
Archive for “IYCA Summit” Tag

Monitoring Part 2- Monitoring Tools That Every Coach Needs

In Part 1 of this blog I discussed why we monitor and considerations for monitoring your athletes.  Part 2 is going to deal with how we monitor at the high school level.

Monitoring can be an expensive venture, but there are also less expensive ways that can be implemented by virtually anyone at any level.

This blog will detail two practical and inexpensive ways in which, monitoring can be implemented to help you make decisions, allowing you to meet your athletes where they are at on any given day.

#1 Surveys

Having your athletes take quick daily surveys can help create awareness regarding their habits.  These surveys can be simple  and ask as few or as many questions as you would like. Keeping it simple is best. Here is an example of some of the questions to ask:

  • How many hours did you sleep?
  • Did you eat breakfast?
  • How many bottles of water did you drink?
  • How tough was practice yesterday on a 1-5 scale with 5 being the hardest?
  • How tough was your workout yesterday on a 1-5 scale with 5 being the hardest?
  • How do you feel overall 1-5 scale with 5 being the hardest?

You could make a survey through excel pretty quickly and log your information there to keep track of long term trends with your athletes. There are a couple of ways in which this can be beneficial for you.

  1. Make educated adjustments to your plan dependent upon feedback from the athlete
  2. Identify, where you feel they are at from a readiness standpoint that day.
  3. Look at long-term trends both individually and globally to make better decisions in programming for your athletes.

Individually, you may find that your athletes do not get enough sleep on Monday nights due to practice and academic obligations. Globally, you may find that the football team’s toughest day is on Tuesday every week. Knowing that your athletes average 6 hours of sleep on Monday nights and also have their toughest day on Tuesday allows you to adjust and make the best decision for your athletes that day.

It is very important that you use the data that you collect!

Pro Tip: Collecting data for the sake of collecting data is counter-productive. The adjustments you make off of the data collections is what is of real significance.

You can also up the ante and implement technology to take surveys. There are programs that exist where athletes can enter survey information into their phones, and it collects and organizes the data. This is a real time saver for busy trainers.

Here is an example of a survey:

Monitoring Part 2 Image- Fred Eaves

#2 Autoregulation (APRE-RPE Scales)

A second cost-effective way to monitor your athletes is by using an APRE/RPE scale in their strength training programming. APRE is defined by Dr. Bryan Mann as Autoregulatory Progressive Resistance Exercise.  APRE is a method that takes the daily readiness of the athlete into account through adjustment protocols that dictate working sets.  

There are two warm up sets, and then the third set is a set to failure at a prescribed rep max (RM). The results of the third set dictate the weight used on the fourth and final set.

As a coach, this can be used to help the athlete train to the highest level possible for that specific training session according to the physical state of the athlete.

We do not use strict percentages in our program but rather we use them as a guide.

Use this auto-regulation method to dictate our training loads for the day.

Pro Example:

I always use the example of the athlete who slept 3 hours the night before a hard training session that is under tremendous personal and academic stress when describing the need for this type of training. This athlete may have a prescription to hit 2 reps at 95% that day, but due to his physiological state that 95% is really more like 105% that day. This is why autoregulation can play such a key factor in the development of your athletes.

Dr. Mann from the University of Missouri has done a tremendous amount of work in this area, and has written an E-book specifically on APRE methods. 1

Mann’s Example:  

Here is what typical APRE protocol according would look like:


SET 4 ADJUSTMENTS- REFER to this chart after set 3


An RPE scale in conjunction with APRE methods is another effective manner in which to implement RPE. RPE  stand for rate of perceived exertion.  Athletes use this rating scale to rank the difficulty of a set in training.

Pro Example: Sample RPE rating scale


Pro Example:

An example would be an athlete does 155lbs. for 10 reps. When he finishes this set on set three, he rates whether or not he had one rep, two reps, or multiple reps left in the tank. Then picks an appropriate weight to finish his fourth set, using the adjustment chart below.

Here is an example of what this looks like:

SET 4 ADJUSTMENTS- REFER To This Chart after set 3

Look at long term trends when recording their numbers to make sure there is consistent progress.  Do not worry about disp as this is common due to the variable nature of the high school athlete.


Two simple and cost-effective measures in which to monitor and adjust for your athletes have been outlined.  Use these tools to tremendously impact your athletes in way that is both feasible and practical.


Are your athletes prepared to perform?

Download our free PDF and Overview video on the long term athletic development model.


About the Author: Fred Eaves

Fred Eaves, Ed.S, M.Ed, CSCS, RSCC, IYCA, USAW, USATF, BIOFORCE Conditioning Coach Certified,  2015 NSCA H.S. Strength Coach of the Year, 2013 Samson Equipment & AFM H.S. Strength Coach of The Year

  1. Mann, B. (2011). THE APRE: The scientifically proven fastest way to get strong.


Youth Training: My Top 5 (Part 3)


Youth Training Tip # 3

Another ‘no-brainer’ reason you need to hear about.


