
Archive for “Excerpt From” Tag

High School Certification: Sample Chapter


High School Certification Taster

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Did you miss last night’s recording?


No worries!


The complete recording AND PDF transcript of every word that was said is yours… For no charge!


Just click here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/


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High School Certification (more…)

Pro Athletes & Youth Conditioning


Here are your updates to www.IYCAMembers.com for the week of August 30, 2010





Our newest IYCAMembers.com Columnist is the incredible, Sue Falsone.


Sue is the Head Physical Therapist for Athletes Performance, a Speaker on the Perform Better Tour and the PT for Major League Baseball’s, Los Angeles Dodgers.


Quite the pedigree!


In this interview, Sue explains the role of Youth Athlete Development Training and its impact she sees everyday with elite, professional athletes.


Quality training at the youth level is necessary… And Sue is going to tell you why:
youth conditioning



Common Mistakes in Youth Speed Training

The video above is an excerpt from the Youth Speed Training’ DVD in my Complete Athlete Development system.


Teaching quality deceleration and acceleration skills from different
angles is the most important place to start with an effective
Youth Speed Training system.


Do you have a system for Youth Speed Training?


Complete Athlete Development will be off the market very soon, but
the speed training system I outline within it will make all the difference
in the world to the success rates of your young athletes.


Heath Croll down in Virginia had this to say –



“… I realized in an instance that the techniques and progressions he
was showing were going to make my athletes the fastest and most
agile in the game…. I was right!”