
Archive for “Training Young Athletes” Tag

Your Opportunity for Impact in Youth Fitness & Performance

Making an Impact in Youth Fitness and Performance

In this video, Jim Kielbaso talks about three of the ways you can have the greatest impact in youth fitness and sport performance.

Listen to what he has to say, and let us know what you think. What ways do you feel coaches and trainers can make a big impact with the kids they are working with?

Watch this video for more!!

Comment below!

Help Your Athletes Get Prepared to Perform by Checking This Out

IYCA-LTAD-LM-Blog AD-V1 - Opportunity for Impact in Youth Fitness and Performance

Monitoring Readiness in Athletes: Part 1

Athlete monitoring has risen to the forefront of the physical preparation industry over the last several years. Monitoring and readiness is part of a continued evolution in a field that is never static. Athlete monitoring is a way in which sport scientists and coaches are using information gathered from the athlete to gauge how physiologically, psychologically, and emotionally ready their athletes are for training and competition.

Sport scientists and coaches are relying more and more heavily on both objective and subjective measures to help adjust and determine training protocol for both athletes and clients. There has been a steep rise in the implementation of monitoring technology in physical preparation from the professional all the way to the high school level. GPS units, heart rate variability monitors, velocity based measurement, and multiple phone apps have become an integral part of physical preparation programs across the United States. We are going to take a look at monitoring in three distinct parts:

  1. Why we monitor and considerations for monitoring
  2. How we monitor at the high school level
  3. What difference can monitoring make in the development of your athletes?


Part 1 of this blog is going to focus on why we monitor and considerations for monitoring. The “why” is the most
critical component of any method that you may choose to implement in your program. If there is not a clear understanding of why something is being implemented into your program, then I would advise you to immediately pause and determine what that “why” is for you.

I am going to be giving a high school perspective as to why we believe that monitoring has become extremely important with our athletes. The “why” for why we began to monitor became very clear for us before we began to implement any monitoring strategies at Battle Ground Academy.

The demands on today’s high school athlete are tremendous. Many of these athletes are participating in rigorous academic programs, highly competitive high school and club athletic programs, as well as consistent physical preparation training. It has been my observation that this athlete’s readiness levels are some of the most variable a coach will experience. These athletes rarely experience true off-seasons due to multiple sport participation, private skills training, and club participation. This leaves this athlete under a tremendous amount of stress on a routine basis, and it puts the physical preparation professional into the role of a stress manager.

My concern for my athletes ultimately came from growing to understand the intense physiological, psychological, and emotional demands that not only came from their sports, but the chronological and developmental age of the athlete. An athlete’s high school years can be some of the most stressful and challenging of their lives. Once again, they are experiencing rapid changes physically, mentally, and emotionally that can make the demands placed on them through athletics participation a daunting task. Expectations, realistic or unrealistic, have also become a major stressor for these athletes. Our society has set the bar high in term of expectations both academically and athletically during these formative years.

Through the data tracking of our athletes, we would see a great amount of variability in the strength levels on a regular basis. All of our long term trends would be very solid, but we could see that at times there could be as much as a 17% fluctuation either positive or negative in a core lift from one week to the next in what we measured from an athlete!


This was not the standard fluctuation of course, but it was not unusual to see significant weekly fluctuations in strength levels. Looking at this data ignited the “light bulb” moment for me. Most of us who have been in the profession for a while most likely came out of programs with a strict percentage based mentality that did not really take the daily readiness of the athlete into account. We programmed volume and intensity into the program, and hopefully it lined up with where our athletes were that day.

Throughout this process the “why” for us became this: we want to meet our athletes as close to where they are as possible from a readiness standpoint on a daily basis. We want to do what is best for our athletes, and also what will help them achieve their goals in the safest and most efficient manner possible. I typically find that this is the goal of any coach who wants to implement a monitoring program with his or her athletes. The next step was to discern how we were going to implement a monitoring program that can be executed in an efficient manner. We first needed to consider what some challenges or limiting factors may be at the high school/youth level.

The most obvious challenges for most are going to be financial cost, time expenditure, and athlete compliance. All of these can be difficult because they are outside of your control for the most part. Finances are usually set at a certain point by a multitude of different factors dependent upon the situation. Time can be limited by access in an educational and private setting for different reasons as well. Finances and time are usually very scarce commodities in the world of physical preparation, and it must be taken into account to understand what type of monitoring program is right for your situation. Athlete compliance is the third area that is very important. Monitoring and measurement can be useless if the athlete’s in non-compliant. Non-compliance can be a lack of reporting or dishonest reporting by your athletes. There has to be athlete buy in to make all of this work!

