
IYCA Summit – FAQ’s

>IYCA Summit

Whether you were at last year’s

or not, you’re bound to have some questions about our 2010 event.

     Why should you attend?

      Will you obtain CEU’s?

      Why is it less expensive than last year?

      Will you become certified through the IYCA for attend?

I’ve got all your answers here!

1) Why should I attend the IYCA International Summit in 2010?

Honestly, I could spend all day answering this one.

Let me list some bullet points for you –

The Speakers & Education:

  •       Carlo Alvarez is a former Major League Baseball Coach and considered
          the very best high school Strength Coach in the country.

  •      David Jack received a standing ovation at last year’s IYCA Summit because his
          seminar on ‘Mentoring Young Athletes’ was so cutting and innovative.
  •       Nick Berry has created multiple businesses in the fitness industry and
          developed systems to see them ALL become profitable and revenue-rich.
  •       Pat Rigsby is considered the finest and most knowledgeable marketing
          guru in the fitness industry today.
  •       Dr. Kwame Brown has created a pre-adolescent fitness program called
          ‘FUNction’ which is currently the most on-demand and successful
          fitness initiative in the entire country.

Think any of these experts can help with your training and business
issues or questions?

Think you could learn some stuff from them that will make you a better
Coach and more money literally overnight?

2) Will I obtain CEU’S?

We are currently in the process of having the IYCA International Summit
become accredited as a CEU provided for many well-known fitness
organizations including, NSCA, NASM and ISSA.

You will also receive a full 12 CEU credits from the IYCA.

3) Why is the 2010 Summit less expensive than the 2009 edition?

Simply because of this…

We wanted to make sure that cost was not a prohibitive factor when you
are making your decision to join us in Louisville.

Many fitness organizations ‘talk’ about providing opportunities and value
for their Members.

Few succeed.

The IYCA is different.

We value your success as much as we value our own.

If cost was why you couldn’t join us last year, than we wanted to make sure
that barrier wasn’t a problem in 2010.

We care.

Pure and simple.

4) Will I become certified through the IYCA if I attend?

In short, no.

The IYCA International Summit is not a ‘certification weekend’.

It is an uplifting and energetic conference in which we provide you with
the very best education on youth fitness and sports performance as well
as business and marketing possible.

Now, having said that, I will have an announcement later on this week for

A private, soon-to-be-released opportunity for you to OBTAIN A
CERTIFICATION while in Louisville.

More on that shortly…

Do you have other questions?

I want to hear them and I want to answer them.

Add your questions to the ‘comments’ section below and check back often.

I’ll start answering your queries as soon as you type them!

See you in Louisville!



16 Responses

  1. Donovan Owens says:

    No questions at all my man. See you there!

  2. Bobby Fields says:

    Brian, should a right handed person jump higher off of their right foot?

  3. Brian Grasso says:

    Yes… A right handed person should jump higher off there right foot. Provided the moon and sun are 1.65 miles apart from the solar eclipse of venus. It’s something we can train young athletes for. Me and Kwame just keep stuff like this our little secret because it’s our ‘edge’ as to why our young athletes are better than yours :p

  4. Bobby Fields says:

    I’m a basketball coach and I have a game that weekend. Is there another way I can get this information? Will you sell DVDs of the conference?

  5. Brian Grasso says:

    The DVD’s of the Summit will be for sale roughly 8 weeks after the event is over. Look in your email for an announcement sometime March – April of 2010. BG

  6. tammy says:

    I was told that you can’t have workshops or programs approved for CEU credit by a NOCA accredited certification organization like NSCA as long as your organization offers certifications that are not accredited by NOCA/NCCA. Is that true? What about NASM? Same thing? ISSA is not accredited by NOCA/NCCA, so it is not a problem there I don’t think. What about ACE?

  7. Brian Grasso says:

    My understanding is that applies to certifications. IYCA events are routinely accredited at conferences such as IDEA by the organizations you mentioned. Same holds true for our own events. BG.

  8. Errol Mannick says:

    Got the DVD from last years conference. Wouldn’t miss this one in person!!! Can’t wait

  9. Dwayne G says:

    How do you get the DVD from last year to catch up on that info??

  10. Dr. Kwame M. Brown says:

    BG: LOL on the sun and the moon!

  11. Brian Grasso says:

    Can’t wait to see you, Errol! Dwayne, I will make sure someone posts on this thread as to where you can get a copy of the 2009 DVD set. BGT

  12. Steve Grant says:


    I attended the 2009 IYCA International Summit and it was great. I am looking forward to 2010 Summit. Did IYCA ever look into getting CEU approval for ’09 Summit with the NSCA for CSCS CEUs? When do you anticipate hearing back from NSCA regarding CEU approval for the 2010 Summit?


  13. Marcia says:


    Are you still planning on doing the IYCA and Coffee and the 17th? I saw you scheduled a teleseminar for that evening. Just wondering.

  14. Brian Grasso says:

    Marcia – The Coffee, Tea and Talk is STILL on…. We moved the Teleseminar to Thursday the 19th. Steve – I will have Dr. Toby Brooks come on this blog and answer your question. Thanks! BG

  15. Toby Brooks says:

    We applied for and received NSCA approved provider approval last year without any issues, and we are pursuing them (ina ddition to others) again this year. We will not be pursing ACE continuing education credit, but will be seeking NATA and NASM in addition to some others potentially. Even if we do not obtain formal CEU provider status from your particular organization, it is often acceptable to submit such workshops and conferences under an “individualized option” and the like. Just keep some form of verification that you actually attended as well as a conference agenda.

  16. Brenda says:

    I have been reading all of the comments listed here, and I was just wondering if you ever did receive CEU provider status for NASM? and if so, how many CEU credits do you give.

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