
Archive for “Solution Program” Tag

IYCA Summit: My Own Personal Top 2




** If you’ve already registered to attend the IYCA International Summit in
February than I need you to leave a comment on this blog. Read below
to find out why **



Of course I’m going to the IYCA International Summit in February.


But let me tell you something…


… Even if I wasn’t the Founder of this organization, I’d STILL be going.


And here’s why:


Reason #1


Two words: Pat Rigsby.


This guy is for real.


At the beginning of the year, Pat came on board as a partner in the IYCA.


And this company hasn’t been the same ever since.


Prior to knowing Pat, I enjoyed an extremely successful career.


By anyone’s standards.


:: 2 published books

:: 50+ published articles

:: 20+ international speaking engagements

:: 10,000+ trained young athletes

:: Curriculum Director – Men’s Health Fit Schools

:: Appeared in Newsweek, the New York Times and ABC News


I was and continue to be, considered the best Youth Fitness Specialist in
the world.


But in just 8 months, here’s what Pat’s direction has done for the IYCA –


:: Our Membership has increased by more than 600%

:: Our gross revenue has increased by more than 300%

:: We have added three new levels to the IYCA certification process

:: We have established www.IYCAMembers.com

:: We have written and released the Youth Obesity Solution program


Now, in addition to these ‘tangible’ items, Pat has also single-handedly
created a new and fully integrated management system into our company
that has lead to an unbelievable increase in the efficiency and productivity
of our organization.


His impact on this company is almost entirely beyond words.


I have had tremendous success.


Lots of it.


And if Pat Rigsby managed to do all this for me, just imagine what kind
of impact he’s capable of having on your business.



Reason # 2


I’ll keep this one brief, but hope that the message resonates with you
in a very big way.


It’s nearly impossible to leave a legacy by yourself.


It’s virtually unheard of to make a real, lasting change in the world
on your own.


But never doubt that a GROUP of dedicated people can alter the
course of history forever.




Because that’s all that ever has.


The IYCA is not like other fitness organization.


We are an international family of passionate professionals dedicated to the
task of reforming the youth fitness and sport training industry.


Being part of something so majestic has been the single greatest experience
of my life.


And I absolutely promise and guarantee that when I step on stage in
February at the International Summit, I will be moved to tears.


To see the faces of the people who have opted to become part of
my extended family and co-agents for change will be an overwhelmingly
emotional experience.


Why would you want to miss that?


Why would you ever consider not becoming a key member and critical
cog in the most important fitness-related movement this industry has
ever seen?


We all want to leave a legacy.


We all want to be part of something special.


We all want to be an important member of a world transforming movement.


And this is your chance.


Are you already registered to attend my International Summit?


If so, I need to hear from you. (If not, click here)


Leave a comment on this blog and tell me EXACTLY why you opted
to come.


I want to thank you for being part of this IYCA event.


And I really need to know why you decided to join us in February.


Leave your comment below….



The Young Athlete That Changed My life



Young Athlete Success Story

"Brian completely changed the way I approached training and eating.
But even more than that, Brian completely changed my life"


It’s easy to get causal to comments like this isn’t it?


If you’ve had the kind of career I’ve been blessed to have, you hear
and read comments like that all the time.


This one in particular was written by Kim McCullough.


A standout young hockey player who I had the honor of training 10
years ago when she was just a teenager.


Now in her mid-20’s, Kim is a highly accomplished Strength Coach
herself, and widely known as one of the very best hockey-specific
trainers in the world.


She’s also a very significant and proud member of the IYCA.


So yes, I admit to hearing and reading comments like this one on
a very regular basis.


And I admit that I’ve grown rather numb to them.


They’re certainly nice to hear, but they don’t really penetrate.


Almost like I can’t relate to the enormity of being the guy who
"changed someones life".


But this comment by Kim really gave me pause to reflect today.


She wrote it only minutes after reading my new Youth Obesity
Solution program.


