
10 Confidence Commandments

Confidence is such a lonely word. If you don’t have it you feel unwanted, and you are looking for ways to escape the negativity that was directly or indirectly sent your way. At the youth level this is compounded due to lack of life experiences. My Confidence Commandments will help. A lack of confidence can create big holes in the energy bucket. These holes puncture your outlook, skill-sets and competitive edge. You can’t see through the fog. Youth athletes sometimes don’t have life experiences to draw from to overcome negativity or a coach who doesn’t believe in them. Adversity is.. More »

The Power of Questions in Youth Sports

In youth sports, particularly with athletes under the age of 12, the language and questions we use as parents, coaches, and mentors hold the potential to shape not only their performance but their long-term relationship with the game. The power of questions and language in youth sports is undeniable. When we focus on the right language, we foster growth, confidence, and an intrinsic love for improvement. Conversely, asking the wrong questions can diminish their enjoyment and lead to disengagement from sports altogether. The Impact of Great Questions on Human Behavior Research on human behavior, especially in developmental psychology, shows that.. More »

Regaining HER Confidence After Setbacks

In female athletics (male too), errors, mistakes, and missteps are inevitable. For female athletes, the pressure to perform can sometimes feel overwhelming, leading to self-doubt when things don’t go as planned. However, regaining confidence after a mistake is key to future success, both in sports and in life. If you are a coach who values helping your female athletes in regaining her confidence after setbacks, this is for you! Below are some strategies that can help female athletes rebuild their confidence and turn setbacks into stepping stones. 1. Encouraging Positive Self-Talk is important for regaining confidence One of the most powerful.. More »

Coach-It’s the Little Things that Matter

Coach, we all know that, it’s the little things that matter, and that little things, eventually add up to big accomplishes, successes and wins. Many years ago, I was told that I had a “Knack” for coaching the younger athletes. Not 100% certain what was meant by that, I looked up the definition. A skill or an ability to do something easily and well. Do you have a knack for coaching? If you do, you likely value the ‘little things’. Using your senses as a compass to direct you on how to support, encourage and coach each individual athlete. We.. More »

Coaching Girls Effectively-3 Tips

Coaching girls effectively involves the willingness to create a positive, supportive environment while simultaneously understanding the needs of the individual and the different dynamics they are experiencing.  In this blog I will review 3 tips for being the coach that is the catalyst for greatness in our female athletes. Tip 1: Give Them a Say Observing 100’s of coaches (maybe 1000’s) over the last 20+ years, as well as being a female who has been coached most of my life (if not by sport coaches, business coaches and other lanes of coaching) it’s been apparent that those who create the.. More »

How To Train Athletes Who Are Never Truly Off-season Part III: Add volume with micro-dosing and movement snacks

A common question we get is How To Train Athletes Who Are Never Truly Off-season? Here is  Part III of this series. The Answer: add volume with micro-dosing and movement snacks. Karsten will dig deeper into this concept in this blog. Reference Part II and Part I of this series if you haven’t yet read them. I became familiar with micro-dosing in the 1980s. Norwegian coaches instructed their youth cross-country skiers to do dips on a school fence during recess. Later, some of the badminton players I worked with told me they saw Chinese players who practiced their defensive movements.. More »

Coaching Female Athletes-The Art & Science

Coaching female athletes is both a science and an art. It requires understanding not only the physical and tactical aspects of sport but also the unique challenges and opportunities that female athletes face. This delicate balance between technical coaching and emotional intelligence sets the foundation for successful female teams and individuals. Backed by compelling statistics and evidence, this blog will delve into what makes coaching female athletes distinctive and how coaches can optimize their approach for success. Understanding the Unique Experience of Female Athletes Female athletes often face a different set of expectations and pressures compared to their male counterparts… More »

Education Is Energizing

Education is Energizing. Do you believe it? In this blog, Coach Doug Heslip shares a bit of his story in regards to how being a student of his own craft has impacted his journey. I started out as a football and a basketball coach. I knew the X’s and O’s of each game. In my quest for knowledge, I started to take an interest in weightlifting and was curious about how to develop speed. The problem was that I had no idea where to begin my learning journey. There are so many options out there. A friend suggested that I.. More »

Youth Fitness & Performance is a Tough Business

Youth Fitness & Performance is a Tough Business.  Early in my days, an athletic trainer told me this, and it fueled my fire. Do you believe that youth fitness & performance is a tough business? There have certainly be seasons of my career where I entertained this and I am sure that if you are reading this blog you may have as well. I want to share my story, in hopes to encourage you. It’s one example, that likely represents many others’ journey in the youth fitness and performance industry. It’s tough business, but, it’s a great one. We must.. More »

Nothing Wrong with Being Strong

There is nothing wrong with being strong- Check this video from Coach Mark Violet. You can also Check out Coach Mark’s last Video Developing Muscular Speed Mark Violet Let us know in the comments what you think about the concept of “Nothing Wrong with Being Strong” Use the CODE: MVIOLET15 to get 15% off your entire cart at iyca.org/store. About our Author: Mark Violet Certified Strength Coach & Owner of Paideuo Power Mark is a dedicated and highly skilled strength coach certified through the International Youth Conditioning Association (IYCA). As the proud owner of Paideuo Power, Mark has made it.. More »

