
Archive for “Educational Resources” Tag

Training Young Athletes and The Ultimate Blueprint



Training Young Athletes Resource

I’ll be blunt with a message heading into your weekend:


If Complete Athlete Development is not in your library of educational resources, you are sorely missing out.

  • DVD Collection of Coaching Cues, Training Programs & Exercise Selections
  • Manual with Specifics on Speed, Agility, Coaching, Philosophy of Training
  • Audio CD’s on Nutrition and Strength Development
  • Sample Programs for Training Young Athletes 6 – 18
  • Mix & Match Training Templates
  • 100+ Exercise Photographs


Proper Technique for Youth Sports Training: How Important Is It?

How Important is Proper Technique For Youth Sports Training?

The IYCA forces you to think about your answer!


Watch this video to learn how to get the most out of your youth sports training programs and ensure that your young athletes are able to reach their full potential.



If you want to learn more about training young athletes and improving your youth sports training programs make sure you check out the IYCA’s Youth Fitness Specialist Certification.



Youth Fitness Training