
Archive for “Long Time” Tag

High School Strength Certified Coach


IYCA High School Strength & Conditioning Coach Certification

Exactly as I predicted, the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” certification has been absolutely flying off the shelves since I released it yesterday.


There is an unbelievable buzz at IYCA Head Office that, quite frankly, I haven’t seen in a very long time – the whole Fitness and Sport Training industry is lighting up over this new certification!



(See what all the buzz is about by clicking here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/)



And why wouldn’t they be?


After all:


You receive a certification and gain credentials to work with the fastest growing and most ‘in need’ demographic in the entire sports training industry.


You learn the inside secret systems for training high school athletes by some of the most successful Coaches on the planet (Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, Wil Fleming). 

 Until Saturday January 29, you can own the “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach” certification for a full $100 discount.


But perhaps the most important reason…


The lynchpin that is making it so practically every single Coach and Trainer worldwide wants to become a certified “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach”?


Because it’s a Risk Free (more…)

Young Athletes and Skill Sets


KISS Me: Skill Setting the Jump Shot for young athletes (Part I)


My college kinesiology professor may have been the first to introduce me to the KISS Principle, but I have come across it many times since. “Keep it simple, stupid!” is a mantra we might all do well to give some thought as we develop our programming. In my opinion, there is simply no better way of “keeping things simple” than skill setting.


A long time IYCA staple, skill setting is the process of breaking down movement patterns into smaller elements, teaching and refining those elements, then reconstructing them back into a full sequence that may eventually be perfected. The fun part is that skill sets need not be confined simply to boring and/or repetitive exercises. They are equally effective in simplifying complex sport skills, as well. And just like kids will eat their vegetables on the promise of a tasty dessert at the end of the meal, we need not withhold all form of “sticks and balls” for the sake of long-term athletic development. Oftentimes a well placed sport drill can enhance attention and give razor sharp purpose to a particular conditioning session.

