
Archive for “Summit” Tag

Youth Sports Frustration



Youth Sports and coaches

Chime in…


Be sure to add your thoughts to the comments section.


Debbie Schwarm:

I would LOVE to come to the IYCA Summit because I am a parent who cannot find an avenue to gain any traction on promoting proper coaching in our area.


I have approached coaches and subsequently left clubs, attempted to get the Positive Coaching Alliance involved in a club whose president now avoids me and any correspondance at all costs, and approached the state and national youth soccer associations about proper training for kids who refuse to openly address the issue.


I have prepared a complaint for small claims court to obtain $1200 in club fees when we left a club who supported a coach who had my then 11-year-old running a mile until he fell over and vomited having never run for training purposes in his life (and found out that he shouldn’t be at this age).


Want To Attend The 2010 IYCA Summit For Free?


IYCA Summit


I decided to give away two free tickets to the 2010 IYCA Summit


All I need you to do is tell me why you want the free admission.


Just a brief sentence or two that illustrates your passion, speaks to your own altruistic intentions and reveals why the IYCA means something to you.


On Thursday November 19 at 7:00pm (EST) I’m hosting a Teleseminar with Pat Rigsby where we’re going to discuss youth training and answer all your Summit-related questions.


During that Teleseminar, I’m going to announce who gets to come to our 2010 Summit for free… You better be there! You can register for the Teleseminar here


—-> http://www.instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=9990318


Let me know what why want to come to our Summit & be on the call on Thursday, November 23 at 7pm EST to find out if you’ve won these free tickets to the IYCA summit.


– Brian


Young Athletes: Are We Too Results Oriented?



Goals of Young Athletes

So I was in Long Beach California last week giving a talk at the Perform
Better Summit on the state of youth fitness and sports training.


I got to the portion of my presentation where I hash out the difference
between Principles and Results when it comes to fitness and the
objectives we carry for our client or young athletes success.


I have long maintained that we are far too results-focused and that, in
fact, results are quite easy to achieve when it comes to fitness-related


But they are often short-lived and extremely temporary because they
are unilaterally pursued and not anchored by the realities of principle-based


Simply put, it’s very easy to have a young person lose 10 pounds or
increase their vertical jump by 4 inches in a short-period of time, but
if we do not focus on the long-term success points and create training
routines appropriate to that, then any of the "goals" we achieve will be
gone almost as quickly as they came.


Got me thinking…


How backwards is our industry?


Consistently promising any and all who will listen that we have their


And it is an "EASY" solution that will only require a "MINIMAL" amount
of work on their part and show results in a very "SHORT" period of time.


Are we really that messed up or am I dreaming up this problem?


What say you?


Let me know below:


Kids Fitness Certification: Weekend Food for Thought




"It felt more like a family gathering than a conference"


Carlos Alvarez, one of the tremendous speakers from my Summit
two weekends ago in Louisville, wrote that on his blog just three
days after the Summit concluded.


And he’s right.


Nick, Pat, Sara and myself go out of our way to create a ‘family-
oriented’ feel about the IYCA.


It’s not self-serving.


We don’t do it because we think it’s going to get us more ‘sales’.


We do it because we think it’s necessary.


Fitness Professionals are a fragmented group.


Most fitness certification organizations offer credentials and little


They disseminate information and give you letters to put after
your last name, but don’t ever go much above or beyond that to
impact your life or improve your career.


The IYCA is going to change the world partly with our Kids Fitness Certification.


But we can’t do it without you.


You’re part of the family.



IYCA Summit Videos on Facebook

As promised in yesterday’s video message, I wanted to give you
the link so that you can see the IYCA Fan Page on FaceBook


Click Here to go to the IYCA Fan Page on FaceBook


Oh… And BE SURE to become a Fan!!


Read what attendees had to say.


Look at the photos.


And without question, watch the three short videos we’ve had posted.


It will give you a brief glimpse at how truly special this event was.


If you were there live, be sure to watch the videos anyways.


I enjoy nothing but the fondest of memories every time I take a short
break in my day to watch them.


Never forget how truly special our time was together and how
important you are as a Family Member to our international
cause and movement.


Here’s that link one more time –


Click Here to go to the IYCA Fan Page on FaceBook




‘Till next time,




Youth Fitness Certification With The IYCA Family




Youth Fitness Certification


It’s impossible for me to go back to business as usual today.


So I’m not even going to bother trying.


The IYCA Summit has left Nick, Pat, Sara and myself in a dream-like state

that has proven tough to shake.


So much energy.


So much passion.


So much drive.


The experience has reminded me of a conversation I had with a good friend

and colleague of mine back in 2003 when I first incorporated the IYCA.


“Look at what all the other youth fitness certification are doing, Brian, and do the exact



I’ll never forget that and strive every day to make sure of it.
