
Archive for “Successful Business” Tag

Blueprint to Building Your Ideal Youth Fitness Business Video


Youth Fitness Business Building Success


Do you wake up each day excited to go to work?


I’m sure you are passionate about helping your clients or athletes achieve their goals but are you doing EXACTLY what you want to be doing?


Well, if your answer isn’t an enthusiastic YES, then I have something special for you.


IYCA Expert Dave Gleason did a presentation where he shares the exact plan he used to dump an unfulfilling career as an In Home Trainer to open his dream facility and build an ultra-successful business serving the hottest market in the industry: Youth Fitness & Sports Performance.




In this Free Video you will discover the secrets to never having to work with another single client you don’t love again while building the business or career of your dreams!


I wish most fitness pros would enjoy what they do half as much as Dave enjoys what he does… and in this video he’s going to share exactly how he turned his passion into a thriving youth fitness business.


Remember why you got into this industry and start loving your career again. Here is a blueprint to how Dave made that happen for him and how you can do it too.


Turn your fitness passion into profits starting with this video ->




Dedicated to Your Success,




P.S. – Check out Dave Gleason’s youth fitness business presentation where he shares his story on how he went from an In Home Trainer who didn’t really enjoy what he was doing to building one of the top youth fitness businesstraining facilities in the U.S. while loving every minute of it.





Athletic Revolution


Athletic Revolution is absolutely exploding nationwide.


A 100% done-for-you Youth Fitness & Sport Training facility or program that is just waiting for you…


… Waiting for you to join the AR Family and share in the joy of owning a business of your own that has proven effective, successful and fulfilling.


Every week, I adore the time I spend chatting with new and soon-to-be-new franchisees – their excitement, passion and care is positively contagious!


As a means of making the decision to become an AR Family Member and business owner even easier for you, Pat Rigsby and I have decided to put together an incredibly special offer (that expires December 31 of this year… That’s only 25 days or so from right now).



Youth Training Business Message From Tampa




Youth Training Education Is a Must



So here I am in Tampa, Florida.


A special guest of Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry for their
Ultimate Business Solutions master mind meeting.


The weather’s nice and I’m certainly happy not to be in
my winter-filled home of Chicago right now.


But the past couple of days have been a lot more than a
nice break from the cold weather.


In fact, it’s been as big an eye opening experience as I’ve
had in a long time.


And here’s why…


I’ve listened to fellow fitness professionals discussing
their youth training businesses, roadblocks they’re facing and ideas
they’ve implemented that have become widely successful.


I’ve contributed my thoughts and opinions as well as offered
any advice I could based on my 13 year track record of success
in this industry.


But the true ‘hidden gem’ of the past couple of days have
been in noticing the people in the room.


Jason Brown


David Whitley


Donovan Owens


Jim Labadie



Do any of those names sound familiar to you?


Jason Brown is the KING of martial arts conditioning.


David Whitley just got back from Tokyo as a guest
lecturer on kettlebell training.


Donovan Owens is the #1 Trainer in Austin, Texas and
just recently was offered a regular column in the largest
newspaper in that area.


Jim Labadie, a one-time Personal Trainer, is now recognized
as the best and most successful ‘business coach’ in the industry
and is on demand literally all over the world.


So how does that translate into an ‘eye opening’ experience?




The best of the BEST are here.




Getting better.


Pushing themselves to be even more successful.


And this is something I talk about all the time.


The best are the best because they are constantly learning.


The best get better because they never stop wanting more.


So let me cut to the chase on this…


My new ‘Secrets of Program Design’ CEU course is
what you need.


It is the best and most convenient means by which to become
better, learn more and enhance your youth training success.


It’s a never-before-seen look inside my brain.


How I construct youth training programs.


How I get results regardless of the situation.


How I coach and program for teams and individual athletes.


How I became the most successful Youth Fitness Specialist
in the world.


And isn’t learning from and patterning success the best and
most efficient way of becoming successful yourself?


I’m sitting in a conference room at the Intercontinental Hotel
in Tampa right now listening to David Whitley talk about how
he makes more than $5,000 A DAY as a guest speaker.


And here he is.




Investing in his career.


Because he knows that’s what it takes to be successful.


When are you going to realize that?


Here’s your exclusive link to the youth training ‘Secrets of Program Design’ course –







From Tampa….

