
Archive for “Men S Health” Tag

Professional Athletes & Youth Nutrition?


Youth Nutrition Importance

youth Nutrition


The Kansas City Chiefs.


Washington Red Skins, Kansas City Royals, Golden State Warriors, San Jose Sharks and University of Louisville… Not to mention Men’s Health, the Discovery Channel and Under Armor.


That’s a short list of the professional sports teams, institutions and multi-media organizations who think Dr. Chris Mohr is ‘top dog’ when it comes to nutrition.



And that’s precisely why I hand-picked him to create the IYCA’s “youth nutrition Specialist” certification course.



Scientifically sound nutrition strategies that when implemented will improve athletic performance


Reinforce effective nutrition teaching tools to provide children and adolescents with a solid youth nutrition foundation


The most current recommendations for nutrient intake – for macro and micro nutrients and fluids – and more importantly, how to apply these recommendations to our daily lives.


16 done for you nutrition handouts – from Power Fuel Snack Ideas to Hydration


Charts and Nutrition for Tournament Play, and many more – all to make your already busy routine a little less stressful


6 simple strategies to make informed decisions about dietary supplements


And that’s just a sample of what you get in this certification course… Not to mention you also earn a prized certification that will set you apart from virtually every other Trainer or Coach in your area (“insert your name here” – Certified Youth Nutrition Specialist).


This no-risk offer expires in a couple of days…


Click Here Now —> https://iyca.org/Nutrition/



‘Til next time,





P.S. Just to recap:


$14.95 (shipping) down


$75 per month for 4 months


Fuel Like a Champion – FREE BONUS ($34.99 value)


Return the material at any time within 365 days for a full refund


Keep the digital version of “Fuel Like a Champion”


Click Here Now —> https://iyca.org/Nutrition/



Children’s Health & Lucky Charms – Is This Good or Bad?




Children’s Health

Children’s Health, a new magazine as part of the "Men’s Health" brand,
will be released soon.


I’m interested.






A new and improved trend or more of the same fluff?


It’s very easy to throw stones.


In fact, one of the biggest lessons my Dad ever taught me was about
that particular issue.


"It’s easier to throw a brick at a house than it is to build one yourself"


Dad’s words have always been a staple in my professional life.


So, without opinion, criticism or negative talk, I offer you this one


It appeared in an article about the impending Children’s Healthrelease.


"… 15 pages of advertisements in the first 112-page issue. Seven
of those came from General Mills, selling children’s cereals like Lucky
Charms, with 11 grams of sugar per serving…"


So, what say you?


Respond from the gut.


Yes…. Of course I have my thoughts on the matter.


But I truly want to hear what you think.


Click below and tell me…


Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1 Certification Course
Click Here to See to Hear What Our Graduates Have To Say

IYCA Summit: My Own Personal Top 2




** If you’ve already registered to attend the IYCA International Summit in
February than I need you to leave a comment on this blog. Read below
to find out why **



Of course I’m going to the IYCA International Summit in February.


But let me tell you something…


… Even if I wasn’t the Founder of this organization, I’d STILL be going.


And here’s why:


Reason #1


Two words: Pat Rigsby.


This guy is for real.


At the beginning of the year, Pat came on board as a partner in the IYCA.


And this company hasn’t been the same ever since.


Prior to knowing Pat, I enjoyed an extremely successful career.


By anyone’s standards.


:: 2 published books

:: 50+ published articles

:: 20+ international speaking engagements

:: 10,000+ trained young athletes

:: Curriculum Director – Men’s Health Fit Schools

:: Appeared in Newsweek, the New York Times and ABC News


I was and continue to be, considered the best Youth Fitness Specialist in
the world.


But in just 8 months, here’s what Pat’s direction has done for the IYCA –


:: Our Membership has increased by more than 600%

:: Our gross revenue has increased by more than 300%

:: We have added three new levels to the IYCA certification process

:: We have established www.IYCAMembers.com

:: We have written and released the Youth Obesity Solution program


Now, in addition to these ‘tangible’ items, Pat has also single-handedly
created a new and fully integrated management system into our company
that has lead to an unbelievable increase in the efficiency and productivity
of our organization.


His impact on this company is almost entirely beyond words.


I have had tremendous success.


