
Archive for “Nick Berry” Tag

Athletic Revolution


Athletic Revolution is absolutely exploding nationwide.


A 100% done-for-you Youth Fitness & Sport Training facility or program that is just waiting for you…


… Waiting for you to join the AR Family and share in the joy of owning a business of your own that has proven effective, successful and fulfilling.


Every week, I adore the time I spend chatting with new and soon-to-be-new franchisees – their excitement, passion and care is positively contagious!


As a means of making the decision to become an AR Family Member and business owner even easier for you, Pat Rigsby and I have decided to put together an incredibly special offer (that expires December 31 of this year… That’s only 25 days or so from right now).



My Top 4 Reasons For Attending the 2010 IYCA International Summit

IYCA International Summit

1) Earn Valuable CEU’s:


Just for coming to the 2-day main event, you will receive a full 12 CEU
credits from the IYCA.


That’s enough to renew whatever level certification you’re on with us.


In addition to that, we are in the process of becoming accredited through
NSCA, NASM, ISSA and more.


A world-class education PLUS critical continuing education credits that
you can apply to multiple fitness organizations.


I can’t think of a better ‘bang for your buck’ than that!!


–> Reserve Your Seat At the IYCA Summit Today!



2) Your Future in the Fitness Industry:


According to the ACSM, the Top 10 fitness trends for 2010 include two
specific demographics that the IYCA International Summit is being based



IYCA Summit – FAQ’s

>IYCA Summit

Whether you were at last year’s

or not, you’re bound to have some questions about our 2010 event.

     Why should you attend?

      Will you obtain CEU’s?

      Why is it less expensive than last year?

      Will you become certified through the IYCA for attend?

I’ve got all your answers here!

1) Why should I attend the IYCA International Summit in 2010?

Honestly, I could spend all day answering this one.

Let me list some bullet points for you –

The Speakers & Education:

  •       Carlo Alvarez is a former Major League Baseball Coach and considered
          the very best high school Strength Coach in the country.

  •      David Jack received a standing ovation at last year’s IYCA Summit because his
          seminar on ‘Mentoring Young Athletes’ was so cutting and innovative.
  •       Nick Berry has created multiple businesses in the fitness industry and
          developed systems to see them ALL become profitable and revenue-rich.
  •       Pat Rigsby is considered the finest and most knowledgeable marketing
          guru in the fitness industry today.
  •       Dr. Kwame Brown has created a pre-adolescent fitness program called
          ‘FUNction’ which is currently the most on-demand and successful
          fitness initiative in the entire country.

Think any of these experts can help with your training and business
issues or questions?

Think you could learn some stuff from them that will make you a better
Coach and more money literally overnight?


Coaching Young Athletes Too Much or Not Enough?



Coaching Young Athletes

I have long contended that too much coaching when it comes to working
with very young athletes is far worse than not enough instruction.


Give them ideas of what it is you want.


Offer more instruction if they need it.


And then let them play.


Allow them to figure it out.


This process builds Athletic Intelligence and gives very young athletes the
ability to warehouse knowledge through a trial and error sort of way.


Do you agree?


Disagree and want to explain why?


Please watch this two minute video during which I explain how to correctly be
Coaching Young Athletes the process of deceleration.


Give it a watch and leave your comments below. I really want to know your
thoughts on the matter.



At this past February’s International Summit, I, along with ten of the most
well-known and gifted Youth Fitness Specialists in the world, offered information
about training, nutrition and business during a 3-day event that has been called
"One of the Best Fitness Events Ever"


::Dr. Kwame Brown – The Art of Play
:: Pat Rigsby – Marketing for a Youth Fitness Business
:: Nick Berry – Business Systems for Youth Fitness
:: Carlo Alvarez – Creating Championship High School Programs
:: Dr. Chris Mohr – Nutrition for the Young Athlete
:: Lee Taft – Speed & Agility Training


Click Here Now to witness this landmark event for yourself


Youth Speed Training in New Jersey



Youth Speed Training and Business


So I’m just back from a wonderful weekend in New Jersey at the Fast Track
to Fitness Millions conference.


The conference was hosted by my two favorite guys – Pat Rigsby and Nick


The speaking line-up was an unbelievable ‘whose who’ of fitness industry
Coaches and Business Leaders –


BJ Gaddour
Zach Even Esh
Mike Boyle
Chris McCombs
Jim Labadie
Jason C Brown
Pamela Macelree


But in my opinion, the show was stolen by a man who has absolutely changed
everything about the way speed and agility is taught and trained.


My very good friend, Lee Taft.


As usual, Lee lit up the crowd with his no-nonsense, easy-to-understand and
cutting edge youth speed training system.



