
Successful High School Training Systems


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Eric Cressey

Mike Robertson

Wil Fleming


“The High School Training Systems Manifesto”


Everything you want to know about training high school training systems for athletes… From the best in the world!




Register by clicking here —>  https://iyca.org/highschool/


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“We made it to the State Quarterfinals 2 years in a row. That has never happened before in school history”


That’s a quote from Head Football Coach, Joe Sanchez.


Yes. The system works well.


Here’s the overview:


Day 1

1) Hip Circuits

2) Supine Leg Raises (4 Quarter)

3) Supine Bridges (Bi-Lateral)

4) Prone Bridge + Side Raise

5) Front Squat Technique (Un-weighted)

6) Hand Walk with Push-Up Hold

7) Hip/Hamstring Active


Day 2

1) Barbell Complex:

a. RDL (3)

b. Hang Clean (3)

c. Front Squat (3)

d. Front Squat Position Lunge (1/Leg)

2) Horizontal Row

3) Hurdle Walk-Over/Under


Rotational days that allowed me to focus on technique (‘Day 2’) with the sub-grouping of positional specific players and mobility/tissue quality the remainder of the time.


But I think my proudest moment came when I received a letter from the high school’s Booster Club President.


His son was a standout on the defensive backfield:


“Not one injury was sustained by any of the 100 ball players over 2 years – I’m stunned”


The very best way to make sure a young athlete gets better is to keep them healthy and playing.


100 athletes. 2 years. No injuries.


Yes. The system works well.


Next week (Tuesday January 25) you’ll have the opportunity to get access to the entire system and much more…


… And by ‘much more’ I mean just that.


Some of the very best Strength Coaches in the world participated in creating the new ‘High School Strength & Conditioning Coach Certification’.


And tonight, you can listen to what they have to say for NO CHARGE….


Click below right now to register and listen live:




– Brian

High School Training Systems 

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