
Archive for “Elite Athlete” Tag

Early Sport Specialization: Part 2


sport specialization


Sport specialization the brief, but telling conclusion…


The study’s findings are relatively convincing.  The elite group tended to devote far less time at earlier ages in sport-specific training. 


Additionally, early Sport Specialization was found to be a likely predictor of classification as a near-elite athlete. 


In other words, while the early sport specialization may have been beneficial to overall performance, the athletes who tended to excel the most had instead focused on multilateral athletic development early in their growth and avoided the high technical skill, intensity, and specificity of unique sport preparation until such foundational skills were well established.



Youth Training Coaches Are They This Crazy?


Ken Grall is one of the very best Coaches (and people) involved in our Athletic Revolution franchise of Youth Training Centers nationwide.

One of Ken’s young athletes (a 13 year old pitcher) has a Softball Coach who is rather… how shall I say this… INTENSE about what he thinks he knows to be true and right about all matters pertaining to strength and conditioning.


He and Ken recently had a disagreement about what was ‘best’ for the 13-year-old in question. With Ken’s permission, I’ve posted the return email “Mr. Softball Coach” sent declaring himself to be 100% RIGHT on all counts below:


youth training