For fun, I call this our “shake the hands and kiss the babies” policy!


In truth, it’s one of the factors that separates the IYCA Summit from every other conference out there.


The Personal Touch.


Our Speakers are contracted, not just to present, but to be available all weekend long in order to answer YOUR questions.


Maybe you’ve always wanted to ask Eric Cressey something about Mobility.


Perhaps Mike Robertson has the key you’ve been looking for with respect to Youth Training (more…)

Youth Sports Frustration



Youth Sports and coaches

Chime in…


Be sure to add your thoughts to the comments section.


Debbie Schwarm:

I would LOVE to come to the IYCA Summit because I am a parent who cannot find an avenue to gain any traction on promoting proper coaching in our area.


I have approached coaches and subsequently left clubs, attempted to get the Positive Coaching Alliance involved in a club whose president now avoids me and any correspondance at all costs, and approached the state and national youth soccer associations about proper training for kids who refuse to openly address the issue.


I have prepared a complaint for small claims court to obtain $1200 in club fees when we left a club who supported a coach who had my then 11-year-old running a mile until he fell over and vomited having never run for training purposes in his life (and found out that he shouldn’t be at this age).


Want To Attend The 2010 IYCA Summit For Free?


IYCA Summit


I decided to give away two free tickets to the 2010 IYCA Summit


All I need you to do is tell me why you want the free admission.


Just a brief sentence or two that illustrates your passion, speaks to your own altruistic intentions and reveals why the IYCA means something to you.


On Thursday November 19 at 7:00pm (EST) I’m hosting a Teleseminar with Pat Rigsby where we’re going to discuss youth training and answer all your Summit-related questions.


During that Teleseminar, I’m going to announce who gets to come to our 2010 Summit for free… You better be there! You can register for the Teleseminar here


—-> http://www.instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=9990318


Let me know what why want to come to our Summit & be on the call on Thursday, November 23 at 7pm EST to find out if you’ve won these free tickets to the IYCA summit.


– Brian


My Top 4 Reasons For Attending the 2010 IYCA International Summit

IYCA International Summit

1) Earn Valuable CEU’s:


Just for coming to the 2-day main event, you will receive a full 12 CEU
credits from the IYCA.


That’s enough to renew whatever level certification you’re on with us.


In addition to that, we are in the process of becoming accredited through
NSCA, NASM, ISSA and more.


A world-class education PLUS critical continuing education credits that
you can apply to multiple fitness organizations.


I can’t think of a better ‘bang for your buck’ than that!!


–> Reserve Your Seat At the IYCA Summit Today!



2) Your Future in the Fitness Industry:


According to the ACSM, the Top 10 fitness trends for 2010 include two
specific demographics that the IYCA International Summit is being based



IYCA Summit – FAQ’s

>IYCA Summit

Whether you were at last year’s

or not, you’re bound to have some questions about our 2010 event.

     Why should you attend?

      Will you obtain CEU’s?

      Why is it less expensive than last year?

      Will you become certified through the IYCA for attend?

I’ve got all your answers here!

1) Why should I attend the IYCA International Summit in 2010?

Honestly, I could spend all day answering this one.

Let me list some bullet points for you –

The Speakers & Education:

  •       Carlo Alvarez is a former Major League Baseball Coach and considered
          the very best high school Strength Coach in the country.

  •      David Jack received a standing ovation at last year’s IYCA Summit because his
          seminar on ‘Mentoring Young Athletes’ was so cutting and innovative.
  •       Nick Berry has created multiple businesses in the fitness industry and
          developed systems to see them ALL become profitable and revenue-rich.
  •       Pat Rigsby is considered the finest and most knowledgeable marketing
          guru in the fitness industry today.
  •       Dr. Kwame Brown has created a pre-adolescent fitness program called
          ‘FUNction’ which is currently the most on-demand and successful
          fitness initiative in the entire country.

Think any of these experts can help with your training and business
issues or questions?

Think you could learn some stuff from them that will make you a better
Coach and more money literally overnight?


Claim Your Seat at the 2010 IYCA International Summit



IYCA International Summit

How can you begin to know what it feels like to attend the Super Bowl unless you’ve actually been there?


The World Cup of Soccer?


A concert or ballet that inspires you to create a bigger life for yourself and moves you beyond what words could express


Sometimes, you just have to experience it for yourself.


Yes, the IYCA International Summit will give you the very best, most cutting edge and world-class training information imaginable.


Yes, the IYCA International Summit will give you the most current, success-proven and guaranteed business information possible.


The speakers we have booked are the best in the world at what they do.


The education we’re going to offer will positively change your career.


But maybe bigger than that is the inspirational lift you will get from attending this once-a-year event.



