
Archive for “Business Information” Tag

IYCA Offers you More


Industry-wide, we complain that certification organizations are out-dated, take all our money and don’t give us anything back of value in return.


Plus, we struggle to earn a living and have one of the highest attrition rates of any profession anywhere in the world.


You are confusing the heck out of me!


Certification companies ask for your cash, but don’t give you anything of merit for it, and at the same time, you’re unsure how much longer you can keep working in your passion because the long days and horrible hours aren’t making you enough to live and don’t give you ANY long-term security…


Then I come in offering a free DVD set that is LOADED with cutting edge training and business information, that you can have for no charge, as long as you become a Member of the IYCA for 12-months.


And IYCA Membership is EXACTLY what you AREN’T getting with other fitness certifications and the very REASON you are unsure of your future in this industry:


:: Step-by-Step Business Guides and Marketing Plans
:: Media Releases that Guarantee Results and More Visibility
:: Success-Proven Strategies that Earn You More Money
:: Training Videos & Audios Every Month
:: Monthly Expert Interviews



Claim Your Seat at the 2010 IYCA International Summit



IYCA International Summit

How can you begin to know what it feels like to attend the Super Bowl unless you’ve actually been there?


The World Cup of Soccer?


A concert or ballet that inspires you to create a bigger life for yourself and moves you beyond what words could express


Sometimes, you just have to experience it for yourself.


Yes, the IYCA International Summit will give you the very best, most cutting edge and world-class training information imaginable.


Yes, the IYCA International Summit will give you the most current, success-proven and guaranteed business information possible.


The speakers we have booked are the best in the world at what they do.


The education we’re going to offer will positively change your career.


But maybe bigger than that is the inspirational lift you will get from attending this once-a-year event.

