
IYCA Offers you More


Industry-wide, we complain that certification organizations are out-dated, take all our money and don’t give us anything back of value in return.


Plus, we struggle to earn a living and have one of the highest attrition rates of any profession anywhere in the world.


You are confusing the heck out of me!


Certification companies ask for your cash, but don’t give you anything of merit for it, and at the same time, you’re unsure how much longer you can keep working in your passion because the long days and horrible hours aren’t making you enough to live and don’t give you ANY long-term security…


Then I come in offering a free DVD set that is LOADED with cutting edge training and business information, that you can have for no charge, as long as you become a Member of the IYCA for 12-months.


And IYCA Membership is EXACTLY what you AREN’T getting with other fitness certifications and the very REASON you are unsure of your future in this industry:


:: Step-by-Step Business Guides and Marketing Plans
:: Media Releases that Guarantee Results and More Visibility
:: Success-Proven Strategies that Earn You More Money
:: Training Videos & Audios Every Month
:: Monthly Expert Interviews


I understand what’s wrong with the industry.


I’ve been in this for more than 15 years.


But I also know a SOLUTION when I see one.


Membership to an organization that provides you will blueprints and roadmaps for success that are both proven and guaranteed.


A FREE DVD collection from one of the most successful Fitness Events in the history of the industry.


If your business is not where you want it to be and you’re tired of certification organizations giving you nothing but letters to put after your last name, than I have what you need…


If you’re already an IYCA Member, then click here and get your free DVD’s right now


—> http://www.iycamembers.com/members/304.cfm


If you’re not, then become an IYCA Member for 12-months and get your free DVD’s


—> https://iyca.org/dvds/



This will change your business and your life… I absolutely guarantee it.








P.S. – Time to start looking at the SOLUTION that’s staring you right in the face:


IYCA Members, Click Here —> http://www.iycamembers.com/members/304.cfm


Become a Member Now and Get Your FREE DVD’S —> https://iyca.org/dvds/


One Response

  1. Dr. Kwame M Brown says:

    Great message BG! I am confused by this as well. To members – I am not toeing a “party line” here, but saying what I believe. With the level of service in all facets of our craft that the IYCA looks to provide (which won’t always fully satisfy everyone every time), we need your help, input, and yes, financial participation.

    In turn, you get what we are: a hybrid. That’s right a hybrid. The IYCA functions as the following 3 things for you:

    1. An educational organization to ensure the skills of people working with children in a wide range of situations
    2. A center for the advocacy of childrens’ right to play and receive quality instruction from coaches who truly care
    3. A place to go to learn best practices from fellow members and openly exchange ideas.

    We have progressed so far as a company / organization with your help and participation. We have grown exponentially in our membership. But now is not the time to rest. We need members. We need our members to recruit members. That makes us more powerful, and able to provide our members more and more help + opportunities.

    Although I am not involved in day to day operations of the IYCA anymore, just in teaching / creating materials, this is near and dear to my heart, as I worked alongside Brian to start this organization (at times it was just me him and a couple others early on). I have also watched what he has given, and what all our executive group / board members have given, at the expense of time and even personal funds.

    If you don’t like the way we’re doing things – join anyway! Then help us change it!!!!

    This is not propaganda, just reality. Invest in what you hold dear!

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