
Archive for “Private Training” Tag

Sport Specialization for Young Athletes: Part 2

[wpfblike] Toby Brooks (more…)

Youth Training By Eric Cressey


Eric Cressey youth training

Youth Training Done right 

Last November, a good buddy of mine who is a very accomplished college strength coach came up to Boston for a seminar we put organized on a Sunday.  He actually flew up Friday night so that he could observe on Saturday while we trained our clients – which was a nice blend of youth training, high school, college, and professional athletes, plus our adult clientele.  All told, I’d say that high school athletes are 70% of our clientele.


That Tuesday morning, I woke up to this email from him:



Youth Conditioning Market: The Train Is Leaving…


Youth Conditioning Market: the perfect storm

Fitness Professionals with acumen for business will clearly recognize that the youth conditioning market represents a literal perfect storm in terms of revenue potential and stability.  There are relatively few professionals who specialize in this niche and yet the consumer demand is growing by the day.  In fact, unlike adult-centric demographics, the youth conditioning market contains sub-niches – all of which may satiate a respective Trainers desire to work with certain individuals and not others.


The most common opportunities found in the youth conditioning market are as follows –


1. Youth Conditioning Sporting Organizations


Countless youth conditioning athletic organizations from a range of sports, hire Fitness Professionals specially trained in the art and science of pediatric sport development, to conduct camps and clinics for both the young athletes themselves as well as the volunteer Coaches involved with the association.  The network created being involved in such an endeavor can greatly enhance a Personal Trainers ability to bring private youth clients on in a private setting.



Youth Obesity Solution: A Success BluePrint For You




Do You want to be part of the Youth Obesity Solution?

"I’ve grabbed my copy of Youth Obesity Solution and I hope
everyone on your list does too. No Fitness Professional bent
on improving the health of their community can ignore the dire
plight of the children around them."


I received that email from King Hoover roughly 10 minutes after
sending out my announcement about releasing Youth Obesity Solution yesterday morning.


10 minutes.


He read my newsletter, made the purchase and wrote me that email.


In 10 minutes.


Now, let me paint a picture here for you.


King Hoover attended the first ever Level 1 certification seminar
that I hosted in Chicago this past February.


He has gone on to become Level 2 certified through the IYCA.


He owns my Complete Athlete Development system.


He will be purchasing my ‘Secrets of Program Design’ course next


Now here’s what you may by thinking –


"Of course Brian’s going to talk about this guy. He’s bought every
single product Brian has ever produced"


Fair point.


But you want to know the real reason I’m talking to you about
King Hoover?


Because he has the kind of successful career that virtually every
single Fitness Professional on the planet wants.


A lucrative private training business.


His own radio show.


Investors that believe in him and fund his projects.


He’s a local celebrity in Texas.


He’s ‘made it’ in every way imaginable.


Dare I say…


… He’s got the career you want.


So that’s why I bring him up.


For a guy whose success speaks for itself, he was THE FIRST person
to get their hands on the Youth Obesity Solution program


The very first.


I can tell you this without one shred of indecision, too –


King Hoover will be standing beside me when I change the world of
youth fitness forever.


In fact, we’ll be changing it together.


Because, like me, he knows that a successful career and the ability
to change the world is based on one thing and one thing only…


… Taking action.


Have a look at the Youth Obesity Solution website and tell me sincerely that
the world doesn’t need your help.


After that, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself why you’re
not taking the action necessary to both build the kind of career you’ve
always wanted and change the course of humanity in the meantime.


Here’s your exclusive link –






World Changers and Success-Minded Professionals only please…


