
Archive for “Head Football Coach” Tag

Coaching Young Athletes Back in The Trenches: Part 2


Coaching Young Athletes – We learn from the Best…


(2) Coaching Presence


Yet another intuitive intangible that I truly believe cannot be taught… But CAN be improved upon so long as you’re prepared to look in the mirror…


A quality Coach has a presence. 


Not because they are dictators or aristocratic morons who feel compelled to proclaim their dominance, but because they simply have a commanding authority that is automatically respected and impossible to ignore when Coaching Young Athletes.


In my career, I have 3 Coaches who fit this bill perfectly  –



Successful High School Training Systems


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *




Eric Cressey

Mike Robertson

Wil Fleming


“The High School Training Systems Manifesto”


Everything you want to know about training high school training systems for athletes… From the best in the world!




Register by clicking here —>  https://iyca.org/highschool/

Championship High School Training


young athletes


My fondest memories of coaching are very specific.


Specific to a period of time, particular location and group of young athletes.


Barrington High School.


Just outside Chicago, Illinois.


2004 – 2006.


I had started working at a large sports training facility not too far away from BHS.


Naturally, I wanted to position myself as the ‘go to expert’ for all the Young Athletes who participated in the competitive sports the school had to offer.



How to Get High School Coaches to Like You




High School Coaches Do Need You

"The Head Football Coach just won’t listen to me… He
thinks he knows everything, but his training program is
terrible and his team would be so much better if he would
just hire me as the Strength Coach…"


Do you know how many times I hear that?


I get emails about it.


People talk with me about it at conferences.


It’s a common topic discussed on the IYCA Message Board.


And every single time, the follow up question reads something
like this –


"How can I get the Coach to trust and hire me?"


And here’s my standard answer…


Why would he?


From his perspective, who in the heck are you?


Do you know many ‘well credentialed’ Personal Trainers
there are in our industry who are absolute crap at what
they do?


Now, I’m sure that sounds like a negative slam, but it
really isn’t.


It’s a wake up call for you.


You have to PROVE to the Coach that you’re better.
Show him that you know more than him and more than
any other Trainers out there.


But you can’t prove that by ‘telling him so’ and then
walking away with your hands up in the air angry
that he isn’t listening.


I have made a career of gaining the trust of high school
coaches in various parts of the world and literally
having them beg me to train their athletes and teams.


Very few people in our industry can boast that kind of


And here’s my secret….


I get someone else to do the talking for me.




I use my client referral network. 


I chat with satisfied parents who have connection to
the local high school coaches and athletic department and ask them
to consider chatting with the coach about me.


And when they do, that opens the door.


All I have to do is walk in.


Literally, I go from ‘just another Trainer trying to
work with my athletes’ to a ‘fantastic Trainer who is
coming highly recommended by the father of one of my
star players’.


See the difference?


And it works… Every time.


But you know what else works?


The right credentials.


With a certification from the IYCA, you can proudly
tell the coach that your expert training and education
is BASED on working with young athletes.


It’s not a certification that people suggest is the
‘Gold Standard’ but really doesn’t have much to do with
developmental athletic training – something critically
important to high school athletes.


And your certification doesn’t come from an organization
who offers 25 different kinds of educational streams from
‘Geriatric Fitness’ to ‘Pre-Natal care’.


It comes from an international association whose sole mission
is based on teaching Trainers to work effectively with
young athletes.


From Speed Training and Team Program Design to Strength
Development and The Art of Coaching.


I take great pride in being a Member of the IYCA.


And every single high school coach I have ever
talked with appreciates that I am equipped to work with
there athletes based on my IYCA affiliation.


Now that speaks volumes.


Our Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist certification is
your ticket ‘in’ my friend.


Get certified now to work with high school athletes and
teams for a fraction of what you’d have to pay for other
more generic educational opportunities.


Below is your exclusive link to the IYCA Level 1
material –




‘Till next time,




P.S. – Did  you know that ALL IYCA Members are invited to
the Ryan Lee Boot Camp on September 21 to enjoy a live


Level 1 certification seminar being hosted by yours truly…
… For FREE!


Enjoy the event live and in person.


Ask me ANYTHING you want about training or business and more on high school coaches.


All for free.


Check out www.RyanLeeBootCamp.com for the details.

Complete Athlete Development For Coordination

Complete Athlete Development Video Clip



The above video clip is from the ‘Coordination Development’ DVD in my
Complete Athlete Development system.


Complete Athlete Development is literally changed the lives and careers
of countless Trainers and Coaches worldwide due to it cutting and
revealing look at how to TRULY train and develop young athletes.


Head Football Coach, John Reese, has this to say about it –



“I received your Complete Athlete Development system a few weeks
ago and have to say that so far am loving it. I have only just thumbed
through the exercises, but the other material is mind blowing to me….
I am happy I purchased the program because now I have the knowledge
to put better athletes on the field”



John’s comments are similar to hundreds of other emails and letters I’ve
received over the past few years about experiences Trainers and Coaches
have had with Complete Athlete Development.


