
Archive for “Cones” Tag

Youth Fitness: Summer Camps Success


Use as a template for the Youth Fitness Summer Camps you’re hosting this year:



News Release
For Immediate Release
Contact – YOUR NAME


NAME OF BUSINESS Hosts Summer Speed Program for Local Young Athletes Training System Consider One of the Best in the World


DATE – Young athletes in the NAME YOUR LOCATION area will receive a very special treat this summer.



Youth Fitness Training Tug-Of-War?


Youth Fitness Training Sample program from Dr. Kwame Brown


Skip Tag 10 minutes


  • Cones (and line chalk if you have it) to mark off area
  • Colored pinnies (optional)



  • Split into teams at opposite corners of the area
  • The first group is “it” (pick a color for them)
  • The second group is to be chased (wearing the other color)
  • Instruct the students that they must skip only
  • If anyone is tagged or caught running, they must do 5 lunges to get back in
  • The game round is over when everyone on Team 2 is tagged.  Roles are reversed



  • Call out “freeze” randomly to keep it unpredictable
  • Make sure that you instruct students on proper touching
  • If the students can’t touch lightly, give them something soft like a balled up t-shirt to tag with



  • Agility
  • Teamwork
  • Acceleration



Exercise Programs For Kids and The Art Of Teaching Speed

Exercise Programs For Kids Speed Training

One of my favorite things to teach, both to young athletes as well as
Coaches, is the mechanics of speed.


Deceleration techniques specifically.


And that’s because speed is seldom taught as a skill at all.


Usually, the ‘speed work’ of a training session consists of some hurdles,
cones, sprinting and ‘plyo’ exercises with little attention being paid to
form or function.


Simply put, we don’t often TEACH speed and respect it in the way we


Young athletes can (and should) be taught how to become faster and
more efficient from a movement perspective.


And in order to do that correctly, you must have a progressive system
in place that allows them to learn.


I always teach speed by instructing on the skill of deceleration first –
and I teach that from both a lateral and linear perspective.


Here’s my overview for teaching the skill of lateral deceleration for Exercise Programs For Kids:



Training Teaching And Coaching Young Athletes



Coaching Young Athletes

Do you Teach or Train and deliver great coaching young athletes?


If you are like most coaches and trainers I am familiar with, you likely ‘train’ your athletes as a means to elicit biomotor improvement.


You work on various forms of sprints and jumping in order to develop ‘blazing speed’.


You lift weights or perform bodyweight exercises to increase ‘mammoth strength’.


You set out cones and have your young athletes practice elaborate movement drills as a way of improving their ‘stealth-like agility’.


These types of exercises in themselves are not problematic or bad per say…


But they are only quasi-beneficial and extremely narrow-scoped if you aren’t looking to teach your young athletes the skills they need to perform these drills and set them up to improve on the next level.