Lots of it.


And if Pat Rigsby managed to do all this for me, just imagine what kind
of impact he’s capable of having on your business.



Reason # 2


I’ll keep this one brief, but hope that the message resonates with you
in a very big way.


It’s nearly impossible to leave a legacy by yourself.


It’s virtually unheard of to make a real, lasting change in the world
on your own.


But never doubt that a GROUP of dedicated people can alter the
course of history forever.




Because that’s all that ever has.


The IYCA is not like other fitness organization.


We are an international family of passionate professionals dedicated to the
task of reforming the youth fitness and sport training industry.


Being part of something so majestic has been the single greatest experience
of my life.


And I absolutely promise and guarantee that when I step on stage in
February at the International Summit, I will be moved to tears.


To see the faces of the people who have opted to become part of
my extended family and co-agents for change will be an overwhelmingly
emotional experience.


Why would you want to miss that?


Why would you ever consider not becoming a key member and critical
cog in the most important fitness-related movement this industry has
ever seen?


We all want to leave a legacy.


We all want to be part of something special.


We all want to be an important member of a world transforming movement.


And this is your chance.


Are you already registered to attend my International Summit?


If so, I need to hear from you. (If not, click here)


Leave a comment on this blog and tell me EXACTLY why you opted
to come.


I want to thank you for being part of this IYCA event.


And I really need to know why you decided to join us in February.


Leave your comment below….



Youth Fitness and the Success Train

Youth Fitness Keys To Success. A post by Brian Grasso

What do you think about ‘credentials’ when it comes to
our industry?

It seems to me that most professionals in our industry
look at the whole credentialing or certification
process from a few different angles:

a. Credibility of the Credentialing Body

b. Member Satisfaction

c. Cost

In the case of the IYCA, the credibility we have is
absolutely ‘locked’ as world-class.

And I can say that without hesitation.

Whenever I’m judging the credibility of any
organization, I always look at what other organizations

or esteemed professionals have to say about the
quality and content that is being presented.


Now, I’m not shy in saying that the IYCA has been
absolutely overrun with high praise from some of this
industries most notable figures:


“The knowledge and dedication of the IYCA and its
leaders have helped us to shape and deliver a robust
curriculum with broad appeal”

:: Zari Stahl – Club Industry


“There is not an inch of doubt that the Sports in
Action Program has become a better youth sports program

through the Brian’s work. The IYCA is invaluable”

:: Clement Chilshe – Sports in Action (Zambia)


“This collaboration of industry leaders combined with
the focus of guiding future leaders is what makes the
IYCA the most complete program”

:: Billy Corbett – PT on the Net


“The IYCA is changing the way we train youth”

:: Scott Quill – Men’s Health


Without going on and on, that answers the question of
our credibility, doesn’t it?


But what about our own Members satisfaction?


Is the IYCA truly appealing to fitness and sport
training professionals worldwide?


Do we actually make a difference in the lives of
people, or are we just adding ‘letters after their
last names’?


You be the judge:

“I believe you will change Youth Fitness in America”

:: Jeff O’Connor – IYCA Certified (Oklahoma)


“The content contained within the IYCA certification
materials provides the most technical, practical and
application education that I have EVER experienced

with any program”

:: Donovan Owens – IYCA Certified (Texas)


“Youth fitness is moving into the mainstream and the
first movers need to be associated with the best –
which is the IYCA”

:: Luca Hocevar – IYCA Certfied (Slovenia)


“I would suggest that one of the greatest decisions I
ever made in my life was to take the Youth Fitness
Certification course that you offer”

:: Bob Acton – IYCA Certified (Canada)


Is that the kind of loyalty and endorsement you hear
about other certification companies?


Not a chance.


The fact is we care so much about the success and
knowledge of our Members that we provide them with the
very best when it comes to education and business


Now, that leaves us with price.


Did you know that the IYCA is currently the most

inexpensive mainstream youth fitness certification on the market




That’s all it costs for our Level 1 – Youth Fitness
Specialist course.


Compare that to other certifications out there.


You’re looking at a MINIMUM of $400+.


And we take pride in that.


We feel 100% dedicated to our mission of regulating
and elevating the knowledge of professionals with
respect to youth fitness and sports training.


