The IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification

Discover the Only Nutrition Certification Designed Specifically for the Youth Training Market
If you want to end the confusion of nutrition and increase your value as a trainer and coach, along with increasing your credibility & knowledge, then I suggest you read on…

Dear Coach,

I’m sure you get asked some sort of nutrition question everyday from parents and the kids you train.
You already know that training and nutrition go hand-and-hand and when used together they lead to exponentially greater results than just training alone.

Exercise alone just doesn’t work as well. Proper nutrition is crucial to improved health and performance. I know I am not telling you anything new but I have to bring it up because most coaches and trainers just do not share any nutrition information with their kids they coach.

Here’s the problem:

No amount of training can overcome deficiencies in nutrition, but nutrition always takes a backseat.

Coaches and Trainers are getting asked for nutrition advice daily and they know that their clients will get better results if they combine nutrition with their training program BUT they just are not providing the nutrition information.

If you can get better results, a lot faster with nutrition as part of your program, then why isn’t’ it a part of everyone’s training plan?

Well, here are the 3 common reasons (excuses) we hear all the time.

Reason # 1: ‘There is no time to address nutrition during a training session.’

Have you ever asked your athletes what they eat each day?

Don’t worry. Here’s the answer:


With all the things you have to worry about during your average day and/or practice, taking on the eating habits of teenagers may seem like an overwhelming addition to your already overscheduled day.

I’m betting you can relate.

But when you step back and think about it, it’s actually *worse* to ignore it.

Leaving them on their own just means they’re not going to eat breakfast (or they consider coffee a suitable breakfast), not going to drink enough water, eat whatever junk they serve for school lunch and then show up for practice hungry, tired and emotionally fried.

So is it reasonable to expect them to run tough workouts? Pay attention to another adult blabbering at them about some topic they’re only partially interested in? Execute highly technical movements?


As much as we’d both love to live in a world where if you ignore something, it magically goes away, we can’t ignore our athletes’ terrible nutrition.

Because we put too much time into planning practices and setting standards of excellence to let something fundamental like our athletes’ fuel source just get swept under the rug.

I used to think nutrition was complicated. So I ignored it and hoped it would go away. It didn’t.

Turns out, if you focus on just a handful of basic concepts, your athletes will show up to practice with a lot more energy and your time will be much more productive.

Saying you don’t have enough ‘time’ is a copout.

Reason #2: ‘Nutrition is outside of my scope of practice as a coach/trainer.’


This is false.

As a certified coach or trainer, you are allowed to make nutrition recommendations for your healthy clients.

Other clients that have health issues, you still have to refer out to professionals. You are not going to try to treat diseases or other medical issues, so you would send them to a professional that can help.

Same thing you would do as a trainer if your client has an injury or a special health risk, you would refer them to a specialist; a doctor or therapist.

Reason #3: ‘Don’t have enough nutrition knowledge to feel comfortable giving advice’

Nutrition can be confusing.

  • Good carbs? Bad carbs?
  • How much water?
  • How often should athletes eat?
  • How many calories?
  • Is breakfast really that important?
  • How much protein should I take a day?
  • How to cut weight safely?
  • How to gain ‘healthy’ weight?
  • Is creatine safe for me to take?
  • Should I take protein supplements
  • What is the best post – workout meal to have?

When it comes to workout planning and implementation or motivation, you probably feel very confident.

When it comes to telling athletes what to put in their bodies, well, you don’t want to make any mistakes. But if you don’t address nutrition with your athletes and clients then you are hurting them.

That’s why the Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification was created.

It’s simple. Straightforward. Easy to understand.

You and your clients put a lot of time into training, you need to get their nutrition under control if you want to see continued results.

The IYCA has created the Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification to teach all coaches and trainers that work with today’s youth a comprehensive and practical nutrition education system

The IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification is the ONLY certification of it’s kind in the industry today covering specific aspects of nutrition for youth fitness participants and young athletes. And it was created by one of the best nutritionists in the world.

Developed By One Of The World’s Leading Nutrition Experts


Chris Mohr

Introducing Dr Chris Mohr.

