
Archive for “Specialist Certification” Tag

Young Athletes & Nutritional Supplementation


IYCA Training Advisor, Dave Gleason, posted this incredible question on our Members Only message board a few days ago:


Gatorade is making a big push with its Series – Prime, Perform and Recover.


I have questions about –


1) Its efficacy
2) Its quality
3) Its potential as a viable alternative for the young athletes we deal with on a day to day basis.


Dr. Chris Mohr chimed in with an answer:



Professional Athletes & Youth Nutrition?


Youth Nutrition Importance

youth Nutrition


The Kansas City Chiefs.


Washington Red Skins, Kansas City Royals, Golden State Warriors, San Jose Sharks and University of Louisville… Not to mention Men’s Health, the Discovery Channel and Under Armor.


That’s a short list of the professional sports teams, institutions and multi-media organizations who think Dr. Chris Mohr is ‘top dog’ when it comes to nutrition.



And that’s precisely why I hand-picked him to create the IYCA’s “youth nutrition Specialist” certification course.



Scientifically sound nutrition strategies that when implemented will improve athletic performance


Reinforce effective nutrition teaching tools to provide children and adolescents with a solid youth nutrition foundation


The most current recommendations for nutrient intake – for macro and micro nutrients and fluids – and more importantly, how to apply these recommendations to our daily lives.


16 done for you nutrition handouts – from Power Fuel Snack Ideas to Hydration


Charts and Nutrition for Tournament Play, and many more – all to make your already busy routine a little less stressful


6 simple strategies to make informed decisions about dietary supplements


And that’s just a sample of what you get in this certification course… Not to mention you also earn a prized certification that will set you apart from virtually every other Trainer or Coach in your area (“insert your name here” – Certified Youth Nutrition Specialist).


This no-risk offer expires in a couple of days…


Click Here Now —> https://iyca.org/Nutrition/



‘Til next time,





P.S. Just to recap:


$14.95 (shipping) down


$75 per month for 4 months


Fuel Like a Champion – FREE BONUS ($34.99 value)


Return the material at any time within 365 days for a full refund


Keep the digital version of “Fuel Like a Champion”


Click Here Now —> https://iyca.org/Nutrition/



#1 Common Question From Parents of Young Athletes


Young Athletes and secrets to success

young athletes

Do you do ‘Sport-Specific’ Training”?


Well, let me give you the cold hard facts… It doesn’t exist. Especially not with young athletes.


When working with preadolescent and high school athletes, the undeniable reality is that we are tending to an organism that is in the process of growth.  And that fact is something that we cannot do anything about, nor cause disruption to the process of.


What a growing and maturing body needs in order to remain injury-free and develop optimal athletic skill is variety. With respect to training, this amounts to NOT having a hyper-focus on making a young athlete a better football player by only doing exercises in the gym that the NFL players would do.


Youth Fitness Training vs Long Term Athletic Development – Part 3

Youth Fitness Specialists

1) How do I explain that my IYCA credentials make me more qualified than other Trainers?


As the market for youth fitness and sports training continues to increase, parents and coaches will continue seeking the services of professionals in our industry.


IYCA Professionals must differentiate themselves for other local competitors for one reason:


You are, by far and away, the best qualified professional in the industry to be working with young people.


Common points I’ve used when explaining my credentials to parents and coaches, are:


(i) It’s like a post-secondary or advanced medical degree – every Trainer has basic qualifications, but my IYCA credentials are a specialty in the specific field of youth fitness or youth sports training



3 Keys to Successful Speed Camps




Speed Camps Revenue

Before I get into the 3 Keys to successful speed camps, I wanted to tell you that after much deliberation we’ve decided to give you access the online version of the closed door Workshop that Pat Rigsby and I did on running Profitable Speed Camps & Clinics when you order the Youth Speed Specialist Certification before tomorrow at 3pm.


This was previously only available to people who attended the webinar this past Monday, but we’ve decided that this information is too powerful to exclude those that couldn’t attend the webinar.


So you can grab the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification *and* online access to the Running Profitable Speed Camps & Clinics Workshop here:


—-> www.YouthSpeedSpecialist.com


In the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification, Lee Taft and I give you a lot  more than just information on training athletes to be faster.


We also reveal our complete system for running successful and profitable Speed Camps.


Something we have both had tremendous success with over the years.