But we’re also realistic.


With all the quality content we provide and all the
world-class professionals we have involved in our
organization, we know without question that we
simply offer far too much to stay routed as the
lowest priced certification on the market.


So we’ve decided to raise the price.


And if you’re a savvy business person, you’ll
understand two very critical things:


1. The best and most worthwhile goods and services
aren’t the most inexpensive on the market. The quality
they offer is just far too great to be ‘cheap’.


2. More importantly, locking into the fastest growing

organization in the entire industry at as low a price
as you possibly can is absolutely essential if you
intend to make a successful career for yourself.


So this is your chance.


The IYCA ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’
certification is being re-priced on Tuesday September 2.


I have made a personal and executive decision to
keep the cost exactly where it is for the next 6 days.
$197 is as small an investment as you’ll ever have to
pay in order to become part of what you just read
in the endorsements above.


And if you want more proof of how important this

decision will be to your career, just re-read those


I think you’ll realize that this is a once in a
lifetime opportunity…


… And something you have 6 more days to take
advantage of.


Click on the exclusive link below and lock your
$197 price in now –




Opportunity and success come to those willing to
take action.


It’s just that simple.





IYCA – Loving Every Second of it

The Growth of The IYCA

So I make the drive from my home in Schaumburg to Northbrook – about 20 minutes or so.


I’m meeting with two editors from Men’s Health to discuss a book deal as well as chat with a local school district about bringing our Fit Schools project to their respective PE programs.


Now, although I’ve talked on the phone with my two Men’s Health colleagues dozens of times, I’ve never met them face-to-face and certainly have no idea what they looked like.


When I stopped at a grocery store just before my meeting was about to start (I needed to pick up an apple…. I was starving!) I wasn’t taken back when a gentleman walked up to me and said “are you Brian?”.


“Yes” I answered, figuring I was meeting one of my Men’s Health partners for the first time.


“Nice to meet you, I’m Andrew. I’m a member of the IYCA“.


It took me a second to realize that ‘Andrew’ had nothing to do with Men’s Health.


“Wow” was about all I could muster…. I had never been ‘recognized’ in a grocery store before.


“Thanks for being involved” I finally managed to say. “Are you enjoying everything so far?”


“I’m loving it!” Andrew replied.


I was almost speechless.


That may sound odd to you.


I mean, I’m used to being ‘recognized’ at conferences.


I’m used to people chatting with me after I make a presentation.


But I have never been recognized in a random public setting like this before and was truly thrown off.


Andrew and I chatted briefly and then I was on my way.


But the incident has stayed with me all day long.


And as my fatigue has grown, the chance meeting with Andrew at 8:30 this morning has managed to ward off the usual ‘cloudy head syndrome’ I tend to get when I’ve been working this many hours.


I suppose it just feels good.


Feels good to know that I have created the IYCA and something of substance.


I’m used to taking shots.


People love to bash those of us who decide to stand for something and make that something known.


Heck, even a former employee of mine, someone I gave a job to and mentored for a year (who by the way is a member of the IYCA) has taken to making negative comments about me and the IYCA on his own personal blog.


That kind of stuff never bothers me.


It goes with the territory and I couldn’t care less.


But the reason I couldn’t care less is because of folks like Andrew and the rest of the IYCA members worldwide.


I receive emails, hand written letters and phone calls daily from people just wanting to express there thanks and appreciation to me for starting this movement.


And today, I got to experience my first ‘public recognition’ – I’ve been on cloud nine ever since.


In short, I suppose the easiest way for me to wrap this up is to offer these words….


Thank you.


More than you know, I appreciate every single phone call, email and letter.


The fact you would take the time to write to me, dial my number or stop me in a grocery store just to say “hi” means more than I could possibly express in words.


In your service…. It’s been more than an honor and a pleasure,






P.S. – During the meeting with that local school district I mentioned, one of the PE teachers had this to say to me after listening to my impassioned speech about how the IYCA is working to curb youth obesity nationwide –


“It is so nice and refreshing to see an organization actually doing something about this rather than talking about it”


I was at that meeting and got to hear those words firsthand.


But you were there with me.


That ‘organization’ this PE teacher was referring to has as much to do with you as it does with me.


Take a moment to be proud about that today.