Training Athletes Who Never Have an Off-Season-Part II

Training Athletes Who Never Have an Off-Season-Part II is a follow up to my initial post Training Athletes Who Never Have An Off-Season. In that post I emphasized that a precise type 1 goal is the crucial first step in creating an effective program for athletes who are never truly off-season. This sets the foundation for a well-informed and prepared training regime. In addition to a precise type 1 goal, four additional program design strategies help train athletes who have minimal time and energy for S&C: In the off-season, strength and conditioning prepares the athlete for sports practice. In- season,.. More »

Monitoring and Improving Speed Training in Youth Soccer

Monitoring and Improving Speed Training in Youth Soccer will serve as a guide to maximize your soccer athletes’ speed effectively. Speed training is an essential component of any comprehensive soccer training program. It improves a player’s ability to make fast moves on the field while also helping to prevent injuries. Understanding how to monitor and improve speed training can help soccer coaches and parents develop their athletes. This post will go deeper into how to analyze speed improvements, set training targets, and gradually raise the intensity and complexity of speed workouts. The Importance of Speed in Soccer Before we get.. More »

Developing Muscular Speed Mark Violet

Developing muscular Speed in Youth is so important. In this video, IYCA Ambassador & Coach shares some insight. Head on over to our youtube channel to check it out! We love hearing from you, comment below one take-a-way from this video! Sports performance is a game of adjustments, we must be educated so we can adjust when it counts! Learn more about the resources that can help you get educated at iyca.org/store Use the CODE: MVIOLET15 to get 15% off your entire cart at iyca.org/store. About our Author: Mark Violet Certified Strength Coach & Owner of Paideuo Power Mark.. More »

Enhancing In-Game Performance in Soccer Athletes

Enhancing In-Game Performance is incredibly important. In this blog we will discuss integrating speed with soccer skills and ultimately enhancing performance on the field. In the fast-paced world of soccer, speed is an important factor that can mean the difference between a good and a great player. However, speed in soccer is more than just how quickly a player can sprint. It’s about how well they can combine their speed with ball control, dribbling, and tactical awareness to improve their game performance. This article seeks to assist coaches and soccer parents with information on how to effectively combine these aspects… More »

Soccer Speed Part IV: Applying Speed Training to Soccer

Transference and Applying Speed Training to Soccer is the goal of parents, coaches and athletes alike. Speed skills must transfer and show improvement in on-field performance. My previous blogs expand on the Principles of Soccer Speed, Different Types of Soccer Speed, Developing those types of Soccer Speed and now, Applying Speed Training to Soccer. Here’s how to apply these concepts to soccer: Integrated Training Although it is vital to focus on each type of speed separately, the most effective training regimens incorporate all components of speed. For example, a drill may ask players to rush to a ball (physical speed),.. More »

Training Athletes Who Never Have An Off-Season

Have you ever wondered how to train athletes who never have an off-season? You aren’t alone, we received a great question from one of you, and we want to address it. In this blog we will dive into, Training athletes who never have an off-season For this one, we called on Periodization Expert, Karsten Jensen, to share his decades of experience working with over 27 different sports through the Olympic Levels, in a blog just for you! (And there will be more to come as he expands on the concepts he speaks about here) Here is what he had to.. More »

Dynamic Football Warm-up and Sample Workout

Join IYCA Certified Coach, Efrain as he shares his Dynamic Football Warm-up and Sample Workouts! We believe that collaboration is the key to unlocking potential, not just in ourselves but in the kids we coach! There is no single ‘right way’ but together we can find the best way to serve the kids we work with. Below is a warm-up series for middle & high school football athletes. General Physical Preparation, Flexibility & Mobility Run an easy lap around the track or field Glute bridge – Lay supine on a mat or field with heels on the ground and toes.. More »

Soccer Speed Part III: Developing Different Types of Soccer Speed

Developing different types of soccer speed is important. In my last two articles spoke about The Principles of Soccer Speed and the Types of Soccer Speed. In this article I will go deeper into how to develop the different types of soccer speed. Developing Physical Speed Improving physical speed entails a combination of strength training, plyometrics, and sprint-specific activities. Strength training, particularly for the lower body, can increase a player’s power production, resulting in faster acceleration. Plyometric workouts like box jumps and bounding can improve explosive power. Sprint-specific training, such as flying sprints and hill sprints, can boost both acceleration.. More »

Soccer Speed Part II- The Different Types of Speed

There are different types of speed when it comes to training soccer athletes. In my last article I spoke about the Principles of Soccer Speed. We know, that in the fast-paced world of soccer, speed is an important factor that may make or break a player’s success on the pitch. However, soccer speed is multi-dimensional. Soccer includes several types of speed, each of which contributes significantly to a player’s total performance. This detailed tutorial will go over the many types of speed required for soccer, how to increase them, and how to use this knowledge to improve performance on the.. More »

Ditch the Line in Youth Sports

Coach Jim tells us to Ditch the line in Youth Sports if we want our athletes to get better. If you are a youth sport coach, teaching skills… then take a listen to what he means by “Ditch the Line” Jim Kielbaso Jim Kielbaso is the President of the IYCA and Owner of Impact Sports Performance in Novi, MI. He has authored multiple books, articles and training products and has spoken at events around the world. He holds a BS in Exercise Science, an MS in Kinesiology and has gone through multiple certifications through the IYCA, NSCA, NASM and more… More »