
Archive for “Level 1 Course” Tag

Youth Fitness Business: Training Adults is More Difficult – Part 3


Youth Fitness Business vs Adults Continued

Youth Fitness Business

6.) Poor Posture – Let’s face it… adults have been on this earth longer and therefore, have been battling gravity longer. With prolonged static postures at 8-10 hour jobs–combined with inactivity, the typical adult suffers from the most common postural dysfunction: upper and lower crossed syndromes.


True, but activity (especially competitive activity) doesn’t lessen the risk or incidence of postural dysfunction, it adds to the matrix of work a Coach must do with young athletes.


The one feature present in youth that makes this point even more issue-oriented is the fact that teenagers are in growth. Over-specialization and competitiveness in youth sports have made the time frame of PHV (and beyond) extraordinarily challenging from a coaching, bodily dysfunction standpoint.


Conservatively, 60% of the young athletes you will work with are considered ‘sport specialists’ in terms of their lack of multi-lateral development. That degree of over-patterninzation coupled with human growth factors can and does make posture, dysfunction and injury consideration an absolute nightmare at the youth level of coaching.


7.) Personalities – Adults are more set in their ways. They present Type A or Type B personalities which force fitness professionals to adjust their coaching style several times per day. Young athletes are typically trained in groups and THEY must adjust to the coaching style. When your 54 year old client is a vice-president of a large investment firm, do you really think he wants to be coached in a manner that invokes he is the “subordinate”? Consider this: a youngster are more coach-able.


Couldn’t disagree with this point more. For years, I constructed a personality profile for working with young athletes that was based on the reality of different temperament types – and is the cornerstone of the ‘Art of Coaching’ portion of the IYCA’s Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1 course.


The days of having all your young athletes ‘adjust to your coaching’ are long past. The reality is that coaching young people is about education and developing skill set – that requires an involved process of altering communication styles and understanding learning sequences.


Combine that with the rather diffuse nature of a young person’s personality – if you’ve ever trained a 15 year athlete the day after they’ve broken up with their girlfriend or boyfriend, you know exactly what I mean.


The IYCA context of personality profile looks like this:


  • High Motivation/High Skill
  • Low Motivation/High Skill
  • High Motivation/Low Skill
  • Low Motivation/Low Skill


Each personality type requires an extremely different coaching method in order to ensure adequate communication and learning. Moreover, a given young athlete can (and will) change their profile daily. Learning how to work with varying personalities in the same group and managing to keep effective communication and learning moving forward well is the art of what we do.


8.) Orthopedic issues – Most adults will present orthopedics problems stemming from past knee surgeries, hip replacements, frozen shoulders, blah, blah, blah. This list is long. The bottom line is adults have not taken care of themselves for longer period of time than today’s youth. Their bodies are weathered. They have neglected their bodies for a longer period of time and therefore, are paying the price now. Fitness professionals need to adjust, modify, and help correct certain aspects of the kinetic chain to make the exercise program enjoyable, pain-free, and effective.


My points from #6 stand so no need to re-hash. I will add however, that 99% of young athletes who come to you have had incredibly poor weight room experiences in the past (and may even continue that trend while in your care). Orthopedic issues abound with every young athlete I have ever worked with and although John’s point of adults being in disrepair longer than kids is reasonable, the alternative side of that argument is, yes… but kids are experiencing loads and improper movement patterns that make orthopedic concerns ongoing and ever changing.


Become a Youth Fitness Specialist Today —> https://iyca.org/fitspecialist1/

And start your own path to a youth fitness business


– Brian



‘Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1’ Certification Offered As a Pre-Conference Highlight for Perform Better Tour

Attendees in Chicago and California Invited


June 10, 2010 – Attendees at Perform Better events can become certified as Youth Fitness Specialists through the International Youth Conditioning Association; #1 in Youth Fitness and Youth Sports Training.


At the Providence, Rhode Island Perform Better event two weekends ago, nearly 50 Fitness Professionals enjoyed an intimate 5-hour seminar, presented by IYCA Founder and CEO, Brian Grasso.


"It’s a unique setting and very unique experience for both myself and each of the attendees," said Grasso.


"The Perform Better Tour is the only place that interested Fitness Professionals can become certified through the IYCA live, with me teaching the material."


Since co-developing the Level 1 course with Dr. Kwame Brown three years ago, Grasso doesn’t conduct live trainings himself any longer.


The next two Perform Better events are schedule for Chicago, Illinois in June and Long Beach, California in August.
The IYCA ‘Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1′ certification course will be hosted live by Brian Grasso on Thursday June 24 (Chicago) and Thursday August 5 (Long Beach).


Those interested in attending can contact Perform Better directly at 888-556-7464.      


Youth Fitness – Q & A




Youth Fitness Certification

The response I received from yesterday’s Youth Fitness Specialist
certification release was absolutely overwhelming.


And it’s really not just a matter of ‘how many’ people got on
board with the IYCA, it’s ‘how excited’ they were to become part
of my international mission.


Fitness and Sport Training professionals from North America,
Europe, Australia, Africa and the Far East all clamored to become
part of my ‘First 500 youth fitness specialists‘.


