
Archive for “Discovery Phase” Tag

The #1 Youth Sports Training Question…


youth sports training

Youth Sports Training with Weights

At what age should a young person begin lifting weights or using Kettlebells?


The question I get asked more than any other.


Here’s my brief thought on the matter (taken right from the curriculum found in the IYCA’s Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1 Certification (more…)

Developmental Fitness For Kids And Teens




Fitness For Kids Long Term Success

Remember one of the critical pillars of the IYCA –


Don’t Train…. Teach!!


Here’s a look at our unique Fitness For Kids development system:


Discovery (Ages 6 – 9) – Creating A Champion


The purpose of this phase is to introduce participants to a wide spectrum on non-specific exercise stimulus that aids in the natural development of coordination habits.


Coaches utilize the principle of Outcome-Based Coaching which allows young participants to learn the physical skills of exercise through an experimental and self-discovery based means.

