
Archive for “Business Systems” Tag

Your Youth Fitness Business Operating System


Youth Fitness Business Systems


By Pat Rigsby

To run a youth fitness business that functions at a very high level you need the following Business Operating System components in place:

An Overall Business Growth Plan – Most fitness businesses approach growth very arbitrarily. They randomly try to do things and don’t really have a plan. It’s very much like the difference between designing a program based on a client’s assessment and goals versus just giving them random workouts.

It might work out ok – but the odds of it doing as well as the planned approach aren’t very good.

This plan should include:
Knowing who you want to serve
How you intend to reach those people and get them to become clients
A Marketing Calendar to put this into action

Specific Business Targets – You need to have targets for the number of leads that you need each month, the closing percentage for those leads actually becoming clients, specific revenue targets and specific profit targets at minimum. There are any number of other target metrics that you can (and should) track, but those are the basics.

Trackable Lead Generation System – For you to grow a successful and sustainable business you need to have several lead generation strategies that you can consistently execute and track for effectiveness. You need to be able to know that:
You’re getting enough quality leads per month.
Where those leads are coming from.
The cost of getting those leads, both from a money perspective and a time perspective
This way you can focus on what’s working and improve or replace what is not.

Trackable Lead Conversion System – You must know how effective you are at turning prospects into clients. You should know which prospects are higher quality (convert better and stay longer) and which aren’t.

Client Value Maximization System – You can call this what you want, but you must have a systematic way to:
Retain clients
Maximize their value to your business
Provide them the most complete solution for their goals possible
Most fitness professionals do not have this System in place and leave up to half of their potential revenue on the table.

Business Operations Systems – The systems for what go on ‘behind the scenes’ in your business, from how you answer the phone or respond to emails to how you clean your facility. A business might get away without these when it’s a one person operation, but they’re critical if you have a staff or want to.

Finance Systems – You must have systems to address:
Automated billing
Taxes & Payroll (if you have staff)
Financial systems routinely either get overlooked by fitness business owners or are handled in a way that eventually costs the business a lot of revenue. Remember, it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep.

Hiring & Staff Training Systems – Almost every business owner aspires to have staff, whether it’s adding more trainers or coaches or it’s hiring someone to handle some of the administrative tasks that go into running the business.

If your going to have staff, then you need to have systems in place to hire the right people and develop them to do the job that you need done at the highest level possible.

Hopefully this gives you some more clear insight into the components of the Business Operating System you need to have in place to run your business at the highest possible level.

Obviously, there is far more to it than what I can address in an email, but these components should be present in your Youth Fitness Business. If not, you should immediately start working to build each of these systems.

They’re that important.

If you’d like to discuss how we can help you with your Business Operating System and in providing you all of those components, click on the link below and let me know. That’s exactly what Athletic Revolution was built to do:

Help great coaches build great businesses.

You can learn more about Athletic Revolution here:

Youth Fitness Business http://www.myathleticrevolution.com/more/

Also – with Athletic Revolution you can maintain your own brand while leveraging the best business systems in the industry. A true WIN/ WIN.


A Youth Fitness Success Story – Part 3


Here’s where I left off with ‘Part 2’ of the Dave Gleason chronicle:


"More on the training and business side in a bit, though, for now, I want to explain what Athletic Revolution has done for me, my life and my career…"


Now, here’s where we pick it up for ‘Part 3’:



I Have the Opportunity to Effect a Generation and Build Wealth and Financial Stability in the Process



The Fitness & Sport Training industry is very young.


And not unlike any other industry’s growing pains, the evidence of our ‘youth’ can be seen everywhere.


We spend hours creating, designing and implementing training programs for our clients and have next to no time left for business systems generation or management.


We cram in things like marketing, press releasing, advertising and networking whenever we have a free moment (assuming we know how to do any of those things properly at all).


If we get sick or (gasp) want to take a day or week off… We don’t get paid.  And man, can that hurt.


We remain at the mercy of our clients who can freely opt to be without our services at any time and entirely alter our monthly revenues and lifestyle budget with one ‘cancel’ phone call.


We wake up early, work all hours and cater to the whims of whenever our services are wanted for fear of leaving any scrap of money on the table.


We exist in the double-edged-sword world of wishing to grow and expanding our profits, but knowing if we do, we risk spreading ourselves even more thinly.


Sound familiar?


It’s a precarious balancing act that sounds alluring at first (the prospects of making $75 an hour), but reality can set in awfully quick…



Youth Fitness Matrix



The Youth Fitness and Sport Training market has officially exploded.


Trainers, Coaches, Facilities and Health Clubs worldwide have all jumped at this new opportunity to provide quality service to the demographic most in need.


And the market has responded.


More than 1 million kids and teenagers hired a Personal Trainer last year in the United States alone and as much as $4 billion are spent every year in this country on training and coaching for kids.


But as with any new marketplace, the professionals who can claim ‘Specialist’ status will eventually become the go-to-experts for consumers at large.



Coaching Young Athletes Too Much or Not Enough?



Coaching Young Athletes

I have long contended that too much coaching when it comes to working
with very young athletes is far worse than not enough instruction.


Give them ideas of what it is you want.


Offer more instruction if they need it.


And then let them play.


Allow them to figure it out.


This process builds Athletic Intelligence and gives very young athletes the
ability to warehouse knowledge through a trial and error sort of way.


Do you agree?


Disagree and want to explain why?


Please watch this two minute video during which I explain how to correctly be
Coaching Young Athletes the process of deceleration.


Give it a watch and leave your comments below. I really want to know your
thoughts on the matter.



At this past February’s International Summit, I, along with ten of the most
well-known and gifted Youth Fitness Specialists in the world, offered information
about training, nutrition and business during a 3-day event that has been called
"One of the Best Fitness Events Ever"


::Dr. Kwame Brown – The Art of Play
:: Pat Rigsby – Marketing for a Youth Fitness Business
:: Nick Berry – Business Systems for Youth Fitness
:: Carlo Alvarez – Creating Championship High School Programs
:: Dr. Chris Mohr – Nutrition for the Young Athlete
:: Lee Taft – Speed & Agility Training


Click Here Now to witness this landmark event for yourself


The Business of Coaching Young Athletes




Coaching Young Athletes Is Not Enough

It never stops amazing me how much ignorance floats around our
Coaching Young Athletes industry.


I really don’t mean that in a bad way, but the crassness of the
comment is something I need you to take note of.



"Just become a great Coach. That’s all you’ll ever need to make
a living in this field"


"Be the best Coach possible and clients will flock to you"



Are you fully aware how wrong and untrue that is?


Without question, becoming the very best Coach possible is THE
most important ingredient to you both doing right by this profession
and earning the kind of living your worth.


But without business skills, marketing knowledge and operating
systems, your career is literally doomed to fail.


Or at very least, you are 100% condemned to be paid by the hour
for your entire working life.


And while that may not sound horrible to you, it truly is.


What if you get ill and can’t work?


Where do you turn if the economy continues to sink and clients
just don’t have the funds to pay you anymore?


How can you build wealth and retire comfortably?


These are questions we never ask ourselves in this industry
and it drives me crazy.


We are highly trained and well-regarded professionals offering a
necessary service.


How can we continue to do the disservice of not taking our own Coaching Young Athletes
careers seriously?


Well there are some of us who recognize this and want to help
you change your fortunes.



:: Complete business operating systems
:: The ‘dream mentality’ that creates real success
:: Marketing secrets that work every time





Click on the link below and see what I’m talking about –





– Brian