Another factor to consider is making sure that data collection is in line with the amount of data that you can manage successfully. Collecting data for the sake of storing data in your computer is a futile exercise at best. There needs to be a plan in place to both collect and use the data.

It is important to implement any change in your program in stages, and implementing a monitoring program is no different.

It is important to implement any change in your program in stages.

It will be an adjustment for strength coaches, sport coaches, and athletes.

It is important not to place excessive demands on all involved in the early stages of building your monitoring program.

It is also important to help your athletes correctly understand the information you are asking for as well as explain the relevance of the information being collected.

It is vital that you repeat this process with everyone who is going to be involved in the process to ensure its success. This includes sport coaches, administrators, as well as parents.

Part two of this three-part series will look at methods from technology to programming that can be implemented at the high school level to monitor, evaluate, and adjust to help your athletes achieve optimal results.


Check out our Youth Athlete Assessment Certification to begin evaluating and monitoring your athletes.

Learn More

About the Author: Fred Eaves
Ed.S, M.Ed, CSCS, RSCC, IYCA, USAW, USATF, BIOFORCE Conditioning Coach Certified, 2015 NSCA H.S. Strength Coach of the Year, 2013 Samson Equipment & AFM H.S. Strength Coach of The Year

What Coaches Must Be, Have, & Do to Make a Difference

There are many reasons to become a sport performance coach. Whether it is an undeniable passion for working with kids, a need to fulfill a void that you never had during your athletic years, an experience with a great coach, or even an experience with a bad coach….

…whatever the reason, the kids in your community need a strong, confident leader and an educated leader. It is the “educated leader” that I think we miss the most. It concerns me. Does it concern you?

Unfortunately, the uneducated performance coaches aren’t likely reading this blog, so my question is…what can we do to educate more coaches, more trainers, more parents and more athletes so that we can have a bigger impact, reduce injury and create strong, healthy athletes?

What Coaches Must Be

Education begins with an individual: an open mind to evolve, grow, forego past assumptions and adopt new ways (or improve upon old ways). Leading by example is a surefire way to educate those that you come in contact with.

Providing informational sessions, newsletters and a strong culture, based in the concepts that you can find in the IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist Credential, will give you the confidence and courage to program & teach all athletes.

What Coaches Must Have

It is really easy to get side-tracked and pulled into multiple directions. The best performance coaches know their vision, and it’s a compelling and powerful one!  When you have a compelling vision, others will believe in you and ultimately follow you, not the other way around.

The best performance coaches know their vision

When we look at the latest trends and fads, one thing stands true—they are all temporary. Build a vision that can last. Invest yourself in your vision. Live it. Love it. Learn to say NO to the paths that do not lead your in the direction of your vision.

What Coaches Must Do

Knowledge is power…right?  So why do we so often keep it to ourselves? One of the biggest challenges that you may face, is educating others who may/may not be open to it.

That high school coach who has been doing the same routine for 30 years, or that volunteer parent who played Division I athletics and trains the kids like mini-adults, they may need a voice of reason when it comes to coaching youth.  

Share your knowledge, but do it gently. In order to educate, sometimes it’s more important to listen. Find a common cause or purpose that we all can rally behind.

Here at IYCA, we love the saying, “A high tide raises all ships.” Take that approach to coaching. Do your part to raise the tide and make the industry better, and our athletes better.

With a common purpose at the forefront, work on gently integrating your techniques, thoughts and vision. It isn’t about trying to be “right” or the “best” coach for the job. Don’t try to compete, work along-side them, and watch the tables turn.

You will win some over…but then again, there will be some that you won’t. Let that go.

And…Never Quit Learning.

It is easy to throw your hands in the air and stop trying to educate others. Understand that not everyone will be receptive to the concepts that we teach here at the IYCA, and that you teach in your programs.

Remember, for every one coach/trainer that you get to impact, there are potentially hundreds of kids that they may coach in a lifetime, so keep educating yourself and others, the kids need you, we need you.

Want to get started on your path to Youth Fitness today?

Check out the IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist Credential and take action!