Athlete Development Business Success Tips: My Training & Business Mentors




Athlete Development Business Success

Sometimes I enjoy writing about the ‘training’ aspects of Athlete Development, youth fitness and sport development.


Other times I like writing about the ‘business’ angles.


Today, I feel inspired to talk a little bit about both.


Over the years, my philosophies and thoughts about training young athletes have changed


These changes were the result of learning a new concept or trying a new idea.


I read books.


Watched DVD’s.


Listened to speakers at live conferences.


I continue to do so even to this day.


And all of this self-directed study is what has lead me to my conclusions and guided my thoughts
regarding the developmental fitness process at the core of the IYCA Principles.


Now, many Athlete Development industry experts have had a significant hand in shaping my viewpoints –


Mike Boyle
Gray Cook
Jozeph Drabik
Mel Siff
Tony Reynolds
Bill Hartman



But no one professional has played a larger role in helping me create my training philosophies
than a man I consider to be one of the greatest Coaches alive today…


Lee Taft.


When I watched Lee’s ‘Groundbreaking’ DVD back in 2004, I was literally mesmerized by what
I saw.


I took notes feverishly.


Created drills based on his concepts.


Implemented his ideas into the training routines of my own young athletes.


And quite frankly, the results staggered me.


I have never been introduced to concepts that made more sense or were more easy to


Lee’s speed and agility work is 100% pioneering and my own personal coaching philosophies have
never been the same since.


Now from a business perspective, I can say virtually the same stuff about a man whom I consider
to be an absolute genius when it comes to systems creation –


Nick Berry.


Just like you, I always struggled with the fine points of understanding how to be
the ‘Trainer’ and ‘Business Person’ in my company.


Finding enough time to train all your clients AND run the sales, marketing, scheduling and book


And I admit, believe it or not, there was a time that I almost packed it in as a professional in this




Back in early 2003, I was struggling so badly with time management that I didn’t think I would
ever ‘get ahead’.


I remember distinctly having a conversation with Sara and explaining to her that I thought the
time was right for me to get out of the athlete development industry and move on to a more secure and predictable


Can you believe that?


And truth be told, I had difficulty with this balancing act right up until the beginning of 2008
when Nick became a full partner in the IYCA.


From Day 1, he started revamping our corporate structure and changing our working arrangements.


He put systems into place that allowed me to focus on one thing at a time and maximize me
efficiency in a given day.


Our Membership numbers increased.


Our revenue increased.


And my own personal workload DECREASED as a result of Nick’s efforts.


Lee Taft and Nick Berry.


The two guys that have changed everything about the way I train my young athletes and
run my youth athlete business.


And the best part?


They’ll both be at my International Summit in February sharing their secrets.


You likely know me as a ‘key player’ in the fitness industry.


Well known.


Highly respected.


Wildly successful.


Lee and Nick had a TON to do with that.


If I can admit that a good amount of the success I’ve experienced has come from learning from
these two fantastic professionals, just imagine what hearing what they have to say might to do
your career.


Worth a trip to Louisville this February?


Click on the link below to register now –





‘TIll next time,





Youth Training Business Message From Tampa




Youth Training Education Is a Must



So here I am in Tampa, Florida.


A special guest of Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry for their
Ultimate Business Solutions master mind meeting.


The weather’s nice and I’m certainly happy not to be in
my winter-filled home of Chicago right now.


But the past couple of days have been a lot more than a
nice break from the cold weather.


In fact, it’s been as big an eye opening experience as I’ve
had in a long time.


And here’s why…


I’ve listened to fellow fitness professionals discussing
their youth training businesses, roadblocks they’re facing and ideas
they’ve implemented that have become widely successful.


I’ve contributed my thoughts and opinions as well as offered
any advice I could based on my 13 year track record of success
in this industry.


But the true ‘hidden gem’ of the past couple of days have
been in noticing the people in the room.


Jason Brown


David Whitley


Donovan Owens


Jim Labadie



Do any of those names sound familiar to you?


Jason Brown is the KING of martial arts conditioning.


David Whitley just got back from Tokyo as a guest
lecturer on kettlebell training.


Donovan Owens is the #1 Trainer in Austin, Texas and
just recently was offered a regular column in the largest
newspaper in that area.


Jim Labadie, a one-time Personal Trainer, is now recognized
as the best and most successful ‘business coach’ in the industry
and is on demand literally all over the world.


So how does that translate into an ‘eye opening’ experience?




The best of the BEST are here.




Getting better.


Pushing themselves to be even more successful.


And this is something I talk about all the time.


The best are the best because they are constantly learning.


The best get better because they never stop wanting more.


So let me cut to the chase on this…


My new ‘Secrets of Program Design’ CEU course is
what you need.


It is the best and most convenient means by which to become
better, learn more and enhance your youth training success.


