
Archive for “Sara” Tag

Athletic Revolution


Athletic Revolution is absolutely exploding nationwide.


A 100% done-for-you Youth Fitness & Sport Training facility or program that is just waiting for you…


… Waiting for you to join the AR Family and share in the joy of owning a business of your own that has proven effective, successful and fulfilling.


Every week, I adore the time I spend chatting with new and soon-to-be-new franchisees – their excitement, passion and care is positively contagious!


As a means of making the decision to become an AR Family Member and business owner even easier for you, Pat Rigsby and I have decided to put together an incredibly special offer (that expires December 31 of this year… That’s only 25 days or so from right now).



Kids Fitness Certification: Weekend Food for Thought




"It felt more like a family gathering than a conference"


Carlos Alvarez, one of the tremendous speakers from my Summit
two weekends ago in Louisville, wrote that on his blog just three
days after the Summit concluded.


And he’s right.


Nick, Pat, Sara and myself go out of our way to create a ‘family-
oriented’ feel about the IYCA.


It’s not self-serving.


We don’t do it because we think it’s going to get us more ‘sales’.


We do it because we think it’s necessary.


Fitness Professionals are a fragmented group.


Most fitness certification organizations offer credentials and little


They disseminate information and give you letters to put after
your last name, but don’t ever go much above or beyond that to
impact your life or improve your career.


The IYCA is going to change the world partly with our Kids Fitness Certification.


But we can’t do it without you.


You’re part of the family.



Youth Fitness Certification With The IYCA Family




Youth Fitness Certification


It’s impossible for me to go back to business as usual today.


So I’m not even going to bother trying.


The IYCA Summit has left Nick, Pat, Sara and myself in a dream-like state

that has proven tough to shake.


So much energy.


So much passion.


So much drive.


The experience has reminded me of a conversation I had with a good friend

and colleague of mine back in 2003 when I first incorporated the IYCA.


“Look at what all the other youth fitness certification are doing, Brian, and do the exact



I’ll never forget that and strive every day to make sure of it.


Youth Fitness: It’s Time to Change the World




Youth Fitness and the Obesity Battle

I’ve done this once before.


And I’ll never forget it.


It was a very cold and quiet winter night.


To be entirely honest, it was more like 2am.


I was sitting at the desk in my home office and
Sara was sitting at hers.


Sara, if you didn’t already know, was a co-founder
with me of the International Youth Conditioning


It was late, we were exhausted, but mostly…


… We were scared to death.


Together, we were editing the newly written IYCA
textbook for a final time.


13 months, 11 contributors and a whole lot of blood,
sweat and tears had gone into this cause.


And at 2am that night, we were about 4 hours away
from releasing it to the world.


A very scary proposition for a 29 year old visionary who
‘decided’ one day to create an organization whose
mission was to literally change the world.


Our last minute work that night was certainly necessary
to make for a polished product, but more to the point,
we knew we wouldn’t be able to sleep and so needed
something to keep ourselves busy.


And keep the butterflies in our stomachs at bay.


I’ve always been a visionary.


A risk taker.


See a cause, become passionate about it, create a
solution to fix it.


That’s me.


I’ve never been ‘average’ that way.


A 9 – 5 kind of guy.


Same old routine day in and day out.


I like excitement.


I like to inspire and incite.


I like to make people realize that they can make a
change in our world no matter how big the problems
seem to be.


And the IYCA, 5 years almost to the day after that
cold and quiet winter night, has already caused great
change in the world of youth fitness.


It’s amazing what time, space and perspective can do.


From being exhausted and brutally scared that night
5 years ago, to being the leader of a global movement
that is actually working.


Here’s what some people have said to me since I released
the IYCA as a ‘solution’ 5 years ago –



"I really felt compelled to write this letter about my experience
at the IYCA seminar last month. For a lack of better words,
it was life-changing. I mean this in all sincerity"

– Kris Massaro (California)


"If you are a P.E. teacher, personal trainer, or strength
coach and work with children, it is absolutely ESSENTIAL
to attend an IYCA event"

– Aaron Larmore (Iowa)


"I do believe that you will change youth fitness in America"

– Jeff O’Connor (Nebraska)


"I would suggest that one of the greatest decisions
that I have made in my life was to take the Youth Fitness
Certification course that you offer"

– Bob Acton (Canada)


"The IYCA is changing the way we train youth"

– Men’s Health Magazine



Sometimes I sit back and reflect.


And when I do, I can’t believe that I’ve created such
wonderful change in our society with respect to youth
fitness and sport training.


To be the catalyst for a global change has been the
greatest honor of my life…


… And now, I’m doing it again.


Youth Obesity may very well be the most concerning
problem facing our society.


And there is no real solution yet.


Kids are getting fatter and more lethargic.


Obesity rates are climbing.


Our youngest generation is at the crossroads of a
massive crisis and no one is doing anything that
has shown proof of actually stopping this trend.


And that’s why I’m calling you to action.


I’ve done this once before and it worked.


I don’t need you to do much – just read something.


I need you to read the information contained on the
link below and just think for a second.


Think about how rewarding it is to change the world.


How necessary it is for our children.


And how the guy whose asking you to help as successfully
done this once before.


After that, you can decide for yourself what to do with the
information you’re about to read.


Right now, I’m wondering where I’ll be in 5 years.


Wondering where you’ll be.


And wondering where the state of this youth fitness problem will be
once the world sees my ‘Final Solution’.


I’ve done this once before.


And it worked.


It’s time to change the youth fitness world again…


You in?


Here’s that link –