You see, Kim knows firsthand the impact I can have on someone.


My young athlete training system.


My nutritional program.


My mentoring style.


She knows what it’s like to be immersed in a ‘Brian Grasso’


Kim was a gifted hockey player.


Terribly gifted.


But she was mis-directed in terms of training and nutrition.


And by her own admission, fat.


Some perspective changes on conditioning and food intake
changed her life completely.


And that’s all it took.


Kim knows very well that the greatest benefit of my system is
not founded in the earth shattering science and ‘secretive’
nature of my exercise selection or set and rep schemes.


She knows that it’s the perspective I carry on training,
nutrition and coaching that is the basis of my success.


And that is exactly what you’re going to find in my new
Youth Obesity Solution program.


Fad Diet…. NO!


Innovative Training System…. NO!


Intensive Boot Camp Template…. NO!


These are superficial issues and will NEVER be the solution
to a problem as big as youth obesity.


But you do get to understand my perspective on the matter and
how the ultimate solution is founded in understanding where the
problem actually lies.


The comments you read above from Kim were contained in a blog
she wrote yesterday promoting the Youth Obesity Solution to
her own loyal readership.


She was so impressed with the contents of my new program,
she just had to let her own customers know about how powerful
it is.


Here’s how Kim ended her blog –


"Brian has had a HUGE impact on my life, and as THE world renowned
expert on young athlete development, he has also helped tens of
thousands of kids worldwide. But the impact he is going to have with
his new program goes far beyond young athletes. Brian is tackling the
youth obesity epidemic head on and I have no doubt that his program
is going to be the solution. And we all need to be a part of it


Sound advice from someone who knows firsthand just how powerful
my programs can be.


And how much they can change lives.


The title of Kim’s blog is this –


"The Coach That Changed My Life"


I’m honored and flattered.


Maybe it’s time you became a young athlete ‘life changer’ yourself.


Click below and get started on changing the world with me –







Youth Obesity Solution: A Success BluePrint For You




Do You want to be part of the Youth Obesity Solution?

"I’ve grabbed my copy of Youth Obesity Solution and I hope
everyone on your list does too. No Fitness Professional bent
on improving the health of their community can ignore the dire
plight of the children around them."


I received that email from King Hoover roughly 10 minutes after
sending out my announcement about releasing Youth Obesity Solution yesterday morning.


10 minutes.


He read my newsletter, made the purchase and wrote me that email.


In 10 minutes.


Now, let me paint a picture here for you.


King Hoover attended the first ever Level 1 certification seminar
that I hosted in Chicago this past February.


He has gone on to become Level 2 certified through the IYCA.


He owns my Complete Athlete Development system.


He will be purchasing my ‘Secrets of Program Design’ course next


Now here’s what you may by thinking –


"Of course Brian’s going to talk about this guy. He’s bought every
single product Brian has ever produced"


Fair point.


But you want to know the real reason I’m talking to you about
King Hoover?


Because he has the kind of successful career that virtually every
single Fitness Professional on the planet wants.


A lucrative private training business.


His own radio show.


Investors that believe in him and fund his projects.


He’s a local celebrity in Texas.


He’s ‘made it’ in every way imaginable.


Dare I say…


… He’s got the career you want.


So that’s why I bring him up.


For a guy whose success speaks for itself, he was THE FIRST person
to get their hands on the Youth Obesity Solution program


The very first.


I can tell you this without one shred of indecision, too –


King Hoover will be standing beside me when I change the world of
youth fitness forever.


In fact, we’ll be changing it together.


Because, like me, he knows that a successful career and the ability
to change the world is based on one thing and one thing only…


… Taking action.


Have a look at the Youth Obesity Solution website and tell me sincerely that
the world doesn’t need your help.


After that, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself why you’re
not taking the action necessary to both build the kind of career you’ve
always wanted and change the course of humanity in the meantime.


Here’s your exclusive link –






World Changers and Success-Minded Professionals only please…


