
Archive for “3 Years” Tag

Creating a Training System That Works




by Wil Fleming


I remember vividly 3 years ago at this time Ryan and I were working our tails off to get ready for our grand opening that was only a couple weeks away. It was a really exciting time for us.


We were assembling all the equipment we ordered.


We were trying to figure out how to lay 1500 square feet of turf.


We were holding free workouts in our PARKING LOT to gain momentum.


We knew what we wanted our business to be, and we had a plan to make that happen:


A place that actually promised results to their clients and athletes.


A place for athletes to train to become the best they can be in their sport.


Three years later, we are doing just that, we have put 50 kids in collegiate athletics, we have helped a dozen high school teams reach their best seasons in years, and we have helped 1000’s of kids become better athletes.



Now Available: IYCA Youth Kettlebell Instructor Course


Over the past 3 years with the IYCA, I’ve spent a lot of time considering this subject.


Are Kettlebells safe for young athletes?


Are they just a fad that our industry is embracing right now?


Are the reputed performance gains you get from using Kettlebells real?


I considered it all.


And then I asked the 2 people I trust more than anyone else in the world with respect to this topic:


Owners of the incredibly popular, Kettlebell Athletics.



Complete Athlete Development


Complete AThlete Development



The ‘Complete Athlete Development‘ System…


Now 100% Digital (So You Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS)


And Yours for Only $97


Click Here Right Now —>http://completeathletedevelopment.com/cad/digital





“When I read Brian’s ‘Speed & Movement Techniques’ chapter in his Complete Athlete Development Program, I knew that I was on to something very special…


… When I watched the corresponding DVD’s, I realized in an instance that the techniques and progressions he was showing were going to make my athletes the fastest and most agile in the game…


… I was right!”


I received that email from Heath Croll about 3 years ago.


My ‘Complete Athlete Development’ system was brand-new and I was anxious for feedback.


It’s one thing to coach successfully for 10 years, it’s another thing altogether to put your system on paper and ask people to believe in it.


But believe in it they did.


Fitness Professionals, Strength Coaches, High School Coaches – even Parents and Athletes!

