
Archive for “Complete System” Tag

Speed and Agility for Athletes Coping with Growing Pains

When it comes to speed and agility for athletes, customization is key. Having a cookie-cutter program or a “one size fits all” approach can lead to frustrated athletes who see little progress—and might even get injured.


In this video, Dave Gleason, IYCA Expert and owner and head coach of Athletic Revolution Pembroke, shares a reminder to customize speed and agility for athletes who are still growing.


He talks about the potential risks of static stretching, the need to help young athletes succeed while their bodies are maturing, and the many benefits of skipping for speed and agility for athletes.



You can be your local “go-to” expert, just like Dave Gleason, by becoming IYCA Youth Speed and Agility Certified. Check out the IYCA’s at home course and the best Youth Speed and Agility certification on the market!


Speed Training for Athletes




A Rare Training Program for Young Athletes


‘Rare’ is another way of saying ‘scarcity’.




But scarcity also means a ‘shortage of supply’.


And while I can absolutely assure you that there are no shortages in the supply of ‘Complete Athlete Development’ systems available, I can also positively promise that its rareness is something you simply must consider.


There are some books on Speed & Agility Training that contain fantastic information and practical steps for you to follow.


You can find DVD’s and video products that show you how to incorporate optimal Strength Training into the conditioning programs for your athletes.


And if you search hard (and long) enough, you’ll likely come across some resources that help you understand how to build maximal Coordination and Movement Skill into your youth participants, also.


But all of that (and then some) in one complete system?


As rare and uncommon as it gets.



3 Keys to Successful Speed Camps




Speed Camps Revenue

Before I get into the 3 Keys to successful speed camps, I wanted to tell you that after much deliberation we’ve decided to give you access the online version of the closed door Workshop that Pat Rigsby and I did on running Profitable Speed Camps & Clinics when you order the Youth Speed Specialist Certification before tomorrow at 3pm.


This was previously only available to people who attended the webinar this past Monday, but we’ve decided that this information is too powerful to exclude those that couldn’t attend the webinar.


So you can grab the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification *and* online access to the Running Profitable Speed Camps & Clinics Workshop here:


—-> www.YouthSpeedSpecialist.com


In the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification, Lee Taft and I give you a lot  more than just information on training athletes to be faster.


We also reveal our complete system for running successful and profitable Speed Camps.


Something we have both had tremendous success with over the years.


So, here are our Top 3 Keys that will help you understand how to make  your Speed Camps the most on-demand program in your area:

