Youth Agility Obstacle Course Video
Imagination, creativity AND biomotor improvements in speed and agility.
Have a look at this…
Posted on: June 26th, 2011 by IYCA 2 Comments
Imagination, creativity AND biomotor improvements in speed and agility.
Have a look at this…
Posted on: June 19th, 2011 by IYCA 1 Comment
The funniest thing happened 3 weeks ago…
Now make no mistake, although my ‘full time’ coaching days are about 7 years in the rearview mirror, I’ve maintained a coaching schedule through the entire thick and thin of both developing and running the IYCA.
I’ve worked with volleyball clubs, high school football, soccer, track and baseball teams and even moonlighted occasionally as a guest speed and agility instructor for local youth sporting associations.
But this summer, I’m heading back to the trenches.
I met a very young (23), ambitious and capable Coach who owns his own facility not more than 15 minutes from my house – we started chatting and 3 weeks ago, I agreed to take a position as a ‘Coach’ at his up and coming training center.
No pay.
This time, ‘In the Trenches’ is because I love it, feel obligated (in a good way) to give back and don’t need the money in order to pay my bills.
So the summer of 2011 for me, will be back doing what I love most every day:
Making young athletes better people.
Job #1 has been to review this facility’s current training system and attend live sessions as an observer.
To see if there are holes.
To understand what is expected of the athletes and staff in this facility.
To appreciate what will be expected of me.
My first inspected conclusion was simple… For a 23 year old Coach, this guy has got his stuff together very well!
In fact, the experience of ‘watching to determine’ got me thinking that I should chronicle to you what this 23 year old does so well… Because most of it is inherent to his personality and not something he’s learned from a textbook, conference or DVD.
So consider these heartily as potential inclusions for yourself and your own coaching young athletes habits…
(1) Specific Instruction Time
Although not IYCA certified when we met, this particular 23 year already understood, embraced and implemented perhaps the most critical of all IYCA Tenants:
Don’t Train… Teach.
By simply feelings his way through the coaching process, this young man knew instinctively that young athletes are ‘works in progress’ and that the urge to ‘make tired through hard work’ must be tempered by the undeniable need to teach proper execution.
His facility is not ‘numbers’ oriented.
He does not appease the symptomotolgy requirements for what most consider the hallmarks of quality training with respect to young people (breathless, sweaty, can’t walk the next day).
Every one of his training sessions is methodical in the way he teaches complexity through simplicity, prior to implementing an exercise into a given routine.
I’ve been very heartened watching this and believe fully that more Coaches need to take an honest look at there programming methods with respect to proper instruction.
Come back tomorrow for ‘Part 2’…
Everything I Learned in 15 Years In the Trenches… Working With More Than 20,000 Young Athletes:
Click Here:
– Brian
Posted on: June 14th, 2011 by IYCA No Comments
Another ‘no-brainer’ reason you need to hear about.
For fun, I call this our “shake the hands and kiss the babies” policy!
In truth, it’s one of the factors that separates the IYCA Summit from every other conference out there.
The Personal Touch.
Our Speakers are contracted, not just to present, but to be available all weekend long in order to answer YOUR questions.
Maybe you’ve always wanted to ask Eric Cressey something about Mobility.
Perhaps Mike Robertson has the key you’ve been looking for with respect to Youth Training (more…)
Posted on: June 9th, 2011 by IYCA No Comments
I’ve spent this week giving you the details and insights on my presentation for the upcoming Perform
Better conferences.
Long-Term Training Models
You’ve read all the important factors…
… Now it’s time to receive the rest of the story (the stuff that will REALLY (more…)
Posted on: June 7th, 2011 by IYCA 3 Comments
Posted on: May 31st, 2011 by IYCA No Comments
How to create effect ‘Balance Drills & Games’ for young people aged 6 – 9… Have a look:
Even MORE Killer Drills & Games for Young People:
Click Here:
Posted on: May 29th, 2011 by IYCA No Comments
The degree to which the concept of ‘periodization’ still intrigues us as Fitness and Sport Training professionals truly surprises me.
