007, Geralyn Coopersmith of Equinox met me
at a conference.


In 2009, Equinox and the IYCA will be forming
on a multi-region, nationwide partnership that will
be tremendously success for both organizations.


So what’s my point?


Conferences are much bigger than just the information
you learn.


Yes, at the IYCA International Summit in February,
you will be given absolutely mind-blowing information:


:: How to Add $30,000 Profit to Your Existing Training Business

:: The Secrets of Running Profitable Speed Camps and Clinics

:: Multi-Directional Sport Agility

:: Young Athlete Nutritional Needs



But you know what, you’ll also be face-to-face with your fellow
IYCA colleagues.


You’ll also get to meet me and Pat and Nick.


Create joint venture.


Develop partnerships.


Heck… pitch ME on your ideas.


Back in 2004, I received an email from a man who was very
interested in what I had started with the IYCA and wanted to
know if I could arrange a phone call with him for a few minutes.


That man was Dr. Kwame Brown.


And as you know, he is the current Executive Director for the
IYCA, earns a regular paycheck from the company and has
become an international celebrity in the fitness world.




Have you registered for your chance to have Youth Fitness Business Success yet?


My career was literally made by attending conferences and
creating networks.


In February, you are going to given the perfect opportunity to
do just that.



Just think about all the Networking and Youth Fitness Business opportunities you’re going to be missing
by NOT being there in February…


