
Archive for “youth fitness specialist” Tag

3 Reasons To Become A Youth Fitness Specialist

Reasons To Become A Youth Fitness Specialist

youth trainingAt the International Youth Conditioning Association we are proud of the fact that we provide education for coaches and trainers just like you.

It is important to us to provide research-based information coupled with practical application.

Our Youth Fitness Specialist Certification does that, and there are many reasons that being a Youth Fitness Specialist can be a benefit to you and the athletes/kids you work with. Here are just a few:

Reason #1: A Youth Fitness Specialist is Confident

Working with young kids can be challenging, from programming to exercise selection and timing, there is a lot to know.

Training kids like “mini adults” is simply unacceptable. This is why it is important for the Youth Fitness Specialist to know all the details on working with kids during crucial developmental phases to provide them with the optimal training.

Confidence is reflected in the quality of the programs and presentations as a coach. The Youth Fitness Specialist knows how to coach each athlete as an individual, even in a group/team setting. They can provide customized experiences and build long lasting relationships with clients based on research and practical application.

The Youth Fitness Specialist can be confident in getting results.

Reason #2: A Youth Fitness Specialist is Marketable – Be the Go-To Coach

Look around your community, do you know any Youth Fitness Specialists? It’s likely that there are very few that specialize with kids. Specializing can differentiate you from other coaches and trainers in the area.

Of course, becoming the go-to trainer takes a lot more than a certification, but becoming a Youth Fitness Specialist will give you the tools and resources to prove just why you ARE the go-to trainer in your area.

Use the credential to expand your programming, coach athletes in the way they need to be coached and build a network of trusting clients.

Reason #3: A Youth Fitness Specialist Can Educate Others

Probably the most important thing you can be when working with kids is a “student”. Simply put, coaches should never stop learning.

One of the greatest benefits of becoming a Youth Fitness Specialist (or in educating yourself on any topic), is that you can educate others. Answering the “whys” of youth fitness and performance is an important component of any coach’s job.

Educate yourself so you can educate others.

Julie Hatfield

Want to Become a Youth Fitness Specialist?

Become a Youth Fitness Specialist today for $100 OFF.

Learn More


The 3 Rules of Youth Fitness: Part 1

[wpfblike]Youth Fitness Rules to follow

When I look around the industry, I find myself becoming more and more discontented with the view.  It seems that there is a never-ending litany of new, innovative and advanced techniques in the field of strength and conditioning that are, in essence, just re-fabricated models and methods that have proved tried and true for literally decades.


This is especially true at the youth level where we tend to walk the fine line of wavering between dummying down adult-based prescription and creating ‘novel’ schemes of building the same results that can, and are developed through the standard basics.


When working with young athletes (aged 6 – 18) I implore you to resist the temptation of thinking too far outside the box and instead concentrate your time and effort on both pondering and answering these 3 specific questions:

  1. Is this Concept vs Cool?
  2. Is it Recipe vs Chef?
  3. What’s the difference between Athletes & Non-Athletes?


Let’s examine ‘Concept vs Cool’ today…



Youth Fitness Training vs Long Term Athletic Development – Part 3

Youth Fitness Specialists

1) How do I explain that my IYCA credentials make me more qualified than other Trainers?


As the market for youth fitness and sports training continues to increase, parents and coaches will continue seeking the services of professionals in our industry.


IYCA Professionals must differentiate themselves for other local competitors for one reason:


You are, by far and away, the best qualified professional in the industry to be working with young people.


Common points I’ve used when explaining my credentials to parents and coaches, are:


(i) It’s like a post-secondary or advanced medical degree – every Trainer has basic qualifications, but my IYCA credentials are a specialty in the specific field of youth fitness or youth sports training



Maximize Your Young Athletes’ Time

youth football

Earlier this week I was asked to consult with a local youth football organization.


Ordinarily, these types of consulting services include me conducting conference call educational seminars with as many as 30 – 40 coaches at one time.


I present on the topics that they have requested as they listen and follow along with a Power Point presentation that I email to them prior to the call starting.


At the end of my presentation, we all enjoy a round-table discussion in which they are free to ask me anything they want in reference to how my ‘Grasso Methodologies’ can fit specifically into their league and respective practice schedules.


If I dare say so myself, it’s a great service.



Youth Fitness Industry: How to Send The Wrong Message



Youth Fitness Industry

If you haven’t already, the recent Time Magazine cover story about
the Myth of Exercise is a must read for you.


You can access the article here –




Here’s the one sentence that caught my attention most:


"I have exercised like this — obsessively, a bit grimly — for years,
but recently I began to wonder: Why am I doing this? Except for a two-year
period at the end of an unhappy relationship — a period when I self-medicated
with lots of Italian desserts — I have never been overweight"




Because, of course, in our aesthetic culture, getting "skinny" is the only
reason one would have to engage in physical activity.


If you haven’t yet, please read this article.


Then, click on the link below, head over to my blog, and tell me
what you think.


To me, this is mismanaged information to the highest degree.


And I’m dying to know what you think.


Leave your comments below…


Tired of the same misinformation floating around about exercise and
the youth fitness industry?


Time to take a stand.


Click on the link below to find out how…




Youth Fitness Industry Pride…




Youth Fitness Industry

So tomorrow I’m off to Providence Rhode Island.


For three years now, I’ve been honored to have a place on the
esteemed ‘Speakers Panel’ for Perform Better.


In my mind, one of the preeminent organizations in our youth fitness industry,
it has been a sincere pleasure to share the stage with such
industry icons as Juan Carlos Santana, Mike Boyle, Gray Cook,
Alwyn Cosgrove and Al Vermeil.


But something is very different about this years Perform Better


I’m still speaking at all the events.


Rhode Island this month.


Chicago next.


Long Beach in July.


But this year, I’m traveling to each of those locations one day
early in order to present a private Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist
certification to attendees.


Perform Better decided a few months ago that the IYCA and its
message to the youth fitness industry, is worth that much.

