
Archive for “Fad” Tag

Now Available: IYCA Youth Kettlebell Instructor Course


Over the past 3 years with the IYCA, I’ve spent a lot of time considering this subject.


Are Kettlebells safe for young athletes?


Are they just a fad that our industry is embracing right now?


Are the reputed performance gains you get from using Kettlebells real?


I considered it all.


And then I asked the 2 people I trust more than anyone else in the world with respect to this topic:


Owners of the incredibly popular, Kettlebell Athletics.



Reactive Coaching For Athletic Development?


What is ‘Reactive Coaching’?


Do you coach ‘to the plan’ or ‘above the clipboard’?


This is one of the most incredibly important factors that separate good Coaches from great ones’.


What is Athletic Development?


A fad ‘catch-phrase’ or something we truly need to understand?


Watch this…


… You’re going to be surprised:

