
Archive for “Senior Citizens” Tag

Fitness Training For Youth – Even the Best Don’t Get it Sometimes…

Fitness Training For Youth – what age do you start training someone?


How old should your fitness training for youth clients be?


How about young athletes?


I have to admit to being utterly stunned by the opinions

some very esteemed members of our industry shared on this

topic on a popular website recently.


“No one under the age of 12”


“It’s hard to teach kids under the age of 14 proper technique”


I am more convinced than ever that the IYCA is 100% necessary

in this industry.


In the world for that matter.


What is magical about the age of 12?


Why is that considered an age that adjunct fitness training for youth is fine,

but 11 or 10 is an issue.


Here’s the real crux of the problem –


Many people in this industry simply don’t understand.


And although we live in a free country and I wholly support

the right of everyone to express there opinion, it really

makes me wonder why highly esteemed and influential

members of any community don’t first understand the issue

before stating a strong stance on the matter.


Notice how I never discuss the virtues of training highly

elite athletes or senior citizens?


It’s because I understand and respect my limitations as

a professional and find it silly to wield any sort of

influence over a topic I know nothing about.


Ideally, I wouldn’t want to have children pay for my

services either.


Kids should be outdoors, in the sun, playing and growing

physically for the exercise stimulus they encounter.


Just like I was as a kid.


The problem is they’re not doing that.


Kids should be enjoying at least 45 minutes of well-designed

and developmentally-sound physical education everyday in



But that’s not happening either. 

That is why we need fitness training for youth.

If you know anything at all about human growth and

development, you know that the plasticity of the nervous

system is such that exposure to physical activity is a

must at an early age.


And while I would love to see kids just step outdoors

again and enjoy ‘free play’ experiences or partake in

vigors daily exercise in gym class, I also long for the

days when the gas to fill my car cost less than an

entire paycheck.


Obese kids aren’t active and must outlets to become



Young athletes are at the mercy of under-educated and

over-zealous Coaches so must have a voice of reason in

their adjunct training programs that involve more than

just pushing through biomotor increases.


I’m not going to say that our industry has done a fantastic

job of understanding and applying proper elements of  fitness training for youth…


… But that’s all the more reason to LEARN them through

a credible organization rather than merely cutting off a

segment of the population who desperately needs help.


Let me know your thoughts…


‘Till next time,


fitness training for youth


Youth Fitness: Are You Making a Huge Mistake?




Youth Fitness Industry Is Booming

Sometimes the signs all lead in the same direction –
Does that make sense?


The Youth Fitness and Sport Training niche is the fastest
growing in our entire industry.


Entrepreneur Magazine has cited this specific demographic
to be one of the most lucrative and expanding markets in the


From private practice and franchising to government agencies
and consulting, the opportunities within this niche are
absolutely endless.


Very few professionals actually specialize in the area of
Youth Fitness or Sport Training making your ability to
become a local or worldwide leader all-but guaranteed.


That takes care of the whole ‘supply and demand’ equation
related to business success.


But there are ‘X Factors’.


Other realities that make taking the ‘Level 1 – Youth
Specialist’ certification more than worthwhile
for you.


Any educational pursuit you take should have cross-over.


Even if the course is ‘niche-specific’, it should still
carry with it valuable information that you can use in
all facets of your business and career.


Check out this email I received earlier today from a
newly certified Youth Fitness Specialist –


"I loved your course. My whole training staff has gone
through the program and I can say unequivocally that
this is the best training tool we have EVER used – and
we don’t even focus on youth"


They don’t even focus on youth.


And still say it was the best course they ever experienced.


How many other certification courses offer that kind
of educational cross-over?


‘Coordination Development’ and the functionality of
training balance, kinesthetic differentiation and
movement adequacy has application with kids, young athletes,
senior citizens and everyone in between.


Our ‘Coaching and Communication’ material is absolutely
indispensible for understanding how to best inspire and
teach clients of any age or ability.


Our ‘Programming’ portion shows you how to create
progressive training routines that cycle through intensity
and loading parameters guaranteed to keep your clients
ascending without concern of over-training or burnout.


Who isn’t that applicable to?


And as you found out yesterday, the Level 1 course
is soon to be re-priced in order to betterreflect the high
quality of information it provides.


And your reasons for not thinking the youth fitness course worthwhile
are starting to seriously dwindle.


Here’s your exclusive link –




‘Till next time,