It’s a never-before-seen look inside my brain.


How I construct youth training programs.


How I get results regardless of the situation.


How I coach and program for teams and individual athletes.


How I became the most successful Youth Fitness Specialist
in the world.


And isn’t learning from and patterning success the best and
most efficient way of becoming successful yourself?


I’m sitting in a conference room at the Intercontinental Hotel
in Tampa right now listening to David Whitley talk about how
he makes more than $5,000 A DAY as a guest speaker.


And here he is.




Investing in his career.


Because he knows that’s what it takes to be successful.


When are you going to realize that?


Here’s your exclusive link to the youth training ‘Secrets of Program Design’ course –







From Tampa….






What Are You Missing?

"I can’t get over how much you offer your Members"


That’s what Robert Belley said to me yesterday.


Robert was one of 300 paid attendees who came to the
Ryan Lee Boot Camp this past weekend in Stamford.


He was also one of 35 IYCA Members who came to my 3 hour
seminar as a special ‘complimentary’ closed door session
I offered exclusively to IYCA Members.


Other organizations charge you upwards of $600 for their


The IYCA Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist is priced at
barely over $200.


Other organizations charge you more than $200 a year just
to renew your membership.


We offer a full 4-week complimentary trail to our Gold
Membership (www.IYCAMembers.com) for all new IYCA


Other organizations charge an arm and leg for CEU courses
that they require you to obtain in order to stay in good


We offer low cost and free CEU courses that are both
in-depth and practical in their application so that our


Members stay on the cutting-edge without having to fork
over a half months paycheck.


Most of all…


… We offer you access.


I have successfully coached more young athletes than
anyone on the planet.


Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry have created more successful
businesses than anyone else in our industry.


And we don’t hide ourselves from IYCA Members or put up
any sort of ‘velvet rope’ that keeps us ‘exclusive’ from


We actually CREATE live events so that our Members can
sit with us for hours – free of charge – and ask us
anything they want pertaining to training, business
development or marketing.


"I can’t get over how much you offer your Members"


Robert was right.


We offer more in the way of practical education and
business success than any other certification organization
in existence today.


And we’re proud of that.


It’s a tireless effort and labor of love.


But we believe that the success of our Members is WHY we
are in business.


The ‘youth’ market is the fastest growing and most lucrative
in the entire fitness industry.


We know that to be true.


But providing you with ‘credentials’ that may or may not
help you find success in that market is not even close to
where we stop our efforts.


Showing you the path and guaranteeing your success is our
primary objective.


Become an IYCA certified professional today and see how
serious we are about that goal.


Here’s your exclusive link –




On Wednesday October 15, myself Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry
will be available to answer all your questions once again.
Club Industry is having their annual conference at the
McCormick Center in downtown Chicago…


… And all IYCA Members are invited to come out for free
to chat with us and ask any questions they want about
the Youth Fitness Specialist cert, training or business success.


Here’s that link one more time and I hope to see you
in Chicago –


www.IYCA.org/fitspecialist1 Youth Fitness Specialist



‘Till next time,


My Life is Changing and So Can Yours Get A Youth Fitness Certification




Youth Fitness Certification From The IYCA

Big changes are happening in my personal life.


But they’re changes I’m making for a ‘business’ reason.


I’m moving to Kentucky.


Heading south just in time to avoid what promises to be
yet another nasty mid-western winter here in the U.S.


And I admit that the move is bitter-sweet for me.


I have great friends in this area.


I know the neighborhood well and enjoy the people I
encounter daily.


But for the greater good of the IYCA, I decided to take
this rather large step.


You see, my two business partners (Pat Rigsby and Nick
Berry) live near Louisville and for months now, we’ve
been talking about the idea of me heading south in order
to be closer to them.


So as much as I hate to uproot my life and leave my
friends, this decision really has been a no-brain idea.


Pat, Nick and I work very well together. 


Every time we’ve spent a few days together, the amount
of quality work that gets done is absolutely astounding
to me.


Three guys with similar work ethics, dedicating themselves
to a common goal.


It’s been a very powerful experience.


Here’s the reality.


The IYCA is growing at such a fast rate, the three
of us need to spend some extended time together.


And IYCA Members are going to be the benefactors of
this personal change I’m making in my life.


We’re working on some big things.


Some things that are guaranteed to change the face of
our industry forever.


The details are still far too cloudy to explain right
now, but rest assured, IYCA Members are a few short
months away from gaining opportunities that most fitness
professionals only ever dream of.


And me working everyday with Pat and Nick is what is
needed to take this concept we have and turn it into
a reality.


My heart is heavy for sure…


… But I couldn’t be more excited at the same time.


