
Archive for “High School Athletes” Category

Speed Training for High School Athletes


Speed Training for High School Athletes;

Isn’t about ‘running’, ‘cone drills’, ‘speed ladders’ or even ‘sprinting’…


Watch this:




Absolutely EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Speed Training for High School Athletes


—> https://iyca.org/highschool/



Symptomatology of Training Young Athletes


Training young athletes… It seems that everybody dabbles in this market 

Whether the fitness or sport training professional is a Physical Therapist by trade, Personal Trainer to the average adult clientele or Strength Coach to elite sporting stars, when stating their bios and areas or expertise, it seems that the sentence always ends with ‘I am Training Young Athletes, too‘.


And why not, right?


Training young athletes is the fastest growing niche within the entire fitness industry.

It’s worth over $4 billion a year in the United States alone and more than 1 million children, youths and teens hired a Personal Trainer in 2007 – a large number for the purpose of enhancing sport performance.


But that term, ‘enhancing sport performance’ is something that doesn’t really belong in the vernacular of the youth sports training world. At least not in the way we currently use it.


At the risk of sounding acrimonious, let me ask you this question.


How much do you really know about human growth, development and the necessary components of training clients in the pediatric and formative years?



High School Strength & Conditioning Coach: New Certification, New Offer


Just a quick update and new offer for you on the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” Certification…


As of today (right now, in fact), it’s yours for only $67 a month for 3 months.


I recognized that coming off the Christmas Holidays, your cash flow may not be exactly where you wished it was.


But I didn’t want that to be a factor for you getting your hands on the resources that has, in only 2 days, become the fastest selling certification in the history of this industry.


As of right now, the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” certification is yours for only $67 a month for 3 months.



Click Here to Take Advantage of the Opportunity —> https://iyca.org/highschool/



High School Strength Certified Coach


IYCA High School Strength & Conditioning Coach Certification

Exactly as I predicted, the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” certification has been absolutely flying off the shelves since I released it yesterday.


There is an unbelievable buzz at IYCA Head Office that, quite frankly, I haven’t seen in a very long time – the whole Fitness and Sport Training industry is lighting up over this new certification!



(See what all the buzz is about by clicking here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/)



And why wouldn’t they be?


After all:


You receive a certification and gain credentials to work with the fastest growing and most ‘in need’ demographic in the entire sports training industry.


You learn the inside secret systems for training high school athletes by some of the most successful Coaches on the planet (Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, Wil Fleming). 

 Until Saturday January 29, you can own the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” certification for a full $100 discount.


But perhaps the most important reason…


The lynchpin that is making it so practically every single Coach and Trainer worldwide wants to become a certified “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach”?


Because it’s a Risk Free (more…)

High School Certification: Available Now!


IYCA High School certification Strength & Conditioning Coach Certification


The “High School Certification is NOW AVAILBLE:


Click Here Right Now ––> https://iyca.org/highschool/


** Important Notice **


The High School Certification for Strength & Conditioning will retail for $297 starting Saturday January 29….


Enjoy a full $100 discount right now


—> Click Here for ‘$100 Off’ the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” Certification: (more…)

High School Strength Certification


IYCA High School Strength Certification


High School Strength Certification will be released tomorrow.

And today, I wanted to hit you with a few key points for your consideration…


Barrington High School

Timothy Christian

Prairie Ridge


3 of the numerous high schools I either worked at or consulted for from 2001 – 2009.


Without question the most fulfilling time of my career.


In those 8 years and with those 6,000+ high school athletes, I experienced more in the way of learning than at any other point in my 15 years inside this industry.


I learned that the situation (for multiple reasons) was never going to be ideal and that a practical system was necessary to optimally train these teenagers.



New: High School Strength Coach Certification

High School Strength Coach Certification

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Get the entire audio event I recorded with Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson and Wil Fleming:


“The High School Training Manifesto”


Everything you need to know about training high school champions!


Click Here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/


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  • Eric Cressey
  • Wil Fleming
  • Dr. Toby Brooks
  • Pat Rigsby
  • Brian Grasso
  • Mike Robertson


High School Certification: Sample Chapter


High School Certification Taster

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Did you miss last night’s recording?


No worries!


The complete recording AND PDF transcript of every word that was said is yours… For no charge!


Just click here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/


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High School Certification (more…)

Successful High School Training Systems


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Eric Cressey

Mike Robertson

Wil Fleming


“The High School Training Systems Manifesto”


Everything you want to know about training high school training systems for athletes… From the best in the world!




Register by clicking here —>  https://iyca.org/highschool/

How to Create High School Training Systems


Before you read how I created a High School Training System that became one of the most successful in the country, I want to invite you to this landmark event:


Wednesday January 19
7:30pm (EST


“The High School Training Manifesto”


A LIVE audio with my special guests:


high school training


3 of the very best and most successful High School Strength Coaches in the world are going to share all their secrets with you…


Just click below and register for NO CHARGE:



—> https://iyca.org/highschool/



Championship High School Training


young athletes


My fondest memories of coaching are very specific.


Specific to a period of time, particular location and group of young athletes.


Barrington High School.


Just outside Chicago, Illinois.


2004 – 2006.


I had started working at a large sports training facility not too far away from BHS.


Naturally, I wanted to position myself as the ‘go to expert’ for all the Young Athletes who participated in the competitive sports the school had to offer.



Speed Training For Athletes: How to develop speed in young athletes for soccer

How To Develop Speed Training for Athletes

There are a few key things that must be in every program that is designed to help athletes get faster. As you are putting together a program that is focused on speed training for athletes consider if your program includes the following:

1. Tissue Quality

2. Mobility

3. Torso

4. Movement Preparation

5. Skill

Speed training for athletes

As you are developing your program for speed training for athletes it should have each of those components and the sessions should follow that progression.

Most of our progressions and programs when speed training for athletes are similar in nature, but today we wanted to share a quick video from IYCA Expert Dave Gleason on speed training for athletes that play soccer.



Learn How Our IYCA Experts Develop Speed Training Programs By Getting YSAS Certified! Click The Image Below To Get Started Today.

Speed Training for Athletes



Complete Athlete Development


Complete AThlete Development



The ‘Complete Athlete Development‘ System…


Now 100% Digital (So You Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS)


And Yours for Only $97


Click Here Right Now —>http://completeathletedevelopment.com/cad/digital





“When I read Brian’s ‘Speed & Movement Techniques’ chapter in his Complete Athlete Development Program, I knew that I was on to something very special…


… When I watched the corresponding DVD’s, I realized in an instance that the techniques and progressions he was showing were going to make my athletes the fastest and most agile in the game…


… I was right!”


I received that email from Heath Croll about 3 years ago.


My ‘Complete Athlete Development’ system was brand-new and I was anxious for feedback.


It’s one thing to coach successfully for 10 years, it’s another thing altogether to put your system on paper and ask people to believe in it.


But believe in it they did.


Fitness Professionals, Strength Coaches, High School Coaches – even Parents and Athletes!



Youth Fitness Business: Training Adults is More Difficult?


Youth Fitness Business Comparisons

You can (and should) take a look at John’s entire article here.


Now, our industry is full of people who seem to enjoy taking shots at their peers. Almost like a sport, they feel somehow empowered and or compelled to lobby opinions at what other people have to say and cloak their oftentimes defaming commentary with “this isn’t personal”.


My ‘retort’ article is not anywhere near a ‘shot’ at John. I was just so intrigued by his thoughts and feelings on the matter, I wanted to test the merits of his conclusions based on what I know about developing young athletes.


And by ‘testing the merits’ I mean to decide for myself if I think his deductions are correct. Not whether he’s right – he believes he is and I respect that wholly.


Below are the enumerated reasons John has outlined as to why adults are more difficult to train. My thoughts are below each point in italics.


youth fitness business


Youth Training Coaches Are They This Crazy?


Ken Grall is one of the very best Coaches (and people) involved in our Athletic Revolution franchise of Youth Training Centers nationwide.

One of Ken’s young athletes (a 13 year old pitcher) has a Softball Coach who is rather… how shall I say this… INTENSE about what he thinks he knows to be true and right about all matters pertaining to strength and conditioning.


He and Ken recently had a disagreement about what was ‘best’ for the 13-year-old in question. With Ken’s permission, I’ve posted the return email “Mr. Softball Coach” sent declaring himself to be 100% RIGHT on all counts below:


youth training


Proper Technique for Youth Sports Training: How Important Is It?

How Important is Proper Technique For Youth Sports Training?

The IYCA forces you to think about your answer!


Watch this video to learn how to get the most out of your youth sports training programs and ensure that your young athletes are able to reach their full potential.



If you want to learn more about training young athletes and improving your youth sports training programs make sure you check out the IYCA’s Youth Fitness Specialist Certification.



Youth Fitness Training



7 Steps to Programming for Young Athletes


Programming for Young Athletes

Template Design is a style of programming that has yet to truly catch on industry-wide, but is remarkably effective; especially when working with younger, sport-based populations.   Although I enjoy articles that are weighty in scientific specifics and complete in the depiction of the theories they are purporting, I also tend to benefit as much, often more, from less wordy commentaries that are pithy in nature.   So today, brevity wins.   In the current state of our industry (and I admit, this may be a terribly unpopular statement) we tend to over-scrutinize from a formal assessment perspective; the expense being common sense and practicality.   An explanation may be in order…

Programming for Young Athletes

  If a 13-year old presents, through formal assessment, with a ‘poor’ forward lunge pattern, what does that really tell us?   (more…)

Youth Training By Eric Cressey


Eric Cressey youth training

Youth Training Done right 

Last November, a good buddy of mine who is a very accomplished college strength coach came up to Boston for a seminar we put organized on a Sunday.  He actually flew up Friday night so that he could observe on Saturday while we trained our clients – which was a nice blend of youth training, high school, college, and professional athletes, plus our adult clientele.  All told, I’d say that high school athletes are 70% of our clientele.


That Tuesday morning, I woke up to this email from him:



IYCA Offers you More


Industry-wide, we complain that certification organizations are out-dated, take all our money and don’t give us anything back of value in return.


Plus, we struggle to earn a living and have one of the highest attrition rates of any profession anywhere in the world.


You are confusing the heck out of me!


Certification companies ask for your cash, but don’t give you anything of merit for it, and at the same time, you’re unsure how much longer you can keep working in your passion because the long days and horrible hours aren’t making you enough to live and don’t give you ANY long-term security…


Then I come in offering a free DVD set that is LOADED with cutting edge training and business information, that you can have for no charge, as long as you become a Member of the IYCA for 12-months.


And IYCA Membership is EXACTLY what you AREN’T getting with other fitness certifications and the very REASON you are unsure of your future in this industry:


:: Step-by-Step Business Guides and Marketing Plans
:: Media Releases that Guarantee Results and More Visibility
:: Success-Proven Strategies that Earn You More Money
:: Training Videos & Audios Every Month
:: Monthly Expert Interviews



Kids Fitness: Top 3 Reasons to Play Simon Says

Kids Fitness

I’ve just released a very special video of one of my favorite presenters in the world of sport and  kids fitness training, Lee Taft.


kids fitness



It’s from the 2010 IYCA International Summit, where Lee started off his presentation by playing Simon Says for kids fitness with the entire audience – all 300 of us!!


But it wasn’t all fun and games as he made some incredibly valid points before he took us through the game:

