
Archive for “Louisville Kentucky” Tag

This is Why He’s Successful In Youth Training

Aaron Larmore gets youth training.


That’s why he’s experiencing the success he is.


:: Current IYCA Member of the Week


:: Owner of the amazing, massive and successful ‘Fit 2 Live’ gym in Iowa


:: Profiled in the Iowa City newspapers virtually every week


:: Has a WAITING LIST for his summer sports youth training program



Did I mention that Aaron is only 26 years old?


Pretty impressive, isn’t it?


I suppose you could argue that some people just have ‘it’, you know.


Success is something they are.


Whatever they touch just works.


Well, at the risk of sounding mean, that isn’t at all true for Aaron.


Yes, he is a very capable Coach.


Yes, he’s smart and intuitive with his business.


Yes, he is an incredibly hard working man.


But do you know why Aaron has experienced such amazing success?


Because he never, EVER stops learning or spending money on information.



Youth Fitness Industry Watch This Video




Youth Fitness Industry


Register now and stop making the mistake of
waiting for success to come to you…







** Here are some essential Summit details to answer your questions below***


IYCA International Summit
Friday, February 20th – Saturday, February 21st
9am – 5pm EST both days
Louisville, Kentucky



IYCA Bonus Workshop


"How To Run Profitable Speed Clinics & Camps"
Sunday, February 22nd
9am – 1pm EST
Louisville, KY

Click Here to Register for the Bonus Workshop


The Youth Fitness Industry IYCA International Summit is being held at the historic Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.


The Brown Hotel
335 West Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202
Click Here to reserve your room


IYCA International Summit: This Is Your Last Chance…

This is it.


The last day for you to register for the IYCA International Summit and receive an unbelievable f.r.e.e.


The first annual IYCA International Summit is set for February 20 – 22
2009 in Louisville, Kentucky.


The line up of speakers is world-class.


The information will be priceless.


The missed opportunities if you don’t attend, extraordinary.


I’ve given you every reason to come.


I’ve outlined each and every reason why attendance is absolutely
mandatory if you are serious about your career.


I suppose the final kicker is simply this:


Exclusive entrance into my closed-door "Secrets to Profitable Speed
Camps and Clinics" seminar is available for the last time today.


Register today and you gain access to this information for absolutely
no extra charge whatsoever.


Delay and the opportunity is gone.


For good.


A complete done for you system that will show you precisely how to host
your own profitable speed camps.


And the information I’m prepared to give will change your business forever.


:: Press Releases

:: Joint Venture Tools

:: Camp Structure and Drills

:: Up-sell System

:: Enrollment Forms


You name it, you’ll get it.


An entire done for you, guaranteed to work system that will lead to profits
and clients.




No hype and no B.S.


I went from 0 clients to 200+ in just 3 months using this system in my last
training center.


It works and is ‘Brian Grasso’ tested.


I can’t implore you anymore than that.


Your success is in your hands.


The choice is 100% yours.


People doomed to fail find reasons not to…


… People primed for success find ways to make it happen.


Which kind of person are you?



‘Till next time,