If you’re not part of the IYCA yet, than this is without
question something you have to consider right now.
Pat, Nick and myself are about to open up one of the
greatest opportunities you are ever going to see in this
industry’s history.


And this opportunity will only be available Ito IYCA Members.


Having said that, our Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist
certification is at the lowest price you’re ever going
to see it for.


On Tuesday September 2, we are raising the price
indefinitely and forever.


$197 gets you the best youth fitness certification educational experience you
could possibly have in this industry and opens the
door for you to take advantage of the opportunity
we are going to be unveiling in just a few months.


Kind of like the ‘Perfect Storm’ for you.


Here’s your link –




Time to take action, my friend get your youth fitness certification



‘Till next time,




Does the IYCA Really Care About Your Youth Fitness Career?

Youth fitness and sport training industry.

Here’s a short video of last night’s “Coffee, Tea and Talk”…



What happens when a fitness company really does go above and


They don’t just TALK about providing more for their members.


They don’t just PRETEND to be available.


They don’t just ACT like they care.


Last night was an example of why the IYCA is TRULY different
and more invested in our members than any other organization in
existence today.


20 Fitness Professionals from all over the mid-west converged on
a Starbucks location in northwestern Chicago.


2 drove from Ohio.


4 from Iowa.


1 from Wisconsin


The average driving time was 2.5 hours.


2.5 hours.


And why did they come?


Because they understand we care.


The entire IYCA Executive Directorship was in town for a 2-day
meeting plotting future youth fitness company developments.


And we took the opportunity of having all our collective talent
in one place to open up, invite IYCA members who were willing to
come see us and be available to answer any and all questions
related to youth fitness training young athletes or creating businesses within
the demographic.


For more than 2 hours last night, that’s exactly what we did.


I talked about creating referral networks for your businesses.


How to optimize your ‘250 lists’.


The importance of parent education.


And of course, specific aspects of training kids.


Our CFO Nick Berry explained the importance of creating systems
for your business.


How to compartmentalize your efforts for maximum gain.


For more than 2 hours, we taught, engaged ideas and offered
everything we knew about how to become successful in the youth
fitness and sport training industry.


We care more than you could possibly imagine.


On his way out, one of our members said to me something I
won’t soon forget…



“I can’t believe all the information I just heard. But more than
that, I can’t believe I didn’t have to pay for it”



Ya. We care more than you could possibly imagine.


This won’t be our last ‘Coffee, Tea and Talk’.


And I strongly suggest you try to make the next one…




IYCA Gang – How about some coffee?




IYCA Executives Want to Meet You

In the din of the post ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’
release, I’d like to extend a special invitation to you.


There is no cost on this.


No investment from your end.


And I really don’t care if you are part of the IYCA or not.


I just want to say ‘thanks’.


Thanks for reading my emails, caring about kids and being
passionate enough to want to create change in this industry.


Now, I am 100% realistic and know full well that only a few of
you will be able to take advantage of this – because it is
geographically based.


But what I truly wanted you to see was how far I am prepared to
go in order to make sure you enjoy a lofty, successful and
fulfilling career.


The education the IYCA provides is virtually unmatched.


The training, business and personal development resources,


But what separates us and truly serves as our internal compass
of excellence, is our personal attention.


We sincerely care about your success as a professional and are
entirely invested in your aspirations.


So as the awkward teenage boy says to the shy teenage girl…


"You want to go out next week?"


For the first time in a long time, the entire Executive
Staff will be getting together for some internal work on our
organizations future.


And we’d like to invite you to be part of that.


Pat Rigsby (Executive Vice President)


Nick Berry (Operations Director)


Sara Nylander (Managing Director)


And yours truly would like to invite you for a little
"Coffee, Tea and Talk" session next Thursday June 5th at 7pm.


We’ll be meeting at the very centrally located Starbucks in the
Streets of Woodfield in Schaumburg, Illinois.


Pat, Nick and Sara are among the very best business people I have
ever known.


If you have questions about your own business ventures or
operations, we’d like you to stop by and ask them.


I know a little something about the whole fitness and sport
training industry, so if you have any questions about that, ask


We’re giving back.


And even if you’re NOT an IYCA member, I’d love you to come by.


Have a little tea or coffee, ask some of the questions that have
been plaguing you, enjoy a couple of laughs…


… Not a bad Thursday night!


One more time –


Thursday June 5th
Starbucks – Streets of Woodfield (Schaumburg, Illinois)


Drop me an email to let me know if you need directions.


You can email me personally here – grasso.brian@yahoo.com


And if you are NO WHERE NEAR this area, fret not!


This isn’t the last time we’re going to be doing this.


And next time, it may be in a location near you!


We want you to succeed.


We want to provide you with more.


We want to help solve your problems.


We care about your career and your young athletes.


Hope to see you next Thursday!

