
Archive for “Match” Tag

Now Available: IYCA Youth Kettlebell Instructor Course


Over the past 3 years with the IYCA, I’ve spent a lot of time considering this subject.


Are Kettlebells safe for young athletes?


Are they just a fad that our industry is embracing right now?


Are the reputed performance gains you get from using Kettlebells real?


I considered it all.


And then I asked the 2 people I trust more than anyone else in the world with respect to this topic:


Owners of the incredibly popular, Kettlebell Athletics.



Training Young Athletes and The Ultimate Blueprint



Training Young Athletes Resource

I’ll be blunt with a message heading into your weekend:


If Complete Athlete Development is not in your library of educational resources, you are sorely missing out.

  • DVD Collection of Coaching Cues, Training Programs & Exercise Selections
  • Manual with Specifics on Speed, Agility, Coaching, Philosophy of Training
  • Audio CD’s on Nutrition and Strength Development
  • Sample Programs for Training Young Athletes 6 – 18
  • Mix & Match Training Templates
  • 100+ Exercise Photographs


Proper Technique for Youth Sports Training: How Important Is It?

How Important is Proper Technique For Youth Sports Training?

The IYCA forces you to think about your answer!


Watch this video to learn how to get the most out of your youth sports training programs and ensure that your young athletes are able to reach their full potential.



If you want to learn more about training young athletes and improving your youth sports training programs make sure you check out the IYCA’s Youth Fitness Specialist Certification.



Youth Fitness Training



The Childhood Obesity Crisis Ends on Monday…




Something extraordinary is taking place on Monday.


And your name is written all over it.


One of the greatest problems in society today is going to start
meeting its match.


Childhood Obesity


And you will be on the front lines of that confrontation.


You know me as the ‘youth sports’ guy.


Trained thousands of young athletes all over the world.


But most don’t realize that in my 13 year career, I’ve also worked
with thousands of overweight and obese kids, as well.


In fact, some of my careers’ fondest memories are of helping kids
regain their self-esteem, their confidence or teaching them how to
include daily activity as a life long pursuit and love.


And on Monday, I am going to be releasing what I consider to be one
of the most important resources I’ve ever produced.


A tell-all look into how we, as an industry and society, can rid this
planet of childhood obesity forever.


It’s partly exercise.


Somewhat dietary.


And a lot to do with perspective and communication style.


I am thrilled to be offering this resource and know that every adult in
the world will benefit from reading the contents and understanding
my principles.


That’s all for now.


I’m going to email you again tomorrow with a few more details, but for
now, just know that Monday is the day we start to change childhood obesity in the world


‘Till next time,