While there are many styles, types and methods associated with periodization at large, the most commonly discussed and implemented by Coaches and Trainers worldwide remains the rather outdated ‘Linear Model’:
Aerobic Base (conditioning)
My objection to this type of periodized model (or any type within which ‘Hardcore Performance Gains’ are the intention) is something I’ve both written about and lectured on for nearly 10 years.
Posted on: May 11th, 2011 by IYCA 6 Comments
(2) The Art of Coaching young athletes
Posted on: May 10th, 2011 by IYCA 6 Comments
b) Learning Exploration (10 – 13)
Posted on: April 28th, 2011 by IYCA 11 Comments
‘Sport Specialization‘.
Is it truly detrimental to the long-term success of a young athlete?
If so, how is it possible to spend the number of years necessary to develop the skill in a specific sport if your goal is to play at the next level?
Watch this –
Posted on: April 21st, 2011 by IYCA 10 Comments
The study’s findings are relatively convincing. The elite group tended to devote far less time at earlier ages in sport-specific training.
In other words, while the early sport specialization may have been beneficial to overall performance, the athletes who tended to excel the most had instead focused on multilateral athletic development early in their growth and avoided the high technical skill, intensity, and specificity of unique sport preparation until such foundational skills were well established.
Posted on: April 20th, 2011 by IYCA 4 Comments
The IYCA has championed the notion that the long-term athletic development model, or LTAD, provides the greatest benefit to a developing athlete, in both physical and psychological aspects, over time.
Contrary to ever-popular and growing model of early sport specialization, the LTAD model is intended to optimize performance slowly and equip the young athlete with foundational skills.
Although far from “new,” in light of heavily marketed programs intended to maximize immediate potential sport specific gains, the commonsense simplicity of the LTAD model is starting to gain momentum with some practitioners.
Posted on: April 19th, 2011 by IYCA No Comments
At what age should a young person begin lifting weights or using Kettlebells?
The question I get asked more than any other.
Here’s my brief thought on the matter (taken right from the curriculum found in the IYCA’s Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1 Certification (more…)
Posted on: April 11th, 2011 by IYCA No Comments
Over the past 3 years with the IYCA, I’ve spent a lot of time considering this subject.
Are Kettlebells safe for young athletes?
Are they just a fad that our industry is embracing right now?
Are the reputed performance gains you get from using Kettlebells real?
I considered it all.
And then I asked the 2 people I trust more than anyone else in the world with respect to this topic:
Owners of the incredibly popular, Kettlebell Athletics.
Posted on: March 31st, 2011 by IYCA 1 Comment
… And why your young athletes deserve better:
Click Here for Proof ==>
Posted on: March 30th, 2011 by IYCA 4 Comments
News Release
NAME OF BUSINESS Hosts Summer Speed Program for Local Young Athletes Training System Consider One of the Best in the World
DATE – Young athletes in the NAME YOUR LOCATION area will receive a very special treat this summer.
Posted on: March 22nd, 2011 by IYCA 2 Comments
The only way to get more in the future is to do more wherever you are now.
Promotion in business isn’t an AWARD for the time you put in…
It’s a REWARD for the hustle and indispensability you create.
And the exact same holds true for your life at large.
Promotion in life (better relationships, increased fulfillment, more satisfaction) is EARNED through the daily action of striving to become better.
Posted on: March 13th, 2011 by IYCA No Comments
… But where are the kids?
Watch this:
He Started Here –>
Posted on: March 7th, 2011 by IYCA 11 Comments
OK… Here are the definitions that were emailed to me.
What do you think?
(1) Balance
The ability to remain centered while center of gravity changes within static, dynamic, locomotive and non-locomotive action
(2) Rhythm
The ability to express timing
(3) Movement
The ability or aptitude to be locomotive through varying levels and directions
(4) Strength
The ability to express force
(5) Mobility
The ability to move within free and full ranges
(6) Tactical
The ability to demonstrate strategic or intentional action in order to produce a desired outcomes
Posted on: February 28th, 2011 by IYCA 1 Comment
Ever seen an instructional video that talked you through how to teach a squat to young athletes WITHOUT actually showing you?
This one you have to see…