
Archive for “Sport Participation” Tag

Early Sport Specialization: Part 1


Sport Specialization

Sport Specialization Vs LTAD


The IYCA has championed the notion that the long-term athletic development model, or LTAD, provides the greatest benefit to a developing athlete, in both physical and psychological aspects, over time. 


Contrary to ever-popular and growing model of early sport specialization, the LTAD model is intended to optimize performance slowly and equip the young athlete with foundational skills. 


Although far from “new,” in light of heavily marketed programs intended to maximize immediate potential sport specific gains, the commonsense simplicity of the LTAD model is starting to gain momentum with some practitioners.



Sport Specialization for Young Athletes: Part 2

[wpfblike] Toby Brooks (more…)

High School Certification: Sample Chapter


High School Certification Taster

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The complete recording AND PDF transcript of every word that was said is yours… For no charge!


Just click here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/


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High School Certification (more…)