I even did a radio show interview yesterday afternoon in which
the host said to me off-air "I can really tell that the IYCA is
‘what’s happening’ right now in the fitness industry".


How right he was!!


Having said all that, I received a number of great questions
yesterday from professionals worldwide.


Folks seem to want a bit more information about the IYCA, our
mission and the whole concept of training adults versus kids.


I decided to answer the four most common questions I received in
an email to you so that you could have the answers for yourself.


Here they are…



Q – If I have no background in training kids, will the IYCA
be a good place to start?



A – 100% YES! We have taken a lot of time and placed a lot of
care in creating our educational system so that it works for both
brand new Trainers as well as seasoned veterans.


The ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification is the
first step in a 4-step process of advanced and progressive


The Level 1 course material is taught by myself and Dr. Kwame
Brown and covers the following topics:


:: Motor Skill Development (birth through adolescents)

:: Program Design for clients and athletes 6 – 18 years

:: Group Training – programming, coaching and implementation

:: Coaching Science – how to communicate and teach any child

:: Practical Application – what exercises are best per age group


Although advanced in theory and practice, the material is taught
in an extraordinarily fun, upbeat and stimulating manner so as to
appeal to all degrees of Fitness Professionals.


Here’s what Fitness Pro Donovan Owens has to say about our
course material –


"The content contained in the IYCA course materials provides the
most technical, practical and applicable education that I have
EVER experienced with any other program"


I think that says it all!


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


Youth Fitness Specialist Information – Click Here



Q – I am already certified through another organization, why
would I want to become certified through the IYCA?



A – Great question!


Here’s the reality…


… No other certification in existence today prepares you to
work with young athletes and youth fitness participants the way
we do.


We do not offer education or certifications in ‘elite athlete
training’, ‘older adult fitness’ or ‘nutrition and weight


YOUTH is all we do… it’s what we know and where our passion is.


Would you go to a Chiropractor if you needed heart surgery?


Would you go to the Dentist for an annual physical?


If you want the best, want to be the best and want be prepared
for the largest market surge this industry has ever seen, you
simply MUST be educated and credentialed by the organization that
has already been recognized as the ‘Gold Standard’ for youths.


Check out what former Men’s Health Fitness Editor Scott Quill
has to say about the IYCA and our ‘Gold Standard’ reputation –


"The IYCA’s advice is smart and practical and their programs
are developed with a real passion for helping coaches and kids
succeed. The IYCA is changing the way we train our youth"


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


Click Here Now



Q – Why would I want to train kids instead of adults?



A – Easy… Because that’s where the market is going.


Recognizing market trends is an essential part of building and
growing a strong and prosperous career.


If you jump on board a moving train too late, bad things happen!


The youth demographic has surged into one of the largest and
most opportunity-rich niches in the entire Fitness and Sport
Training industry.


It has been recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the
fastest growing markets in the world and received attention from
mainstream media as well.


That’s why I’ve appeared in notable publications like Newsweek
and the New York Times and why the IYCA is being endorsed by
large media outlets including ESPN.


Have a look at what ESPN writer Tom Farrey has to say on the
matter –


"Brian Grasso is a voice of reason and a beacon of hope for
anyone who wants kids to develop fitness patterns for life, and
for athletes to achieve their full potential"


The youth market is by far and away the industry’s ‘next big
thing’ and by not learning how to work with kids properly, you
are cutting yourself out of a market that grosses into the
BILLIONS of revenue each year.


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


‘First 500’ – Become a Youth Fitness Specialist



Q – I would love to work with kids, but keep hearing about how
regimented training is bad for children. Is this true?



A – This is one of the silliest ‘myths’ on the planet today.


Is the regimented aspect of school bad for kids?


You could argue that kids should be left on their own and
experience education through an informal way that best suits
their needs.


And you’d be wrong if you argued that!


Working with kids in a fitness setting is positively essential.


The days when kids used to just go out and play on their own
are all but gone.


And the widespread incidence of youth obesity is proof of that.


Fitness for kids is not just ‘fitness’…




It involves teaching aspects of movement, force production and
absorption, social interaction and cooperation.


It is a science unto itself and must be infused into the lives
of young children if they have any hope of succeeding in sports
or growing up into healthy and functionally fit adults.

The IYCA motto on this issue is simple –




M = Movement must dominate

O = Open yourself up to communication variances

L = Learning styles change per child

D = Develop… Don’t train


These four key steps are at the core of what we teach you in our
‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification.


Here’s what Kelli Calebrese, international fitness authority and
Editor-in-Chief of Personal Fitness Professional magazine, says –


"I know so many Trainers who want to work with kids but don’t
really know how. Brian and the IYCA have a formula that works
and takes away all the guesswork for those professionals who
aspire to change the health and improve the performance of
today’s youth"




Those are the most common questions I received yesterday.


I hope I’ve clarified some things for you.


If you want to check out what the IYCA offers and jump on board
with our international mission, just click on the link below –


Join the Revolution – Click Here Now



‘Till next time,