Dr. Chris Mohr is simply one of the very best in the world. He has Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Nutrition from the Pennsylvania State University and University of Massachusetts, respectively. He earned his PhD in exercise physiology from the University of Pittsburgh and is a Registered Dietitian and Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics.

He is a consulting Sports Nutritionist for the Cincinnati Bengals and is also the Sports Nutritionist for Under Armour’s TNP Training Council. Through his company Mohr Results, Inc., he works with all types of individuals from youth to professional athletes.

Dr. Mohr is a Nutrition Spokesperson and Consultant to a number of media outlets and corporations including –

Discovery Health Channel, The Dairy Council, Clif Bar, Nordic Naturals

He often appears on TV as a nutritional guest expert, including an appearance with Chef Emeril Lagasse

Dr. Mohr Was the nutrition expert for a book he worked on with LL Cool J called “LL Cool J’s Platinum Workout” and worked closely with Fitness Celebrity Denise Austin to create the entire nutrition component of her latest book.

He is on the Advisory Board for Men’s Fitness Magazine and has written over 500 articles for consumer publications, such as Men’s Fitness, Weight Watchers, Men’s Health and Fitness, to name a few.

He is also our nutrition expert and on the Advisory Board for the IYCA. As you can see, he is the perfect person to put together the Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification.

The IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification

Here’s a brief overview of what you’ll gain as part of the IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification:

  • An understanding of how to apply the basic fundamentals of nutrition to the clients or athletes you coach.
  • Scientifically sound nutrition strategies that when implemented will improve athletic performance.
  • How to reinforce effective nutrition with teaching tools to provide children and adolescents with a solid nutrition foundation.
  • How to identify and apply sound nutrition recommendations for macronutrient intakes among various clients.
  • The ability to recognize and implement science based nutrition strategies to help your athletes and clients.
  • The most current recommendations for nutrient intake – for macro and micro nutrients and fluids.
  • 16 done for you nutrition handouts – from Power Fuel Snack Ideas to Hydration Charts and Nutrition for Tournament Play, and many more – all to make your already busy routine a little less stressful.
  • An understanding of scope of practice and when to refer out to other experts.
  • Essential nutritional aspects for both fat loss and performance.
  • Specific factors effecting nutritional needs of athletes
  • 6 simple strategies to make informed decisions about dietary supplements.
  • And much, much more!

The Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification covers the science of nutrition and how it applies to your clients in 2 Comprehensive DVDs and a Companion Manual as well as a variety of online resources. It is broken down is a simple format so you can easily understand and apply the information immediately.


There Is No Other Program That Breaks Down Nutrition Information For Youth Athletes

Nutrition is the limiting factor for many kids today and you need to be able to combine your training and conditioning knowledge with proper nutrition in order to get the most out of your clients. This certification will position you as the go to person to get results.

Plus we have included these top resources for you to strengthen your nutrition knowledge even more

Bonus Nutrition Component 1: Fuel Like a Champion

  • The potential dangers of Energy Drinks – there are over SIX HUNDRED brands literally preying on false hopes and dreams of young athletes – – and your kids are drinking them!
  • The exact, science – based carbohydrate recommendations to guarantee more energy on and off the field!
  • The specific protein requirements to ensure optimal muscle growth and recovery
  • The truth behind the $16.8 billion dietary supplement industry… trust us, with over 29,000 dietary supplements available, you NEED this information to save your young athlete from falling prey to marketing hype!
  • Recovery strategies – –  breakthrough recovery strategies that will take performance to the next level!
  • Guidance on safe, effective, and permanent weight loss
  • Precise, healthy, and LEGAL weight gain strategies guaranteed to pack on muscle and strength (for those who want it)
  • Exact food recommendations to meet the exact requirements for developing athletes
  • The top 12 fruits and vegetables to buy organic – they are otherwise highest in pesticides, so you need to protect you and your young athletes!
  • Specific nutrient timing strategies teaching you when and what to eat before and during games.
  • The best times to consume sports drinks and when they’re nothing more than extra calories – this information can make or break performance

Bonus Nutrition Component 2: Is Your Grocery Store Making You Fat: How to Shop to Shed Pounds

  • THE #1 secret to grocery shopping that will make or break your efforts…few people know this!
  • How to avoid tricks that marketers use to make you hungrier to buy their food, even if it’s not what you want to buy (Hint: fast food companies do the same thing);
  • How to read a food label, keying in on ingredients that will enhance your body transformation…and others that can sabotage your goals;
  • How “healthy” salad bars can backfire and cause weight gain!
  • The truth about organic foods – are they all that they are cracked up to be?