Learn More

Author: Julie Hatfield

Julie Hatfield (1)Julie is the Executive Director of the International Youth Conditioning Association (IYCA). She grew up as an athlete and played collegiate softball at Juniata College. She currently owns and operates her own youth fitness business pouring into young athletes. Her areas of expertise are youth sport performance, youth fitness business and softball training/instruction. Julie grew up on a dairy farm and can challenge the best of the best in a cow-milking contest. 😉

Overworked and Underpaid

Overworked, Underpaid and…Exhausted?

If you are reading this, it’s fair to assume it is because you answered “yes” to at least one part of that question.

Let’s be honest here, most of us feel this way at some point or another, no matter what industry you’ve worked in.

Many sport performance coaches spend countless hours planning, preparing and delivering, only to fall short on financial performance and feel exhausted. After all, we wake up before the sun, and go to bed just before it rises again…right?   

tired-418902_640If you are like most performance coaches, passion got you started—persistence keeps you going—and pride keeps you from quitting when the going gets tough. If you are feeling that you are 

overworked, underpaid and exhausted…well, the going has gotten tough.

What to do?

Take a few steps back, and figure out how you can turn your youth fitness business into a lucrative and successful place…afterall…the world NEEDS you!

Here are 3 Ways to avoid burnout as a performance coach:

Take a 30,000 foot view, quarterly:

Sometimes we can’t see what is really going on inside our businesses until we remove ourselves.  It isn’t always physically possible, but what if you could look at your business from the outside…

… what would you see? Would you like it? What wouldn’t you like? Is it what you envisioned when you started? Would you come into your own gym as a client, and why?

These questions serve to spark your curiosity, knowing what your business is really about is probably the most important thing you can do when it comes to being lucrative.

If you lose sight of your vision, your dream and the reason you started in the first place, likely that passion will fade and so will your business.

Know your numbers, monthly:

Many youth fitness business owners hate showing their numbers.  Knowing your numbers is a sure-fire way to gain insight into your business.

Numbers you have to know:office-620822_640

  • Gross Revenue
  • Expenses
  • Profit Margin
  • Leads
  • Clients Lost

There are more than these, but this is a good start.   Do you know these answers? If you don’t, you need to. If you want to make money, you have to know what is coming in and going out.

Don’t have “time” to track them, then keep ignoring them and the result (likely not the one that you or I want for you) will come, or acknowledge them and have the power to create solutions and change the course…and WIN!

It is that simple. Numbers tell the story, get to know your business’s story!

Work ON the business, not IN the business, weekly:

Performance coaches are good at coaching…we are not always businessmen and businesswomen.  Overlooking critical aspects of our business, like sales/marketing, setting goals, our numbers, strategies and systems, etc. can destroy a business.

By working ON your business, you focus on the strategies and systems that optimize your performance.  Spend an hour or two every week (or a timeframe that works for you), focusing on your business.

What to think about?

  • Strategies
  • Systems
  • Priorities
  • What is working
  • What is not working

If you are only working IN the business, you have blinders on to most of these things. You may know them, but they get forgotten. Don’t let that happen…it’s a good way to burn out.

Written By:

IYCA-newsletter-julie sig-v1 (1)



IYCA– Executive Director
Fitness Business Owner

Program design can require a lot of time.

Here is a free video and PDF resource for you to help save you some time (and energy) on program design for long-term athletic development.


Fitness Is the Way to Life

Fundamentals of Youth Fitness Training
“Fitness Is the Way to Life”


by Leonard M. Framson PT, MFS, CSCI, YFT, CFNC, YFS

Children can start weight training at any age as long as there is proper supervision, the youth has been educated in the proper technique, and the equipment being used is adaptable to their size and shape. 

There are programs out there that involve training children as young as 7 years old that have found that they responded favorably physiologically with certain gains in muscle strength, muscle mass, and power, as well as exercise performance.  It also helped to enhance their psychological well being by making them feel more physically competent and self-confident.  In order to start a child in youth weight training, he/she must have the emotional maturity to accept coaching and instruction.  There must be adequate supervision by coaches or adults who are knowledgeable about strength training, and the special circumstances involving prepubescents. 

Youth Fitness Training

Weight (strength) training should be a part of a comprehensive program to improve motor skills and the individual’s fitness level.  There should always be a proper warm-up period of 10 to 15 minutes and a proper cool-down period of the same duration.  The program should emphasize dynamic concentric and eccentric muscle contractions, and the youth should perform all exercises through the full range of motion.  The amount and the kind of resistance beneficial for a youth depends on the child’s stage of biological development, the ability of the cardiovascular system to handle increased stress, and in case of strength-endurance exercises with weights or resistance, on anaerobic fitness.