Soon to come off the market for good, your chance to own this groundbreaking
collection and have it as a road map for training young athletes will soon be


Coaching Young Athletes – Your Passion or Job?

Coaching Young Athletes Can Be So Rewarding.

“We made it to the State Quarterfinals for two consecutive years.
This had never been done before in school history”

I would say that’s the crowning achievement of my career.

I’ve trained Olympic athletes.

Highly paid professionals from various sports.

National Team competitors from all over North America and

But I have never been more honored or filled with pride than I
was when I received a letter from the head football coach of
a high school program I volunteer for.

The quote above was part of that letter.

There is something uniquely special about working with and coaching Young Athletes.


So much so that it’s left me sleepless tonight.

I’m writing this to you at 2:00am and am literally bursting at
the seams with energy and exuberance.

I don’t love my job.

I don’t love my career.

I love my place in the world.

My destiny and path.

To aid in the grooming and development of young men and women
through sport, but for the purpose of life preparation, is an
honor that cannot be described in words.

It is a calling.

Something you are compelled to do.

For years I have beencoaching young athletes and teams.

Over 15,000 to date and counting.

And I remember them all.

I stay in touch with as many of them as I can to this day.

They were not my clients and I there Trainer.

They were my focus and reason for getting out of bed every

For 14 years, I have not had one day of work.

I have had 5,110 days of enthusiastic joy, though.


This all may sound odd and a touch ‘mushy’ – but that is the
difference between a job and a passion.

My obligation to these kids far exceeds wanting them to get
faster and stronger.

It is in helping cultivate their futures.

And by default, the future of our world.

Yes, my young athletes are widely known as the fastest, strongest
and most injury resistant.

But they also are know to be the best students, most
trustworthy people and have gone on to have success in both
the sporting world and beyond.

It’s much more than speed training or understanding lifting

It’s about combining the best possible training methods with
a coaching system that truly helps young people reach for the
stars in every conceivable way.

My years of experience, trail and error, many mistakes and
re-evaluations have all been honed down into one system that
works – it works every time for any aged athlete in any sport.

It’s the entire system that has the right ingredients of speed,
strength, athletic development, agility and coaching.

I’ll never forget the look in the eyes of those 70+ high school
football players as they took the field for the State
Quarterfinals for the second year in a row.

It was over two years ago and I still get chills thinking about Coaching Young Athletes.

We lost that game.

But as several of the kids came off the field, crying with
disappointment, they sought me out, wrapped their arms around me
and said…

“Thanks Coach…. for everything”

That’s the difference between a passion and a job.


I’m going to be making Complete Athlete Development available
one last time at some point over the next couple of weeks.

I hope you can see how important an opportunity that is for you.


‘Till next time,


Fitness For Kids: Back in the Trenches…



Fitness For Kids and the IYCA is rolling fast.


Speaking in Australia this summer.

Club Industry and the World Golf Fitness Summit, as well.

Town Sports International conference in the fall.

And have been asked to consult with the Singapore Sports Council.

But the funny thing is that this stuff doesn’t matter to me as
much as something I consider bigger and more important…

… I still coach everyday.

And something happened last night that has gotten me excited
beyond belief.

From 2004 – 2007, I proudly served as the Head Strength Coach
for Barrington High School here in Illinois.

I worked with the Tennis, Girls Basketball, Track and Football

And I loved every second of it.

Last night, I received a phone call from the Head Football Coach.

He wants me to come back.


“There has been something missing from our program since you
left, Brian. I want you back in our system”


Guess what me answer was?

A BIG TIME ‘yes’!!!

Coaching is my passion.

It’s how I identify myself.

And I don’t care how many international seminars I give, how
many books I write on Fitness For Kids or how many times I appear on TV.

I’m a Fitness For Kids Coach to the core.


In fact, I received a testimonial from an audience member at
a seminar I gave in Phoenix once and it has always been the most
touching and gratifying thing I have ever read.

He summed up his views in one sentence –


“Brian is a COACH. Capitalization intended.”


Next time someone asks you about the IYCA, asks you what makes
us different, you be sure to show them this newsletter.

The CEO, ‘Head Cheese’, ‘Top of the Pyramid’ isn’t sitting in an
office or conducting research…

… He’s on the front lines getting his hands dirty and doing
what he loves to do.

People have asked me what it’s like to be the ‘center’ of the
IYCA and I always respond the same way.

I’m not the center of the IYCA…

… Fitness For kids is.


No matter what happens in your career.

No matter how stressful or busy you get.

No matter how much things go wrong.

A good Fitness For Kids training session with a bunch of high spirited kids
always makes it right.

Remember your passion.