Bonus Nutrition Component 3: Is Your Kitchen Making You Fat?

Learn all the top secrets to lose weight and get the permanent results you earned with “Is Your Kitchen Making You Fat: Lean Secrets from Behind Cupboard Doors”

  • One simple strategy that can slash your calorie intake by 22%
  • A common kitchen item that can bring your fat loss to a screeching halt
  • How deceptive food labels can sabotage your goals – unless you know this strategy
  • What incredibly healthy food could actually slow your results without knowing our trick
  • How a common product that costs < $0.10 can help you reach your goals
  • How an everyday product used for cleaning can reduce your calories

Bonus Nutrition Component 4: The Good, Bad & Ugly of Protein for Young Athletes

  • Is Supplementation necessary?
  • How many Grams do young athletes truly need to gain muscle?
  •  What are the very best sources of Dietary Protein?
  • Is Food Combining necessary for Optimal Absorption

Bonus Nutrition Component Component 5: Cutting Weight – The Safe & Effective Way (Audio)

  • The easy 2 – Step Method of dropping weight classes for sport
  • The Psychological & Emotional realities of cutting weight
  • How to GAIN weight properly and safely for young athletes
  • How the WRONG decision can change your athletic performance indefinitely

Bonus Nutrition Component 6: Your Questions Answered! (Audio and Transcripts) Athletes

Over 200 questions were submitted to Dr. Chris Mohr regarding Nutrition & Young Athletes.

So… He answered them all!

This groundbreaking and complete audio + written report package will give you unbelievable insight and knowledge about how to handle the nutrition questions you field daily from your young athletes!


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You Are Going To Get Much More Than Just A Nutrition Certification

Here is where the IYCA separates itself from all of the other certification companies.

Besides being the best youth nutrition certification available, we understand that it takes more than scientific knowledge to grow your business and get more clients.

In order to help more people with your nutrition information, you

Here is how to use your Sports Nutrition as a Profit Center

IYCA Executive Director Julie Hatfield, will show you options so you can better serve your athletes, separate yourself from your competition and create other revenue sources once you become a Youth Nutrition Specialist.

You will receive:

  • A complete understanding of how you can profit though addressing nutrition with your clients and athletes.
  • A blueprint of a proven, profitable 6 Week Sports Nutrition Coaching Course.
  • Done-For-You Emails and Materials to market your Nutrition Coaching Course.

Here’s the bottom line:

It is very important for us at the IYCA to make sure that the coaches impacting the lives of young people can all benefit from this knowledge and have the ability to impart it on their athletes.

So if you want a proven system for nutrition that is SAFE, EFFECTIVE, MYTH-PROOF & GUARANTEED TO WORK, then you NEED to become an IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist.

If you’re a coach – this Certification will give you the knowledge to make sure your young athletes are fueling correctly and optimizing their chance of winning.

If you’re a fitness professional – this Certification will empower you to deliver the one missing piece to the whole fitness and sport training issue… Quality and Reliable Nutrition Advice

This Certification isn’t just theory – it’s practical nutrition information that has been applied to athletes from Elementary School to Olympic level athletes

There is no other credential like this available today.

As usual, the IYCA is the BEST CHOICE POSSIBLE for all things related to Youth Fitness & Sport Training. That is our SPECIALTY and it’s ALL we do.