So, here are our Top 3 Keys that will help you understand how to make  your Speed Camps the most on-demand program in your area:



Youth Speed Certification – Your Questions Answered




Youth Speed Certification


While thousands of people worldwide have already taken advantage of the “$100 Off” discount I’ve offered you on my new Speed & Agility Specialist Certification, hundreds more have been emailing in some specific questions about the course itself.


So, I decided it would be a good idea to get you some answers.



1.) Is the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification Right For Me?


Great question and easy answer…


If you work with young athletes or youth fitness participants in anyway, than 100% YES!!


Strength & Conditioning Coaches

Fitness Professionals

Youth Fitness Specialists

Youth Sports Coaches


The information that Lee and I put together is both easy to follow and incredibly practical.


You will gain a new and exciting look at how to make athletes faster and be able to implement our internationally proven systems virtually overnight.


We explain each and every concept of our system in complete detail in the Youth Speed Certification which makes it a perfect resource for seasoned industry veterans, new members of the fitness industry as well as sport Coaches who simply want to make their teams and athletes faster.



Fitness Programs For Kids: Top 3 Keys To Speed Training




Fitness Programs For Kids

Fitness Programs For Kids speed training for young athletes
International superstar Speed Coach Lee Taft and I agree on almost everything related to training athletes.


Together, we have found through our combined 40 years of experience that these are the 3 most important factors to a successful speed training program –



Speed Key #1 – Create a Developmental System
Training for speed has to be developmental in nature.


With younger athletes (6 – 9 years old) training for speed is a matter of allowing kids to explore various aspects of movement from a self-learning perspective.


As a Coach or Trainer, your objective is to create games and drills that provide a broad-base of multi-directional movement (i.e. forward, backwards) as well as timing-oriented skills (i.e. skipping to a specific cadence).


It is important to resist the urge to ‘over-teach’ or ‘make perfect’ the way your youngsters are performing these skills.


Young nervous systems must be given the opportunity to learn through a trial and error process, what quality movement feels like.


With athletes 10 – 18, your training efforts can become much more teaching based and focus will shift to perfection of movement habits and eventually ‘drilling’ (i.e. repetitive sets of specific skills).


Do not be fooled into thinking that young athletes and more mature athletes can learn the skills associated with speed & agility in the same way, however.


A developmental system is necessary for optimal speed & agility training.


Our new Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification contains the complete developmental process that Lee and I have used successfully for nearly 4 decades.


—> Click here for an example of that system



Coaching Kids: My Memories – Part 4




Coaching Kids part 4

Hotel hallways are all I had.


26 figure skaters.


No equipment.


No facility.


I had to learn quickly how to create effective training programs
that kept National Team athletes fit and injury free while we toured
throughout Europe.


Now, you may be conjuring up the image of a group of supreme,
specimen-like athletes when you hear the words "National Team".


Well, let me assure you, in most sports, "National Team" athletes
are great at what they do to be sure, but are not always as gifted
athletically as you may think and certainly are just regular people
in every aspect of the word.


Much of the touring I did through Europe and North
America was spent on the team bus helping 14, 15 and 16 year
old "National Team" athletes with their grade 11 math homework!


Having said that, most nights I found myself in small hotels in
places like Sweden, Italy or the Czech Republic with 26 young
athletes to train and not so much as a dumbbell in site.


I learned to get creative quick.


Use what I had.


Most importantly, configure the athletes in a way that allowed me
to be coaching kids and council each and every one of them as individuals.


It’s called the "Block Strategy" and I outline it in a detailed manner
within the Youth Fitness Specialist certification – Level 1.


I guess at the time I didn’t know how powerful this method was,
but I certainly have come to realize it over the past few years.


Young athletes like Jodi Martin, who is now Dr. Jodi Martin, have
visited me or composed letters explaining just how much I meant
to them as a Coach.


How much I inspired.


How much I created self-belief.


How much I instilled a strong work ethic.


Now, I’m not telling you that to sound impressive.


I’m hoping to relay to you just how much influence you have and
will continue to have on your young athletes throughout their life.


They’ll always remember you.


Good or Bad… they’ll never forget you as their Coach.


So I guess this memory of mine is related to how much I’ve come
to realize just how many memories I’ve created for the thousands
of young athletes I’ve worked with over the years.


Kinda humbling.


