
Archive for “David Gleason” Tag

Alwyn Cosgrove's Secrets to Success

Each week, I post a new audio for IYCA Members.


I call them the ‘8-Minute Rapid Fire’.


The amount of information you can get out of someone in just 8-minutes is absolutely amazing… I am stunned at how much experts can reveal in this short amount of time!


I want you to listen to Alwyn’s interview carefully.


He was diagnosed with cancer twice over the past five years, beat it both times, and in the process, became one of the most successful and inspirational Fitness Professionals in the world…


… If this guy is not qualified to teach you about ‘Success Secrets’, I don’t know who is.



Youth Fitness Specialist From The IYCA




Become a Youth Fitness Specialist


A 3-tiered Youth Fitness Specialist system that is guaranteed to boost your career
forever and completely recession-proof your business.




Here’s your direct link-


Become a Youth Fitness Specialist Today


We are facing some very difficult and scary economic times.


But your career doesn’t have to be effected at all if you plan wisely.


The youth market of the industry continues to surge with record-breaking
revenues being seen throughout the world.


I want you to quickly read IYCA Member, David Gleason’s story –


"From a pure financial perspective the IYCA has been an incredible catalyst
for my career. Supporting a wife and two kids with a single income (me)
these days is not an easy task no matter what the industry. With the economic
environment such as it is, my personal training business has taken a
substantial hit even though I work with in a fairly affluent area. With the
knowledge and insight I have gained from the YFS Level 1 certification,
IYCA continuing ed, and the IYCA members website – my business is
growing at a mind boggling pace.


To be completely transparent… I lost 9 sessions per week at $80 per
session. Simply, $2880 per month. Before I even had time to hit the
panic button I found out I passed my Level 1 exam and started my first
class for 6-9 year olds. I quickly surpassed that mark with just two
classes per week and I am now being requested for other age groups
and by organizations like the local PTO, Education Foundation, and
even pre-schools as well as moms and dads I have never met"



This is the kind of "beat the economy" story I see all the time
throughout Membership in the IYCA.

