
Archive for “Fulfillment” Tag

Becoming Indispensable to Young Athletes: Part 2

[wpfblike] young athletes


The only way to get more in the future is to do more wherever you are now.


Promotion in business isn’t an AWARD for the time you put in…


It’s a REWARD for the hustle and indispensability you create.


And the exact same holds true for your life at large.


Promotion in life (better relationships, increased fulfillment, more satisfaction) is EARNED through the daily action of striving to become better.



IYCA: Is It Odd?

Is it odd that in 2009, I drove to Iowa to spend two days with IYCA Member
Aaron Larmore, just so I could see his new facility and offer insight on how
it could run most efficiently?


Is it odd that Pat, Nick and myself routinely got on the phone with IYCA
Members from all over the world just to see if we could help with any business
or training related questions they had?


Is it odd that I hosted three ‘Coffee, Tea and Talk’ events – for free – and invited
IYCA Members to join me so I could help them with marketing or training
issues they were having?


To us at Head Office, it’s not odd.


It’s just what the IYCA stands for.

