
Archive for “Success” Tag

Youth Coaching: Bring Your “A Game”


What it really means to deliver quality Youth Coaching


… And why your young athletes deserve better:




The IYCA Is All About Your youth coaching Success


Click Here for Proof ==> https://iyca.org//yfs1



Your Missing Strategy for Young Athlete Success


One word for you and your young athlete:




Are you communicating properly with your young athlete?


If you aren’t, will it impact the potential success for the young athlete?


Watch this:



The Art of Coaching is One of the Biggest Aspects of the IYCA ‘Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1’ Certification…


Click Here to See What I Mean —> https://iyca.org/products/yfs1



Qualifications to Work with Young Athletes


Young Athletes and the qualifications needed to train them

I started my career by training nothing but Olympic Champions, National Team Competitors and Professionals Athletes.


But what I came to realize is that none of those experiences made me qualified to train young athletes.  Neither would I be qualified if I had an Olympic Medal around my neck or a Super Bowl ring on my index finger.


We constantly mistake ‘big names’ or ‘big credentials’ as qualified.


Let me put it this way… The most impressive and decorated mathematician at NASA is a literal genius with the topic of math, but would you really think them qualified and ideal to teach your 7 year old son how to multiply?


Success in sport or at the highest level of Coaching doesn’t mean that one is suited to understand and be fluent in the unique sciences of youth sports training.  Seek experience and education pertaining to the specialty at hand – not glitz and glamour.


Please, comment below… We truly want to hear your thoughts on this!



Your Extra Bonus – Youth Speed Camps That Work




Youth Speed Camps success

So you know that the first annual IYCA International Summit was an
absolute monumental success.


You’ve read the comments from our attendees and seen a few video
clips from some of the presenters.


But there’s something I haven’t told you yet.


Technically, the Summit was a 2-day event.


Groundbreaking information from some of the most incredible and
successful Coaches and business moguls in this industry spread
out over an amazing 2-days.


There was however, a third day to the Summit.


One extra day of information.


And only a handful of Summit attendees got a chance to be live and
experience this in person.


On Day 3, I gave a 3-hour presentation on two topics that are near
and dear to me…


1) The Real Secrets of Speed Training


2) How to Run Effective & Profitable Speed Camps



IYCA Members: Old and New Agree….




IYCA Wants To Help



It’s no coincidence that two of the most successful fitness professionals
in the world claim that the IYCA has been a foundation to there success.


I understand that these economic times have been challenging for you.


Not only do I understand, but I’m prepared to do something about it.


Success like Zach and BJ is attainable for you.


And in the next couple of days, I’m going to show you how we at the IYCA will help…



– Brian



Youth Fitness Certification With The IYCA Family




Youth Fitness Certification


It’s impossible for me to go back to business as usual today.


So I’m not even going to bother trying.


The IYCA Summit has left Nick, Pat, Sara and myself in a dream-like state

that has proven tough to shake.


So much energy.


So much passion.


So much drive.


The experience has reminded me of a conversation I had with a good friend

and colleague of mine back in 2003 when I first incorporated the IYCA.


“Look at what all the other youth fitness certification are doing, Brian, and do the exact



I’ll never forget that and strive every day to make sure of it.


IYCA International Summit: This Is Your Last Chance…

This is it.


The last day for you to register for the IYCA International Summit and receive an unbelievable f.r.e.e.


The first annual IYCA International Summit is set for February 20 – 22
2009 in Louisville, Kentucky.


The line up of speakers is world-class.


The information will be priceless.


The missed opportunities if you don’t attend, extraordinary.


I’ve given you every reason to come.


I’ve outlined each and every reason why attendance is absolutely
mandatory if you are serious about your career.


I suppose the final kicker is simply this:


Exclusive entrance into my closed-door "Secrets to Profitable Speed
Camps and Clinics" seminar is available for the last time today.


Register today and you gain access to this information for absolutely
no extra charge whatsoever.


Delay and the opportunity is gone.


For good.


A complete done for you system that will show you precisely how to host
your own profitable speed camps.


And the information I’m prepared to give will change your business forever.


:: Press Releases

:: Joint Venture Tools

:: Camp Structure and Drills

:: Up-sell System

:: Enrollment Forms


You name it, you’ll get it.


An entire done for you, guaranteed to work system that will lead to profits
and clients.




No hype and no B.S.


I went from 0 clients to 200+ in just 3 months using this system in my last
training center.


It works and is ‘Brian Grasso’ tested.


I can’t implore you anymore than that.


Your success is in your hands.


The choice is 100% yours.


People doomed to fail find reasons not to…


… People primed for success find ways to make it happen.


Which kind of person are you?



‘Till next time,






Points to Success as a youth fitness specialist

O.K… So here they are….


Point 1


As a youth fitness specialist, Follow Principles not Values


I take this from the work of Stephen Covey in the 8th Habit.


We too often measure our success by the ‘values’ of a situation.


How much weight did we lose


How much money do we make


How many ‘A’ grades did we get on our report card


These are the items that most of us chase, but they are superficial and seldom

give us depth or a sincere appreciation for life.


Rather than following or pursuing the ‘values’ in life, go after the principles of

a situation.


What makes you feel good?


Whatever it is, do that.


Money will come.


Pounds will drop.


Good grades will happen.


All we have to do is pursue our desires with conviction.


The secondary factors I mentioned above will come on their own…



Point 2




This is a Zulu word that technically means ‘hello’.


But it has a much deeper meaning than that.


The literal translation is ‘I See You’ and is used as a formal greeting when

seeing friends or family.


And I love the concept.


We are so loose with language in our society.


Think about what you say when you pass a friend along the street…




What’s Up


How You Doing


Informal. Lacking passion. Do you even really care about what the answer is?


Sawubona is a word I’ve come to embrace as having a deeper meaning.


“I See You”


I’m paying attention.


My focus in on you.


I find that very powerful.


But here’s the real point of that word as far as I’m concerned.


I’ve learned to say it to myself.


Do you really know that person you see when looking in the mirror each morning?


Have you truly connected with yourself and understand who you are, where your

passions lie and what you want in life?


Give it a try sometime…



Point 3


Don’t Think – Create Habits


Thoughts don’t become things.


They don’t translate into tangibility unless they are converted.


Powerful thoughts or images you may have for yourself or your life will only

become real if you start creating daily habits around making them so.


This is one of the major limitations people have in our society.


They imagine and ‘dream’ of large scale things for themselves, but keep them

as nothing more than thoughts.


If you truly want to live your dreams, than start creating daily habits around making

them so.


This will change your life forever…


So those are my own personal success habits.


What do you think?


Leave your comments below….


Training Young Athletes Speed – The Success Keys

Training Young Athletes Speed Is not all about making them sweat.


It’s about making them better.


It’s not about making young athletes tired.


It’s about teaching them so they become more effective.


A lot of my training system isn’t ‘sexy’.


It’s not the ‘cool, new, funky’ stuff that looks impressive.


But it works.


And it builds rock solid athletes every time.


Here’s that training young athletes speed video clip: