
Archive for “Installment Plan” Tag

High School Strength & Conditioning Coach: New Certification, New Offer


Just a quick update and new offer for you on the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” Certification…


As of today (right now, in fact), it’s yours for only $67 a month for 3 months.


I recognized that coming off the Christmas Holidays, your cash flow may not be exactly where you wished it was.


But I didn’t want that to be a factor for you getting your hands on the resources that has, in only 2 days, become the fastest selling certification in the history of this industry.


As of right now, the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” certification is yours for only $67 a month for 3 months.



Click Here to Take Advantage of the Opportunity —> https://iyca.org/highschool/

