
Archive for “Lee Taft” Tag

3 Keys to Successful Speed Camps




Speed Camps Revenue

Before I get into the 3 Keys to successful speed camps, I wanted to tell you that after much deliberation we’ve decided to give you access the online version of the closed door Workshop that Pat Rigsby and I did on running Profitable Speed Camps & Clinics when you order the Youth Speed Specialist Certification before tomorrow at 3pm.


This was previously only available to people who attended the webinar this past Monday, but we’ve decided that this information is too powerful to exclude those that couldn’t attend the webinar.


So you can grab the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification *and* online access to the Running Profitable Speed Camps & Clinics Workshop here:


—-> www.YouthSpeedSpecialist.com


In the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification, Lee Taft and I give you a lot  more than just information on training athletes to be faster.


We also reveal our complete system for running successful and profitable Speed Camps.


Something we have both had tremendous success with over the years.


So, here are our Top 3 Keys that will help you understand how to make  your Speed Camps the most on-demand program in your area:



Youth Speed Certification – Your Questions Answered




Youth Speed Certification


While thousands of people worldwide have already taken advantage of the “$100 Off” discount I’ve offered you on my new Speed & Agility Specialist Certification, hundreds more have been emailing in some specific questions about the course itself.


So, I decided it would be a good idea to get you some answers.



1.) Is the Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification Right For Me?


Great question and easy answer…


If you work with young athletes or youth fitness participants in anyway, than 100% YES!!


Strength & Conditioning Coaches

Fitness Professionals

Youth Fitness Specialists

Youth Sports Coaches


The information that Lee and I put together is both easy to follow and incredibly practical.


You will gain a new and exciting look at how to make athletes faster and be able to implement our internationally proven systems virtually overnight.


We explain each and every concept of our system in complete detail in the Youth Speed Certification which makes it a perfect resource for seasoned industry veterans, new members of the fitness industry as well as sport Coaches who simply want to make their teams and athletes faster.



Fitness Programs For Kids: Top 3 Keys To Speed Training




Fitness Programs For Kids

Fitness Programs For Kids speed training for young athletes
International superstar Speed Coach Lee Taft and I agree on almost everything related to training athletes.


Together, we have found through our combined 40 years of experience that these are the 3 most important factors to a successful speed training program –



Speed Key #1 – Create a Developmental System
Training for speed has to be developmental in nature.


With younger athletes (6 – 9 years old) training for speed is a matter of allowing kids to explore various aspects of movement from a self-learning perspective.


As a Coach or Trainer, your objective is to create games and drills that provide a broad-base of multi-directional movement (i.e. forward, backwards) as well as timing-oriented skills (i.e. skipping to a specific cadence).


It is important to resist the urge to ‘over-teach’ or ‘make perfect’ the way your youngsters are performing these skills.


Young nervous systems must be given the opportunity to learn through a trial and error process, what quality movement feels like.


With athletes 10 – 18, your training efforts can become much more teaching based and focus will shift to perfection of movement habits and eventually ‘drilling’ (i.e. repetitive sets of specific skills).


Do not be fooled into thinking that young athletes and more mature athletes can learn the skills associated with speed & agility in the same way, however.


A developmental system is necessary for optimal speed & agility training.


Our new Youth Speed & Agility Specialist Certification contains the complete developmental process that Lee and I have used successfully for nearly 4 decades.


—> Click here for an example of that system



Youth Speed Certification – Only 50 Spots Available






Youth Speed Certification

Details first –


:: Saturday July 18, "Speed & Agility Certification – Level 1" taught by Lee Taft
and myself


:: Sunday July 19, "Youth Nutrition Certification" taught by Dr. Chris Mohr


:: A free 3-hour informal ‘master mind’ with me on Sunday morning


I really don’t think there is much else to say.


The link to register and secure your spot is below.


The emails, phone calls and Face Book messages have been coming in by
the droves.


Your colleagues and competitors want this information and are excited to
obtain these youth speed certification credentials.


And you should be, too.


I can’t wait to see you in July!!


Act quickly and decisively…


… Success waits for no one.


Here’s your exclusive link to the youth speed certification





– Brian



Youth Speed Training Exposed




Youth Speed Training Mistakes

Everyone claims to be an ‘expert’ don’t they?


It’s the one title that I truly can’t stand.


And I say that because there are very few real experts in the industry of
fitness and sports training.


Gray Cook comes to mind as one of them.


So to does Alwyn Cosgrove, Al Vermeil and Carlo Alvarez.


Experts all.


Easy to spot on expert, too. They’re the ones who have a major track record
of success when it comes to training athletes, but are also ALWAYS on the
lookout for stuff they don’t know.


Lifelong learners.


That to me is what defines an ‘expert’.


The greatest expert I know in terms of youth speed training and agility training is a man that
I am 100% sure you know.


Lee Taft.



Youth Speed Training in New Jersey



Youth Speed Training and Business


So I’m just back from a wonderful weekend in New Jersey at the Fast Track
to Fitness Millions conference.


The conference was hosted by my two favorite guys – Pat Rigsby and Nick


The speaking line-up was an unbelievable ‘whose who’ of fitness industry
Coaches and Business Leaders –


BJ Gaddour
Zach Even Esh
Mike Boyle
Chris McCombs
Jim Labadie
Jason C Brown
Pamela Macelree


But in my opinion, the show was stolen by a man who has absolutely changed
everything about the way speed and agility is taught and trained.


My very good friend, Lee Taft.


As usual, Lee lit up the crowd with his no-nonsense, easy-to-understand and
cutting edge youth speed training system.