The Youth Fitness Specialist certification will go a long way in
showing you all the tricks and specific features I used over the
years to ensure that I was reaching all of my young athletes
and guaranteeing that their memories would be good ones.


If that’s not a reason to check it out, I don’t know what
would be.


Here’s your exclusive link –





‘Til next time,




Youth Speed & Youth Nutrition Certification Information




Youth Speed Certification

Okay, the questions have been flooding in and the hype around
the industry is absolutely huge.


People want to know!


So here’s your inside track information for the Speed & Agility Specialit certification event-


Location: Prairie Stone Sports & Wellness Center, Hoffman Estates Illinois


Dates: Saturday July 18 and Sunday July 19


Times: 1 – 5pm (CST) both days


Seats Available: 50


Instructors: Lee Taft & Brian Grasso


Credentials: Speed & Agility Specialist – Level 1


Recommended Hotel: Marriott Chicago Northwest


Special Bonuses & Surprises: This is more than a one-liner….


On Saturday July 18, Lee and myself will be teaching you our brand-new
4-hour Speed & Agility Specialist Certification – Level 1.


That you already knew.


But here are the special bonuses and surprises….


What I haven’t told you yet is that you will actually be receiving TWO certifications
during our exclusive weekend.


On Sunday July 19, Dr. Chris Mohr will be offering you the newest IYCA credential –


Youth Nutrition Specialist


Two certifications, one price!



Youth Fitness Industry Pride…




Youth Fitness Industry

So tomorrow I’m off to Providence Rhode Island.


For three years now, I’ve been honored to have a place on the
esteemed ‘Speakers Panel’ for Perform Better.


In my mind, one of the preeminent organizations in our youth fitness industry,
it has been a sincere pleasure to share the stage with such
industry icons as Juan Carlos Santana, Mike Boyle, Gray Cook,
Alwyn Cosgrove and Al Vermeil.


But something is very different about this years Perform Better


I’m still speaking at all the events.


Rhode Island this month.


Chicago next.


Long Beach in July.


But this year, I’m traveling to each of those locations one day
early in order to present a private Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist
certification to attendees.


Perform Better decided a few months ago that the IYCA and its
message to the youth fitness industry, is worth that much.



Youth Fitness Specialist: Seize the Day




Youth Fitness Specialist Certification with the IYCA

Dead Poets Society is one of my favorite movies of all


Have you ever seen it?


Robin Williams plays a rather eccentric English teacher
at a very conservative private school in the Northeastern
portion of the United States.


And he has a way of ‘sticking out’.


The students adore him.  He is funny, quick witted and
makes the material he is teaching literally jump alive
through passion and humor.


The faculty see him altogether differently.


He is against the norm.


Not strict enough in an iron-fisted sort of way.


They resent the bond he strikes up with his students
and lament at the fact that they don’t ‘fear’ him like
they should.


One of the most memorable moments in that movie comes
towards the beginning of the first few opening scenes.


He is addressing his class and showing them photographs
of former students of the school – many of which were
taken decades ago and the people in them long since


I remember watching with great intrigue as the scene
unfolded, knowing that there was to be a significant
lesson involved.


"Do you know what these photographs would say to you
if they could talk, boys?"


I remember this line very well. 


It was almost like I knew I was about to learn something
of great importance.


"They’d say, Carpe Diem…. Seize the Day"


Now, that Latin saying has gone on to be a very
commonly known part of English vernacular, in large
part of because of Dead Poets Society.


And it’s meaning has become a rallying cry for thousands
of business and life ‘go getters’ worldwide.


Seize the Day.


If this were your last day on earth…


If your life was perfect, it would look like…


I bring this all up to illustrate a point.


That you can have everything you want in life so long
as you commit to going after it.


But you must act.


You must take action.


You must Seize the Day.


"I don’t know if I want to spend the money to get the
IYCA Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist certification"
I hear this all the time.


But this is the fastest growing niche in the entire
fitness industry and becoming more saturated by the


To make your mark and ensure a successful career, you
need to act now…. Not consider things over and over
again and wait for some kind of ‘sign’ in order to
make your final decision .


Certainly making a decision requires a reasonable amount
of thinking and consideration, but not to a point that it
hinders your desire and need to move forward.


Many people believe that the mark of a savvy consumer
is in the deliberate and slow process they use in
deciding whether or not to make a purchase.


But that’s not savvy.


That’s indecisive.