The approaches than can be taken in designing a client’s beginning fitness training regimen are:

  1. The client or if a youth, the client’s parent or legal guardian fills out a PAR-Q Medical History Questionnaire for a preliminary screening resource to determine the level of risk to exercise.

  2. Once cleared for exercise, evaluate the client’s training status taking into account his/her level of preparedness, injury history, and training background.

  3.  Conduct a variety of tests such as strength testing, cardiovascular assessment, flexibility assessment, balance assessment and do a postural screening.

  4.  Evaluate the results.

  5. Talk to the client and/or coach or family to determine the primary goals of the training.

  6. Do exercise selection taking into account movement analysis and exercise techniques and determining training frequency.

  7.  Set-up the exercise in a specific order.

  8.  Instruct proper breathing, warm-up, and cool-down techniques.

  9.  Determine the training volume and the length of the rest periods based on the client/athlete’s training status and their goals of training.

  10. Educate clients each time to make it more of an active education than a sit and listen to education to keep it interesting and fun.


Over the years there have been many fitness principles that have been taught and used by fitness enthusiasts from beginner to advanced, but one of the most straight forward and simple principles to use when doing resistance training with the youth is known as the FITT Principle.

The FITT principle consists of four components:

  1. Frequency of Exercise:  How many times should the individual exercise during the week?

  2. Intensity of Exercise:  How hard should the individual train during the workout?

  3. Time to Exercise:  How long should the exercise session last?

  4. Type of exercise:  What does the exercise session consist of?


The scope of this section is directed to the beginner, and with that as the focus we need to keep in mind the individual’s level of both physical and emotional maturity.  Start light and progress safely and appropriately with trained and excellent supervision. 

If done properly with a comprehensive training program, muscle imbalances can be corrected and prevented from the start while enhancing the individual’s motor development, coordination, and level of fitness. 

Many times individuals that are going through growth spurts can benefit from proper training during this time period to allow the muscles to develop at a more appropriate pace while the bones are growing so that the muscles don’t have to play catch up.


  • Children have immature skeletons. Physical activity stimulates healthy bone growth in the youth; however certain precautions need to be taken. The bones of the youth do not mature until 14 through 21 years old, depending on the individual’s physical maturation rate.   In boys absolute muscular strength (the greatest amount of force an individual can produce) grows consistently between the ages of 7 – 19.   In girls, strength gains are incurred on a consistent level until about the age of 15, when a period of stagnation occurs and strength gains plateau, and in fact begin to fall.  In girls, exercises during childhood can have a critical effect on bone health that can last a lifetime.  Children and adolescents are susceptible to different types of injuries than adults and are vulnerable to growth-related overuse injuries.  Precaution should be used if an injury occurs around a joint and should be checked out to rule out the possibility of a growth plate injury.

  • We must keep in mind that children can not and should not be trained in the same manner as adults.  A lack of motor control (a function of the Central Nervous System) will affect the child’s ability to perform weight-training exercises safely.  It is therefore the maturity of the CNS that is the ultimate determining factor. The same training methods that we use to motivate adults don’t work with children.  The youth or child differs from the adult anatomically, physiologically, and emotionally. The youth is still physically maturing. 

  • Growth and development also influence the capacity to learn motor skills.  Rapid growth during puberty makes it difficult to achieve stability in basic coordination skills.  Many times the early maturing athlete will out perform the late maturing athlete, but the late bloomers most often will outperform the early bloomer in high school, college, and if possible post college.

  • When training the youth athlete it is important to realize as noted above that sports performance enhancement training relies on the maturation of the nervous system including the brain as well as development of the musculoskeletal system.  Introduce coordination training while the individual is in the pre-adolescent phase, and the individual’s level of coordination and proper muscle balance will be enhanced. 

  • Stress proper technique during the exercise training, and make sure the individual stays properly hydrated. 

  • The personal trainer must know the developmental phases in children in order to properly train them.

  • The program should be professionally planned and properly monitored so the individual can progress at a safe pace.

  • There are pre-pubescent, pubescent, and post-pubescent phases of maturation and training.  Certain factors apply to each in order to design safe and effective training programs.

  • When working with the individual there are certain Bio-motor abilities that need to be addressed:

    • Strength is defined as the maximum force that can be generated by a muscle during a single muscular maximal contraction. 

    • Flexibility is defined the range of motion of a joint or group of joints in regard to the bones involved in the joint or joints, the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint capsule, and collagen fibers.  Dynamic stretching to enhance flexibility is more beneficial and more functional than static stretching.  Dynamic stretching is more appropriate for proper warm-ups and injury prevention.