Coaching Young Athletes Too Much or Not Enough?



Coaching Young Athletes

I have long contended that too much coaching when it comes to working
with very young athletes is far worse than not enough instruction.


Give them ideas of what it is you want.


Offer more instruction if they need it.


And then let them play.


Allow them to figure it out.


This process builds Athletic Intelligence and gives very young athletes the
ability to warehouse knowledge through a trial and error sort of way.


Do you agree?


Disagree and want to explain why?


Please watch this two minute video during which I explain how to correctly be
Coaching Young Athletes the process of deceleration.


Give it a watch and leave your comments below. I really want to know your
thoughts on the matter.



At this past February’s International Summit, I, along with ten of the most
well-known and gifted Youth Fitness Specialists in the world, offered information
about training, nutrition and business during a 3-day event that has been called
"One of the Best Fitness Events Ever"


::Dr. Kwame Brown – The Art of Play
:: Pat Rigsby – Marketing for a Youth Fitness Business
:: Nick Berry – Business Systems for Youth Fitness
:: Carlo Alvarez – Creating Championship High School Programs
:: Dr. Chris Mohr – Nutrition for the Young Athlete
:: Lee Taft – Speed & Agility Training


Click Here Now to witness this landmark event for yourself


This is Why He’s Successful In Youth Training

Aaron Larmore gets youth training.


That’s why he’s experiencing the success he is.


:: Current IYCA Member of the Week


:: Owner of the amazing, massive and successful ‘Fit 2 Live’ gym in Iowa


:: Profiled in the Iowa City newspapers virtually every week


:: Has a WAITING LIST for his summer sports youth training program



Did I mention that Aaron is only 26 years old?


Pretty impressive, isn’t it?


I suppose you could argue that some people just have ‘it’, you know.


Success is something they are.


Whatever they touch just works.


Well, at the risk of sounding mean, that isn’t at all true for Aaron.


Yes, he is a very capable Coach.


Yes, he’s smart and intuitive with his business.


Yes, he is an incredibly hard working man.


But do you know why Aaron has experienced such amazing success?


Because he never, EVER stops learning or spending money on information.



Your Extra Bonus – Youth Speed Camps That Work




Youth Speed Camps success

So you know that the first annual IYCA International Summit was an
absolute monumental success.


You’ve read the comments from our attendees and seen a few video
clips from some of the presenters.


But there’s something I haven’t told you yet.


Technically, the Summit was a 2-day event.


Groundbreaking information from some of the most incredible and
successful Coaches and business moguls in this industry spread
out over an amazing 2-days.


There was however, a third day to the Summit.


One extra day of information.


And only a handful of Summit attendees got a chance to be live and
experience this in person.


On Day 3, I gave a 3-hour presentation on two topics that are near
and dear to me…


1) The Real Secrets of Speed Training


2) How to Run Effective & Profitable Speed Camps



Speed Training That Works



Speed Training with young athletes



The DVD’s from my first annual International Summit will be released
in just a few short days.


The amount of information you will receive on strength training, programming,
speed training and agility development AS WELL as guaranteed business strategies
that work will absolutely stagger you…


… Stay tuned!


– Brian

Youth Fitness: Why Coaching Matters




Youth Fitness Coaching Counts


The DVD’s from the IYCA Youth Fitness International Summit will be made available
next week.


If you weren’t there, you missed out on an event that was considered
‘Life Changing’ by many in attendance.


Watch for my announcement in a few days and be sure to pick up
your complete copy of the First Annual IYCA International Summit.


IYCA International Summit: A Life Changing Event…




IYCA International Summit DVD’s are almost ready.


I’m about 4 or 5 days away from being able to let you get your hands
on what has been called "one of the greatest fitness events ever."


And that’s why I’m able now to show you this short video.


25 year industry vet and international fitness legend, Billy Corbit, gave
the keynote introduction at my first annual IYCA International Summit.


The passion, energy, emotion and dedication is absolutely palpable.


Watch and see exactly what I’ve been telling you about –



"I just wanted to let you know that the IYCA Summit was by far
one of the very best fitness conferences I’ve ever attended. Thank
you so much for everything you’ve done to create the IYCA and
also for presenting such a fabulous weekend of incredible speakers!
During the two days, I learned so much about youth fitness and it has
truly given me a new and very real perspective on my fitness coaching.
As others have said, the Summit truly was life-changing!"


– Doretta Reily (Summit Attendee)



IYCA International Summit DVD’s are coming soon…



The Truth About Training High School Athletes




High School Athletes



If you want to see more on high school athletes don’t worry


P.S. – The complete IYCA International Summit DVD’s are coming soon…
VERY soon. The experience was incredible, the atmospehere electric and
the information unbelievable.


Your front row ticket to all of it is coming soon.


Watch for an email announcement over the next week or so…