And in the end, indecision will cost you significantly
more than making a thoughtful, yet expedited determination.


Especially when a ‘good deal’ is staring you straight in
the face.


On Tuesday, the IYCA Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist
certification is going up in price.


Period. End of story.


But today, you have an opportunity to become part of
the fastest growing fitness organization and work in the
fastest growing and most lucrative portion of the fitness


For the lowest price possible.


Last chance.


24 hours.


End of the line.


So will you Seize the Day?


Realize that the excuses you keep conjuring up are nothing
more than you delaying on creating a successful future
for yourself?


Here’s your exclusive link to secure your lowest
possible cost –






I’ve been profiled in Newsweek.


Traveled worldwide as a consultant.


Written two books that have been sold in 6 different


Become known as the ‘go to guy’ for youth fitness and
sports training.


And every morning when I wake up, I repeat the phrase
‘Carpe Diem’ for at least 5 minutes.


It reminds me that today is a gift.


That today, I have the ability and opportunity to make
something special happen.


And my accomplishments are a direct result of that.


It’s time to Seize the Day.


Opportunity doesn’t wait forever.


And In this case, it’s only going to wait 24 more hours.


Here’s that link one more time –





‘Till next time,





Youth Fitness: Are You Making a Huge Mistake?




Youth Fitness Industry Is Booming

Sometimes the signs all lead in the same direction –
Does that make sense?


The Youth Fitness and Sport Training niche is the fastest
growing in our entire industry.


Entrepreneur Magazine has cited this specific demographic
to be one of the most lucrative and expanding markets in the


From private practice and franchising to government agencies
and consulting, the opportunities within this niche are
absolutely endless.


Very few professionals actually specialize in the area of
Youth Fitness or Sport Training making your ability to
become a local or worldwide leader all-but guaranteed.


That takes care of the whole ‘supply and demand’ equation
related to business success.


But there are ‘X Factors’.


Other realities that make taking the ‘Level 1 – Youth
Specialist’ certification more than worthwhile
for you.


Any educational pursuit you take should have cross-over.


Even if the course is ‘niche-specific’, it should still
carry with it valuable information that you can use in
all facets of your business and career.


Check out this email I received earlier today from a
newly certified Youth Fitness Specialist –


"I loved your course. My whole training staff has gone
through the program and I can say unequivocally that
this is the best training tool we have EVER used – and
we don’t even focus on youth"


They don’t even focus on youth.


And still say it was the best course they ever experienced.


How many other certification courses offer that kind
of educational cross-over?


‘Coordination Development’ and the functionality of
training balance, kinesthetic differentiation and
movement adequacy has application with kids, young athletes,
senior citizens and everyone in between.


Our ‘Coaching and Communication’ material is absolutely
indispensible for understanding how to best inspire and
teach clients of any age or ability.


Our ‘Programming’ portion shows you how to create
progressive training routines that cycle through intensity
and loading parameters guaranteed to keep your clients
ascending without concern of over-training or burnout.


Who isn’t that applicable to?


And as you found out yesterday, the Level 1 course
is soon to be re-priced in order to betterreflect the high
quality of information it provides.


And your reasons for not thinking the youth fitness course worthwhile
are starting to seriously dwindle.


Here’s your exclusive link –




‘Till next time,



Youth Fitness – Q & A




Youth Fitness Certification

The response I received from yesterday’s Youth Fitness Specialist
certification release was absolutely overwhelming.


And it’s really not just a matter of ‘how many’ people got on
board with the IYCA, it’s ‘how excited’ they were to become part
of my international mission.


Fitness and Sport Training professionals from North America,
Europe, Australia, Africa and the Far East all clamored to become
part of my ‘First 500 youth fitness specialists‘.


I even did a radio show interview yesterday afternoon in which
the host said to me off-air "I can really tell that the IYCA is
‘what’s happening’ right now in the fitness industry".


How right he was!!


Having said all that, I received a number of great questions
yesterday from professionals worldwide.


Folks seem to want a bit more information about the IYCA, our
mission and the whole concept of training adults versus kids.


I decided to answer the four most common questions I received in
an email to you so that you could have the answers for yourself.


Here they are…



Q – If I have no background in training kids, will the IYCA
be a good place to start?



A – 100% YES! We have taken a lot of time and placed a lot of
care in creating our educational system so that it works for both
brand new Trainers as well as seasoned veterans.


The ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification is the
first step in a 4-step process of advanced and progressive


The Level 1 course material is taught by myself and Dr. Kwame
Brown and covers the following topics:


:: Motor Skill Development (birth through adolescents)

:: Program Design for clients and athletes 6 – 18 years

:: Group Training – programming, coaching and implementation

:: Coaching Science – how to communicate and teach any child

:: Practical Application – what exercises are best per age group


Although advanced in theory and practice, the material is taught
in an extraordinarily fun, upbeat and stimulating manner so as to
appeal to all degrees of Fitness Professionals.


Here’s what Fitness Pro Donovan Owens has to say about our
course material –


"The content contained in the IYCA course materials provides the
most technical, practical and applicable education that I have
EVER experienced with any other program"


I think that says it all!


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


Youth Fitness Specialist Information – Click Here



Q – I am already certified through another organization, why
would I want to become certified through the IYCA?



A – Great question!


Here’s the reality…


… No other certification in existence today prepares you to
work with young athletes and youth fitness participants the way
we do.


We do not offer education or certifications in ‘elite athlete
training’, ‘older adult fitness’ or ‘nutrition and weight


YOUTH is all we do… it’s what we know and where our passion is.


Would you go to a Chiropractor if you needed heart surgery?


Would you go to the Dentist for an annual physical?


If you want the best, want to be the best and want be prepared
for the largest market surge this industry has ever seen, you
simply MUST be educated and credentialed by the organization that
has already been recognized as the ‘Gold Standard’ for youths.


Check out what former Men’s Health Fitness Editor Scott Quill
has to say about the IYCA and our ‘Gold Standard’ reputation –


"The IYCA’s advice is smart and practical and their programs
are developed with a real passion for helping coaches and kids
succeed. The IYCA is changing the way we train our youth"


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


Click Here Now



Q – Why would I want to train kids instead of adults?



A – Easy… Because that’s where the market is going.


Recognizing market trends is an essential part of building and
growing a strong and prosperous career.


If you jump on board a moving train too late, bad things happen!


The youth demographic has surged into one of the largest and
most opportunity-rich niches in the entire Fitness and Sport
Training industry.


It has been recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the
fastest growing markets in the world and received attention from
mainstream media as well.


That’s why I’ve appeared in notable publications like Newsweek
and the New York Times and why the IYCA is being endorsed by
large media outlets including ESPN.


Have a look at what ESPN writer Tom Farrey has to say on the
matter –


"Brian Grasso is a voice of reason and a beacon of hope for
anyone who wants kids to develop fitness patterns for life, and
for athletes to achieve their full potential"


The youth market is by far and away the industry’s ‘next big
thing’ and by not learning how to work with kids properly, you
are cutting yourself out of a market that grosses into the
BILLIONS of revenue each year.


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


‘First 500’ – Become a Youth Fitness Specialist



Q – I would love to work with kids, but keep hearing about how
regimented training is bad for children. Is this true?



A – This is one of the silliest ‘myths’ on the planet today.


Is the regimented aspect of school bad for kids?


You could argue that kids should be left on their own and
experience education through an informal way that best suits
their needs.


And you’d be wrong if you argued that!


Working with kids in a fitness setting is positively essential.


The days when kids used to just go out and play on their own
are all but gone.


And the widespread incidence of youth obesity is proof of that.


Fitness for kids is not just ‘fitness’…




It involves teaching aspects of movement, force production and
absorption, social interaction and cooperation.


It is a science unto itself and must be infused into the lives
of young children if they have any hope of succeeding in sports
or growing up into healthy and functionally fit adults.

The IYCA motto on this issue is simple –




M = Movement must dominate

O = Open yourself up to communication variances

L = Learning styles change per child

D = Develop… Don’t train


These four key steps are at the core of what we teach you in our
‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification.


Here’s what Kelli Calebrese, international fitness authority and
Editor-in-Chief of Personal Fitness Professional magazine, says –


"I know so many Trainers who want to work with kids but don’t
really know how. Brian and the IYCA have a formula that works
and takes away all the guesswork for those professionals who
aspire to change the health and improve the performance of
today’s youth"




Those are the most common questions I received yesterday.


I hope I’ve clarified some things for you.


If you want to check out what the IYCA offers and jump on board
with our international mission, just click on the link below –


Join the Revolution – Click Here Now



‘Till next time,