    •  Agility is the ability to change direction of the body at a quick pace while being able to maintain one’s balance.  An example of this would be the soccer player who has to suddenly change his/her direction on the field of play and could involve lateral movements as well forward movement and back pedaling.

    • Speed is the ability to move rapidly with a quicker reaction time and movement time.  It could be with rapid upper extremity movements, lower extremity movements, or a combination of both.  Speed training for running would be a perfect example.

    • Cardiovascular Endurance by definition is the ability for the individual to perform activities for an extended period of time which would raise one’s heart rate.

    • Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to do repeated contractions against sub-maximal resistance for a given period of time. This is in contrast to muscular strength, which is the greatest amount of force that a muscle or muscle group can exert in a single contraction as noted above.

  • Fitness professionals, coaches, teachers working with the youth population need to keep the programs fun, and exciting.  Children join exercise programs to be with their friends and have fun.

Coaches work with the youth to help them to develop a thorough, efficient, and effective performance enhancement training program that will address various fitness components discussed above consisting of strength, flexibility, speed and agility, cardiovascular endurance, and muscle endurance, as well as encouraging them to eat healthily. 

The main goal of the performance enhancement training programs is to increase an individual’s fitness level so they can perform at their optimal level of function with the specific task at hand.  It is the goal of the personal trainer/fitness coach to increase the individual’s biomotor abilities while reducing their body mass and increasing their lean muscle mass.

When adults think about exercising, they think in terms of going to the gym and lifting weights or going and doing some form of cardio, swimming laps, riding a bike, doing an elliptical, taking a walk either by themselves or with their co-workers during their lunch break, walking their dog in the morning or the evening, running on a treadmill, doing Zumba, or some other form of structured training program either in their homes, a fitness center or out on a field somewhere.  When the youth are thought of for fitness and exercise it usually involves soccer leagues, lacrosse leagues, little league baseball, Pop Warner Football, hockey, Dance classes, gymnastics, martial arts, etc.   

If your child is playing in your yard and running around with friends, he or she is exercising.  When your son or daughter jumps up and down on your bed when they are little, they are exercising.  Fitness comes in all forms.

We as personal trainers, parents, coaches, adults need to encourage the youth to be physically active.  A physically active child should have greater strength, flexibility, muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance, agility, and by being more physically active and therefore fit, will be less likely to become obese. 

Guidelines to follow:

  • Make sure that the individual is properly instructed and educated and performs the exercises   with the proper technique and proper posture while being properly supervised and spotted

  • Make sure that the training area is safe.

  • The youth warm-up period should be between 10 to 15 minutes in duration.

  • The exercise program should consist of exercises addressing the upper extremities, lower extremities, and Core consisting of the scapula stabilizers and core stabilizers.

  • Training should be done two to three days per week encompassing the total body program.

  • Circuit training (using upper body/ lower body) or Push-Pull Training (alternating flexor extensor of the same body part) to allow greater recovery and efficiency.

Depending on the sport or activity, an athlete utilizes either one side of the body versus the other side or more emphasis is placed on the lower body more than the upper body or the upper body more than the lower body, or even the anterior musculature versus the posterior musculature (front versus back).  The recommendation is to train the entire body bilaterally symmetrical to prevent muscle imbalances which would lead to injury.  By training the body as a whole from the core to the extremities and anterior versus posterior musculature, one’s coordination will be enhanced and therefore athletic and functional performance.  Total body performance enhancement training is the key to developing and individual’s biomotor abilities.



By Wil Fleming


As coaches we no doubt know about the pitfalls of early specialization when it comes to young athletes.

Despite much evidence that early specialization can lead to higher levels of burnout and dropout, many coaches still believe that the only way athletes can reach 10,000 hours of deliberate practice is to begin specialization at an extremely early age.

Recently several researchers (Moesch, Elbe, Haube and Wikman) published a very interesting article in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Sport Science examining just this theory and has amazing implications for the coaching in your program.

The researchers asked elite athletes and near elite athletes to answer questions about their experiences in athletics regarding their training and practice throughout their career.


Teaching Young Athletes the Kettlebell Snatch


Kettlebell Snatch For Young Athletes


by Jason C Brown (more…)

‘Base Building’ for High School Athletes?





