
Archive for “Performance Gains” Tag

Now Available: IYCA Youth Kettlebell Instructor Course


Over the past 3 years with the IYCA, I’ve spent a lot of time considering this subject.


Are Kettlebells safe for young athletes?


Are they just a fad that our industry is embracing right now?


Are the reputed performance gains you get from using Kettlebells real?


I considered it all.


And then I asked the 2 people I trust more than anyone else in the world with respect to this topic:


Owners of the incredibly popular, Kettlebell Athletics.



The 3 Rules of Youth Fitness: Part 1

[wpfblike]Youth Fitness Rules to follow

When I look around the industry, I find myself becoming more and more discontented with the view.  It seems that there is a never-ending litany of new, innovative and advanced techniques in the field of strength and conditioning that are, in essence, just re-fabricated models and methods that have proved tried and true for literally decades.


This is especially true at the youth level where we tend to walk the fine line of wavering between dummying down adult-based prescription and creating ‘novel’ schemes of building the same results that can, and are developed through the standard basics.


When working with young athletes (aged 6 – 18) I implore you to resist the temptation of thinking too far outside the box and instead concentrate your time and effort on both pondering and answering these 3 specific questions:

  1. Is this Concept vs Cool?
  2. Is it Recipe vs Chef?
  3. What’s the difference between Athletes & Non-Athletes?


Let’s examine ‘Concept vs Cool’ today…



Injury Prevention and Youth Performance Training




Youth Performance Training,/h1>


So here’s where I chime in.


Want the truth from my perspective?


Blunt and to the point as usual….



Injury prevention and youth performance training is the same thing.



When working with young athletes in a well-designed developmental
process, the goal is simply skill acquisition and advancement.


Done correctly, injury prevention and performance gains take care of


Now, this is in stark contrast to much of the industry who pontificate
about specific "6-Week Injury Prevention Programs" or "8-Week Off-Season
Speed Training Programs"


A well-designed developmental system of training involves little more than
teaching skill, progressing the skill and then subsequently applying it
to specific patterns or sports when required.


Biomotor gains (i.e. speed, strength, flexibility increases) occur naturally
as a bi-product of such a system.


So to does injury prevention.


When technique and force application is taught correctly and in a progressive
manner, efficiency of movement, systemic strength and range of motion increases
happen naturally.


When young athletes move better, are stronger head to toe and have full, complete
ranges of motion through joints, they are naturally less likely to incur injury.


It really is just that simple.


But do you know how to construct a fully developmental and progressive
training system?


Do you understand fully what sorts of training stimulus are necessary at certain
ages in order to maximize athletic performance?


Maybe it’s time to look very seriously at my Complete Athlete Development


More than 10,000 young athletes worldwide, Coaches, Trainers and Parents
haven’t been wrong.


Click on the link below to see what I mean –





‘Till next time,