This is an amazing opportunity for you to:

  • Dramatically increase your nutrition knowledge
  • Help your clients get better results… faster
  • Enhance your value as a coach/trainer
  • Add additional profit centers and revenue streams to your business
  • Become the One-Stop Shop and Go-To Trainer for improving performance

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To your success,

Dr. Chris Mohr & Julie Hatfield
International Youth Conditioning Association


P.S. – You are responsible for the success of the athletes you commit to developing. You can keep doing what you’ve always done or you can commit to being better and a coach and helping them reach their potential as athletes. This Certification will help you do that. If it doesn’t, we will refund you your entire investment. Try it out for 60 days. All the risk is on us. You have nothing to lose. Click below right now.

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P.P.S. – Have a question?  We have answered many great questions about the certification and you may find these helpful. If you have question that hasn’t been covered contact us at

Question: How much does the YNS Certification cost?

Answer: The investment for the IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification course is only $199.95, only a fraction of the value it will provide to you and your athletes.  The bonuses alone are easily worth the investment you’ll make.  In fact, Dr. Mohr currently offers Is Your Grocery Store Making You Fat, Is Your Kitchen making You Fat and Fuel Like A Champion for sale as individual products requiring an investment of over $200.

At under $200, this incredible resource is a bargain.

Question: Is giving nutrition advice outside of my scope of practice as a coach/trainer?

Answer: No.  In fact, not addressing nutrition with your athletes is being negligent as a trusted professional. Dr. Mohr provides clear insight into what falls within your scope of practice as a professional in the certification materials so you know exactly how you can best serve your athletes.

Question: What if I discover that this certification isn’t for me?

Answer: You can “Test drive” the IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification for the next 60 days with absolutely no risk. See for yourself how much more effective of a coach you will become with our proven system. You are completely protected by our iron clad 100% money back guarantee.

You will not only be satisfied, I guarantee you will be thrilled and amazed with the Certification, or you can simply contact us and ask for a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.

In fact, if you’re not completely happy for any reason at all, then we insist that you ask for a refund. However, after seeing how powerful this certification is and how much what you learn will help your athletes, I’m totally confident that you’re going to love the IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification and your athletes are going to love the impact it has on their performance.

Question: What if I don’t have a lot of nutrition knowledge right now? Is it too advanced?

Answer: The IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification will give you both the foundation you need to feel confident addressing nutrition with your young athletes and the advanced knowledge to tackle almost any nutrition related topic that you’ll encounter as a trainer or coach.

Question: I don’t have a lot of time, how long will this take?

Answer: The material in the IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification is delivered in an easy to understand video format so that you’ll be ready to sit for your online exam after just a few days of studying.  This material has been distilled down to only the practical knowledge you need to have to help your athletes, so you won’t have to spend even a moment on studying information that isn’t valuable and actionable.

Question: How do I expand my business with this new nutrition certification knowledge?

Answer: IYCA Executive Director Julie Hatfield has put together a webinar and tools so that you can almost immediately integrate a sports nutrition profit center into your business.

Question: What does the certification consist of?

Answer: When you invest in the IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification, you’ll receive 2 information packed DVDs, a follow along companion manual and a collection of digitally delivered bonuses.

Question: I already know enough nutrition information, why would I need this certification?

Answer: Two key reasons: First – the IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification provides you with the credibility that comes with having the premier credential in the field specific to youth nutrition.  While anyone can say ‘they know nutrition’, you have the credential to prove it.

Second – the IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification package addresses virtually every facet of nutrition as it would relate to your career or business.  Whether you’re interested in preventing youth obesity, improving sports performance, navigating the world of dietary supplements or integrating a nutrition based profit center into your business, the IYCA Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification addresses it with world class information.

Question: What is the mandatory background check?

Answer: Our highest priority, alongside providing a healthier lifestyle for our youth, is their safety. Therefore we feel in order to maintain an environment with the highest level of security, we must maintain certain standards for our applicants and members. For this reason, we require that a criminal background check be performed by our third party screening organization.

If you already hold an IYCA certification and have undergone a background screening from us, you do not need a new one for subsequent certifications.

After you purchase your exam, you will be sent an email with links to complete consent to the Background Screen. There are fees associated with the screening, depending on your country. If you are in the United States, there are no additional fees (the IYCA will cover those fees). Please be aware that if you live outside the US, additional screening fees apply (click here for international screening fees).



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