High School Athletes coaching should focus on the five biomotor abilities. By Latif Thomas

When my mother attended her first ever Parent-Teacher Conference, she expected Mrs. Candlette to tell her how smart I was. Or how polite I was. Or to hear about some other facet of my considerable six year old intellect…


Instead, the first teacher to parent description to fall upon her ears was,


“Wow, Latif sure can run fast!”


What can I say? I owned Duck, Duck, Goose!


So, when I arrived at the University of Connecticut, track and field scholarship in hand, I thought I was well on my way to the Olympic Games.


You can imagine my horror when, a few weeks before the start of my first Indoor Track Season, my coach pulled me into his office. He told me, not so subtly, that I was being red shirted. He then told me, not so subtly, that he thought I was a fluke. That he had no idea, based on what he saw from me that fall, how I possibly ran 10.8 for 100m, 22.1 for 200m or 48.8 for 400m as a 16 year old. (That was pretty good for New England back in the mid ’90s.) He then reminded me that scholarships are year to year and that I was not on pace to have mine renewed!


I slowly shuffled back to my dorm in a state of panic and disbelief.


How did it get to this point? I work my butt off. And I set all types of records when I was a high school athletes.


Sure, I had lost the bulk of my senior year to a torn hamstring. But, how was I supposed to know to do a ‘dynamic warm up’ before a race? I didn’t know what that was. My hamstring was tight that day, so I static stretched it even harder. (more…)

Connecting With Local High Schools


A few weeks ago, I wrote a post for all IYCA members on how to use bands to get involved with a high school:  Opening The Door To Youth Sports In Your Area


Youth Sports

I recently received this email from a local trainer that I thought was very appropriate to share with all of you.


If you are looking for a way to provide coaches with something that will not only make their athletes better but also provide them a solution to a very common problem, resistance bands may be the answer.


This could very easily be you sending me this email in the near future.



The Happy Youth Fitness Specialist: Part 2


Youth Fitness Specialist And Happines Part 2… 

As Elena and I pondered the sources from which happiness flowed we wondered if there was another catalyst to its fulfillment, a life of solidarity.  Whether fully engaged in a labor of love or committed to a purpose greater than yourself, can you truly be the best version of yourself, by yourself?  Without being challenged, inspired and supported by a like minded peer group, how do we ever know whether we are progressing or regressing?  Further, what is a life of pleasure without others to share, enjoy and explore it with. 



Youth Fitness Specialist key to Happiness: Part 1


Youth Fitness Specialist Article by Bobby Cuppucio

Last night in London, I believe I shared a simultaneous epiphany with Steve Jack, Elena and Michol Dalcourt.  We were discussing well… the secret of happiness.  Wine and the city make for an interesting conversation to say the least.  What does make people happy?  Or, more anecdotally, why are so many people not happy?  According to Dr. Martin Seligman,  in the decades that he has been a psychologist, he has discovered that there are three levels of happiness


They are:


  1. A life of pleasure
  2. A life of engagement
  3. A life of purpose



Young Athletes Need Teaching… Not Training


Young Athletes Need More Than Training A staple of the IYCA Code:


“Teach young athletes… Don’t Train”.


A little scary, perhaps?


Most certainly counterintuitive?


How do you talk to Coaches andYoung Athletes who think that every training session needs to be a ‘throw-up-fest’ of nothing but hard work?


Watch this young athlete principles video and find out…



Coaching Young Athletes Back in the Trenches: Part 3


Coaching Young Athletes – Here’s the last part of what you need to know to become a great Coach…


(3) Constant Praise


This one is something I wish more Fitness pros understood when Coaching Young Athletes .


If your young athlete performs an exercise that is 90% incorrect, the only option you have in terms of making sure he or she eventually gets it, is to comment on the 10% that was right.


I know… The urge is to correct the mistakes, but as I’ve been saying for years now:


The human body comes equipped with an auto-regulatory feature that knows where proper versus improper functional execution lies. 


The goal is to ‘allow’ the body-brain to relax and find proper execution for itself.



Youth Training: My Top 5 (Part 3)


Youth Training Tip # 3

Another ‘no-brainer’ reason you need to hear about.


For fun, I call this our “shake the hands and kiss the babies” policy!


In truth, it’s one of the factors that separates the IYCA Summit from every other conference out there.


The Personal Touch.


Our Speakers are contracted, not just to present, but to be available all weekend long in order to answer YOUR questions.


Maybe you’ve always wanted to ask Eric Cressey something about Mobility.


Perhaps Mike Robertson has the key you’ve been looking for with respect to Youth Training (more…)