
Archive for “Certification Organization” Tag

What Are You Missing?

"I can’t get over how much you offer your Members"


That’s what Robert Belley said to me yesterday.


Robert was one of 300 paid attendees who came to the
Ryan Lee Boot Camp this past weekend in Stamford.


He was also one of 35 IYCA Members who came to my 3 hour
seminar as a special ‘complimentary’ closed door session
I offered exclusively to IYCA Members.


Other organizations charge you upwards of $600 for their


The IYCA Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist is priced at
barely over $200.


Other organizations charge you more than $200 a year just
to renew your membership.


We offer a full 4-week complimentary trail to our Gold
Membership (www.IYCAMembers.com) for all new IYCA


Other organizations charge an arm and leg for CEU courses
that they require you to obtain in order to stay in good


We offer low cost and free CEU courses that are both
in-depth and practical in their application so that our


Members stay on the cutting-edge without having to fork
over a half months paycheck.


Most of all…


… We offer you access.


I have successfully coached more young athletes than
anyone on the planet.


Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry have created more successful
businesses than anyone else in our industry.


And we don’t hide ourselves from IYCA Members or put up
any sort of ‘velvet rope’ that keeps us ‘exclusive’ from


We actually CREATE live events so that our Members can
sit with us for hours – free of charge – and ask us
anything they want pertaining to training, business
development or marketing.


"I can’t get over how much you offer your Members"


Robert was right.


We offer more in the way of practical education and
business success than any other certification organization
in existence today.


And we’re proud of that.


It’s a tireless effort and labor of love.


But we believe that the success of our Members is WHY we
are in business.


The ‘youth’ market is the fastest growing and most lucrative
in the entire fitness industry.


We know that to be true.


But providing you with ‘credentials’ that may or may not
help you find success in that market is not even close to
where we stop our efforts.


Showing you the path and guaranteeing your success is our
primary objective.


Become an IYCA certified professional today and see how
serious we are about that goal.


Here’s your exclusive link –




On Wednesday October 15, myself Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry
will be available to answer all your questions once again.
Club Industry is having their annual conference at the
McCormick Center in downtown Chicago…


… And all IYCA Members are invited to come out for free
to chat with us and ask any questions they want about
the Youth Fitness Specialist cert, training or business success.


Here’s that link one more time and I hope to see you
in Chicago –


www.IYCA.org/fitspecialist1 Youth Fitness Specialist



‘Till next time,


Much More than Training Young Athletes…

Training Young Athletes goes a lot deeper than you might think.

I had an exceptional time this past weekend.

Training Young Athletes

I got a chance to hang out with one of the best and most unique
minds in our industry – Paul Taylor.

Paul owns and operates ‘PT Academy’ in Australia – which is the
largest and most well-known certification organization in that
part of the world.

What makes Paul so unique and ‘visionary-like’ is his
understanding of human behavior, cognitive function and its
connection to both fitness and sport training.

Now I don’t mean your standard run-of-the-mill sport psychology,

Paul’s understanding of mental/emotional science and the way
stressors, stimulus and regressive beliefs actually serve to
shape our ‘who we are now’ realities is absolutely astounding.

And as always, I was listening intently and learning everything
I could during our conversation.

I was also incredibly happy to see that so many of my thoughts
pertaining to youth fitness and sports training were valid
from a scientific level.

Here’s a recap of what I learned from Paul –

:: The key toTraining Young Athletes is to connect fitness with fun.
This develops a positive correlation in the brain at the
neuro-transmitter level and leads to a favorable and habitual
pattern for years.

:: Over-training is a great sin. Stress at large punishes the
delicate balance of the endocrine system and can lead to
extremely problematic health-related issues. Infusing fun and
following a ‘teaching model’ of athletic development is the
best and most effective way of working with young athletes.

:: The Pygmalion Effect truly is a critical factor in working
with youngsters. Placing positive and constructive expectations
on kids is essential for optimal development.

:: Language is absolutely critical – calling kids ‘fat’, sending
them to ‘Fat Camp’ or always telling them that ‘they should
be faster’ are surefire ways of establishing that exact
slant in their minds. Essentially, the stigma you place on
them is what they will begin to believe about themselves and
eventually create habits around fulfilling (i.e. they will
become exactly that).

:: Although teaching and training young athletes to ‘think positively’ is
key, you must also teach them to create habits around those
positive thoughts. Thoughts don’t change things – habits do.
Positive thought processes must lead to or be accompanied by
positive habitual patterns. When combined, the road to change

All in all, absolutely fascinating stuff!

Very much like my stance on the Art of Coaching…

Training is the SCIENCE.

But Coaching is the ART.

To be truly effective in what we do, we must understand how
the mental and emotional science of our work connects with the
physical portion.

‘Till next time,
